Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Keyblade Master
Oct 28, 2013
No Man's Sky didn't make the list, eh? Yet Final Fantasy XV did. I bring this up because GameFAQs compares the two on a regular basis. On the basis of them both being gaming disasters because of lies and over-promises from their respective directors. (Although, Tabata never lied about anything pre-launch. The PRO patch however...)

The lagging being of Overwatch also is shocking. I was positive that was an internet phenomenon. In the vein of Undertale even.
Likes: Storm


Forest Owl
May 25, 2016
Surprised, I thought that Overwatch and DS3 would be on even ground with FFXV & Unchated 4.
Overwatch? No way. I love the game and I put over 200 hours in that game, still occasionally playing. But hell no way is it a GOTY game. It's hella glitchy and unbalanced. Not even worth it's $40(PC) price tag. And it even charges you for loot boxes which contains simple color reskins.
It's a game designed for Pro gamers whilst ignoring the general community. The day that Overwatch gets a real GOTY reward is the day that NMS gets one.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
Im suprised thought faqs hated this game, well if you read the xv forums on there you can see alot of negative comments


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
A vocal minority on gamefaqs is louder than the majority in reality. No surprise.

There were even accounts made specifically to bash the game right around the release date on the board.

EDIT: AFAIK during pre-release there was a poll of the day that had FFXV win the majority votes of "2016 games you anticipate the most".
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