It makes me wonder... why are they still investing their time into following the game if it "disappointed" them so much?
I mean, just leave and let the people who enjoyed the game continue to enjoy it :/
Let me tell you a funny story.
There is an anime called Sword Art Online or SAO for short. And this particular show has this anti-fan hate group (related videos on youtube still get a lot more likes then dislikes though), but the vocal hate group is very big. And you will find them on every SAO related article and video.
A few weeks ago, a release trailer for the 2017 theatrical film was released and it quickly attracted it's slew of haters. Despite the high thumbs up ratio, the top comments were all bashing the movie which wasn't even out.
So I left a comment...
Watches every SAO related video.
Comments on SAO related topics.
Up to date on everything SAO.
Knows as much as a SAO fan.
SAO haters in a nutshell.
It didn't take long for the haters to start flocking in droves to reply... and the funny thing is, they all said this and that, but none of them tried to deny the truth of my comment. The only reasoning for their actions was...
One needs to be informed and up do date to have an opinion on something.
Hmm mm.
While the statement in itself isn't incorrect... the thing is, no one wants your opinion. Even if you feel the need to express said opinion, all you need to do is write a review, which you can on many sites. But I'll just let another comment explain.
If i don't like a movie, I might watch the first 1 one say it sucks and it wasted my money/time. Why would I then follow the series and waste my time hating it instead of spending my precious time on series i actually like...? The only reason is if I am after something else. I seek attention or i see retribution for not receiving attention, so I try to get attention by hating on the biggest, most popular thing.
Hating on a game is a bit more justified, because you paid for it and tried to justify your investment by playing the game.
But for TV shows like anime, most people just pirate and stream it online, you don't even pay for it. There's just a whole of lot of ironic people.
It's like people calling others weebs on a anime/manga forum.