Especially its funny how RPGSite really dislike FFXV, and their readers love it. Lol.
If you actually listened to the damn podcast you'd have heard that FF15 only just fell short of the top three for best big screen RPG of the year, but given in how many ways the game felt incomplete several staff didn't think it was top 3 material and it's based on consensus across
nearly ten members of staff. We also gave it runner up in best visual design and it won best soundtrack and spent nearly 20 minutes debating back and forth in the best story category on if how impressive and strong the four guys' were was enough to balance out where the story is bad (we decided no, so it didn't make the top three - but how impressive the guys were was noted). We gave it an 8/10, which is in line with the game's critic average [81] and a point higher than our average score (which is 71).
Like, seriously, where the fuck do you get this from? It's actually mad. Just because we don't want to blinker ourselves to problems and bury our heads in the sand doesn't mean we hate something; being able to objectively take a step back is what being a critic is about. We did
twenty two articles/guide pages on FF15 in the month of December, each over 800 words. None of them trashed it. Not one.
Final Fantasy XV brings back some of what made FF special to begin with - it's bold and brave, throwing caution to the wind to try to make a statement about what big budget Japanese RPGs can be going forwards. It's rough around the edges, but that's okay: where it counts, it's got plenty of heart.
But, yeah. We fuckin' hate it. Alrighty then. They really dislike it!!

Open your damn eyes, god damn. More than anything it's
insulting to the work we do
. This kind of crap is why so many people find the knee-jerk over-defensive sect of the fanbase (who have existed for both 13 and 15) just as insufferably bad as the negative nancies.
It's the sort of shit that honestly makes me want to change so that I spend my time when I get time with people like Tabata and Nomura asking about really mainstream stuff that'll just traffic with non-fans, because no matter how many years I've spent asking the niche stuff the fans care about there's never really any appreciation; just indifference and then crying the moment you dare be critical. I've grown up in the fan community and adore it (why else would I set up this place, a money sink?), but so many people have completely lost their ability to take a step back. I don't know
what happened (other than FF's general slump in popularity) but it never used to be like this. It's this dumb, childish, downright
stupid elementary school of "you're either with us or you're our enemy!!" attitude. It's fuckin' old, and it's enough to drive people away, frankly.
And yeah, I'm actually pissed off about this, because
zero has been done to earn it. Just mental perceived slights. I and the site am not above criticism, and we take a lot of it via twitter and email and adjust accordingly, but I want to be criticized for stuff we've actually
done, not imaginary bullshit.
Some of the staff members liked the game (our mod Alex), just not enough to call it their GOTY.
Or this, yes. Thank you. We liked the game plenty. I would've thought that'd be
abundantly clear from the praise we've broadly speaking heaped on it ever since Duscae apart from criticizing the performance of the awful master disc demo (which was delayed for good reason) and criticizing the general and widely accepted issues with the final game.