I plan on getting into FF XIV this summer with a friend however, before I continued too deeply into another game in the series I felt liked I owed it to the series and myself to go back and finish the games or even play through some of the titles I missed out on.
I've played I, IV, V, VII, VIII, IX, X, X-2, and XII all the way through so now I'm working through VI and I am honestly having fun. I really wish I had more time for it but, I'm on sort of a time table not to mention I missed so many spells and items from the world of Balance it wouldn't mean anything to try and get through all of the World of Ruin side quests. when it wouldn't be a pure 100% run to begin with. Especially, after realizing, much like with FFV, there is an advance version of VI out there already that is much more worth the time playing the game to 100% to experience the extra content in the best possible way.
As we speak I'm power leveling the top characters in the game in the forest outside Jidoor in the WoR and I'll hopefully be done with VI by this evening if not tomorrow.