Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
APZ, a question.

What is your personal opinion on the tweet reactions towards the RPGSite reader's choice awards 2016 winner in the link i posted on the previous page?
I honestly... don't care? We had a few people saying how happy they were it got the readers vote; great. I'm glad. We had a few people say they were disappointed - I said, well, the staff had a different opinion, here's a link. They're all entitled to that opinion, and I like to think we presented a pretty balanced hand in terms of the awards FF15 got from the staff, and I feel the user vote (which was very close - less than 50 votes in it between 1st and 2nd out of over 8000) just added another string to our bow in terms of the breadth of representation there.

I was also happy FF15 won the readers' vote because I'd told people at Square who'd won the staff vote before it was officially posted and they were quite disappointed; they were really happy to see they'd won the readers' thing.

I was also happy that for the second year running the user vote broadly matched ours; it featured the same games in its top six, just in a different order.

The whole thing about the awards is nobody is ever entirely happy; I didn't want SMT4:A to win the overall staff award, but I was outflanked and outvoted (and after nine hours of solid podcast and debate I was tired and declined to put up a stronger fight for Stardew Valley), and I accept that! The whole point is to make the running, to be mentioned at all in any category is a pretty big deal. Good games (like Bravely Second, for instance) were barely mentioned at all. Personal lists would always be different; Dark Souls 3 came nowhere in basically every category and when push comes to shove that's my joint-favourite of the year alongside Blood & Wine.

It wasn't a great year for WRPGs, but I hope we'll see Mass Effect, Horizon and so on place higher in 2017's polls.

@APZonerunner I don't even know why wrote this wall of text honestly. Don't know about your RPGSite general consensus about the game, and its don't even matter for me, i just remember how much hate game has recieved back to august from your staff members. Zack Reese for example, his salty tweets is always funny to read.
I wrote it because I felt insulted, honestly, because it's a misrepresentation of who we are, and because we work bloody hard. Zack (or whoever else) is perfectly entitled to his opinion on his personal account, by the way - I don't think it's 'salty' to be critical or take a shot there, and I've taken plenty, and at games I love. I routinely tear down Capcom on my twitter for the state of Street Fighter 5, but it's my second favourite game of 2016. The two aren't mutually exclusive anyway.

But I reiterate - I don't know how there's been consistent hate on the game since August considing the two glowing (and one lukewarm) previews since August, the 8/10 review, the in-depth 2000 word interview with Tabata, and the one award and three runner-up nods we gave to FF15 in our awards without even counting the Readers' Choice thing.

But generally speaking I'd say:
  1. If you don't know about the consensus and it doesn't matter to you, why are you commenting on it at all? Why is it so 'hilarious' if it doesn't matter?
  2. If you can't have a little respect for the staff of the site that runs/owns this board, you know where the door is, innit.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I've spent asking the niche stuff the fans care about there's never really any appreciation.
For what it's worth you did create the best community and website on which people can discuss FFXV. I'm sure a lot of people on here can vouch for that, myself included.

I've been to a lot of forums and websites so that's a great accomplishment and noteworthy feat imo.

Clashes due to personality differences and personal opinions is normal, with some of them being unintentional, but hopefully it's something we can put aside and move on from so we can all continue to have great discussions.

The work and effort put into this site is greatly appreciated Alex. It's why people keep coming back, participating and commenting.

Just thought a gentle reminder of this would help a little since I have a feeling you feel your efforts are under appreciated.

*butts out of argument*


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Good news. I've heard word that the recording for the Chocobo Moogle Carnival is complete and that they've already started for Gladio's DLC.

That's actually quite fast.

Makes me wonder when it's gonna be released?

Does anyone know how long DLC content usually lasts for? Just in general. Never downloaded and played a DLC episode before.

5-10 hours?


Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
I wrote it because I felt insulted
Sorry didn't mean to do that, i appreciate your work on Mognet forum and your review, don't get me wrong, i really likes this community. I don't want to search for all these twits that bunch of your staff members made, because its gonna be hard, but some of them were really harsh, believe me or not. I Alsi understand that all people entitled to their own opinions, but if i see "@RPGSite" close to twitter nickname, im for sure gonna relate them to actual RPGSite.
And sorry for didn't listen your podcast guys, its really hard for me to comprehend bunch of english voices at the same time.

If you can't have a little respect for the staff of the site that runs/owns this board, you know where the door is, innit.
First of all i didn't even know that Mognet is runs by RPGSite members, i though it was only you. About your work i wrote above.

But no problem, gonna quit posting if i offended someone. Read only is good option.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Good news. I've heard word that the recording for the Chocobo Moogle Carnival is complete and that they've already started for Gladio's DLC.

That's actually quite fast.

Makes me wonder when it's gonna be released?

Does anyone know how long DLC content usually lasts for? Just in general. Never downloaded and played a DLC episode before.

5-10 hours?
The only DLC Ive ever downloaded were for Souls game, and yeah they are usually about 3-5 hours. The Gladio Dlc is being directed by someone who worked on souls games and it will have similar gameplay iirc.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
The only DLC Ive ever downloaded were for Souls game, and yeah they are usually about 3-5 hours. The Gladio Dlc is being directed by someone who worked on souls games and it will have similar gameplay iirc.
3-5 hours eh? Interesting. Let's see what's in store for us.

Do you know if the souls director will be working on the other DLC too? Or only Gladio's one?


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
really hope the dlcs are sizeable, new locations, story and probably gear sounds good.
Interesting that you say this about new locations since I think that will definitely be the case.

Just the other day, I was driving away from Meldacio HQ (towards an easterly direction) and I saw a road towards a blocked tunnel. It appears to lead towards the northern Lucian map, above Vesperpool even.

At the moment that part of the map is blacked out.

It could be that this area is reserved for Gladio's DLC. Taelpar Crag too.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
2 million people lied to.
"This short movie, which can only be described as a nightmare for the struggling Noctis...

This beautiful yet violent motion picture inspired by the world and story of FINAL FANTASY depicts an “omen” for Noctis’ father, King Regis, of a catastrophic future that must be avoided."

gotta read the description


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
"This short movie, which can only be described as a nightmare for the struggling Noctis...

This beautiful yet violent motion picture inspired by the world and story of FINAL FANTASY depicts an “omen” for Noctis’ father, King Regis, of a catastrophic future that must be avoided."

gotta read the description
Alot of people wouldnt read the description. They would just see the trailer and see damn I want this game, only to see what they bought had almost none of the content in the trailer.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Alot of people wouldnt read the description. They would just see the trailer and see damn I want this game, only to see what they bought had almost none of the content in the trailer.
well, that's on them; also giving the dreamy structure of the movie + the cut of the nightmare with regis talking + the description is not hard to assume this is a what if scenario

part of content is in the game, same characters, world, even plot points like
noctis losing his powers and fighting the soldiers alone
or even luna's dialogue.

(to make it clear, i agree that the story bits looked interesting but i don't agree that ppl that watched omen were lied)
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UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 29, 2013
@APZonerunner I don't even know why wrote this wall of text honestly. Don't know about your RPGSite general consensus about the game, and its don't even matter for me, i just remember how much hate game has recieved back to august from your staff members. Zack Reese for example, his salty tweets is always funny to read.
With all due respect, I'm not sure why you're calling me out. I have not expressed any harshness against FFXV especially for winning Reader's Choice, and have actually been wanting to play it.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
FFXV won the best cast and best sidekick award from gameinformer RPG of the year awards.

Best Cast
Final Fantasy XV has some great individual characters, but the way everyone comes together as an ensemble is the heart of this game. The friendship binding the four main characters, along with the implied ties connecting Noctis to Regis and Luna, are more interesting than the actual events of the main narrative. We can’t say much about the villain without spoiling some key moments, but the adversarial build-up also keeps you invested. The relationships in Final Fantasy XV develop slowly but surely, so you may have trouble putting the game down and leaving your friends behind.
Best Sidekick (Ignis)
Since the heroes of Final Fantasy XV work so well together, picking one sidekick as the best is tricky. Is it Gladiolus, who is always there to keep Noctis out of harm’s way? Is it Ignis, who drives Noctis around and makes him delicious food? Or is it Promto who…uh…hm…well, it isn’t Prompto. Ultimately, Ignis earns the title of Best Sidekick through the multifaceted ways he helps the group and the sacrifices he makes to ensure their journey is successful.
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