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May 26, 2014
Yes, despite what I said I am enjoying XII so far. I do know that you can travel off the beaten path quite a bit, even early on. I'm just surprised how much of a threat normal enemies can pose, even in areas where you're "supposed" to be.
Likes: Wazi the pa
May 26, 2014
So I finally, finally, brought myself to finish Bravely Default and, questionable design choices be damned, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I suppose it was the story that really kept me going through the poorly designed second half of the game, and I'm pretty glad the ending was worth it. But yes, interesting story. I saw a lot of the plot twists coming from a mile away, but there were several moments at which I was genuinely surprised, which was nice. Very fun gameplay too, and the devs were able to think of many fun/strategic ways to use the brave/default commands.

I'm very much looking forward to the sequel now, especially after the special teaser thing. But if they pull the same crap they did in chapter 5+ of the first game, I'll drop it right then and there.

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
I've also been playing a good bit of Advanced Warfare. My opinion on the multiplayer probably doesn't/shouldn't mean much being that this is my first CoD and I'm generally a Halo player as far as FPS go. But I think it's solid and I'm really enjoying it. I've put probably 10 hours into the MP I guess (not sure) and I've been having a blast. I've developed an always-on-the-move play style and I'm starting to enjoy how people actually die quickly when you shoot them. I feel like the movements and quick kills make it hard to camp, and I like that. I absolutely love the maps, too. Except for Instinct; I can't see crap on Instinct. I think it's pretty balanced as far as weapons. I use the KF5, which is a weapon you have right off the bat and the attachments come quick, and I have done really well with it in TDM and Kill Confirmed. I have it on XBO and have only had one technical issue so far.

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
I'm actually playing Dragon Age: Inquisition RIGHT NOW! First 6 hours are available to XBO owners with EA Access. Progress carries over to the full game Tuesday! This game is so spectacular...
I'd like to say I'm playing Dragon Age: Inquisition as it looks like a much-needed return to form for BioWare, and the fact it looks like a brilliant big-budget RPG of its own right, but instead much of my gaming time has been devoted to Final Fantasy XIV still.

I recently hit 50 with my Summoner and I've yet to get through Castrum Meridianum and the last place to "complete" the main story. I've not much interesting to say about what I've been doing in the game at the moment. I've yet to hit endgame, so no raids or Manderville stuff for me until I get the last two dungeons done. So far I'm mostly trying to get the highest rank in the Immortal Flames while doing daily beast quests and levelling up my crafting and mining/botany jobs.

My first genuinely unpleasant community experience occurred after a half hour wait of entering the Aurum Vale dungeon. As soon as party members laid eyes on a Summoner, they simply elected to kick me out, because apparently Summoners are no good for large DPS burst damage (which is true) and they wanted not a single bit of potential liability to get in their way of a rapid dungeon run. And we find the problem with some endgame players. It's all about the grind and no longer about having the patience to help and guide someone to their first run of a particular dungeon. No longer about learning and figuring things out. It's all about efficiency and HOW DARE YOU WASTE FIVE MINUTES OF MY TIME?!

I've just played Goat Simulator. What a masterpiece. Easily GOTY 2014.

My biggest gripe with Goat Simulator is how quickly the joke runs out. I certainly giggled my way through around a half hour, but after thoroughly checking out the tiny plot of open land that the game affords you, I had no more incentive to carry on. I suppose it's the sort of game you boot up for a laugh if you just want something mindless to take away a good twenty minutes off your time and I concede that the game does offer that especially if one finds terrible physics funny.

However, there is literally an achievement in the game making fun of the player being a voluntary paying beta tester. I think a line has to be drawn somewhere, particularly as a game alluding to and making fun of something does not exclude it from doing exactly what it is poking fun at. Objectively, the game is technically atrocious. It's not the product of a developer that firmly believes in a product of the highest quality possible, but of a developer that believes it can get away with releasing what is at its core a bad product purely because they know it's a self-aware, humorous Youtube fodder and not something that is meant to be taken seriously.

I enjoyed my time with the game for about half an hour, but by principle, this as a product leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I don't want to see any more of.
May 26, 2014
I finished a couple games recently:

Shadow of the Colossus was great. Very unique and incredibly fun game. It's great how many puzzles and challenges they were able to pack into 16 boss fights using just 2 items and the environment, and it's also strangely satisfying to bring down giants 50 or more times bigger than you. My favorite colossus was the flying one in the desert. I did have a couple minor complaints though:

1. The final colossus was probably the least interesting out of all of them.

2. Sometimes my character just wouldn't get on the horse. I'd be standing right next to it pressing triangle, but instead of getting on I'd be jumping around like a madman.

3. My game froze right in the middle of the fourteenth colossus, which was obviously fairly annoying.

But I'm just being nitpicky. Fantastic game.

I also recently sat down with A Bird Story. Very short and simple game with a touching story. Really it's more animation than it is game. It has less interaction than To the Moon, and I actually enjoyed it more than To the Moon.
May 26, 2014
I just got Pier Solar yesterday. Very excited to try it out soon. I'm surprised I never heard of it before, but apparently it's a popular game?
I'm pretty sure Pier Solar is only super well known because it released on Genesis in 2010. But other than that, I was actually thinking about playing it a while ago but decided not to. Let me know what you think, cause I'm still interested in it!
Jun 7, 2014
I'm currently playing Dishonored. I've always loved steampunk settings so I simply had to finally check it out. You play as a stealthy assassin with magic powers so the gameplay is obviously fun. The levels are relatively open, giving you many ways to approach your missions. Like in most sneaking games you can choose to deal with enemies lethally or not, but it's a bit annoying that every second load screen reminds you that killing people results in darker ending. Industrial city infected with plague is surely an interesting setting, but story and characters are rather forgettable.

I also finished Kingdom Hearts 1 on Proud difficulty and I'm preparing to beat Sephiroth's ass in colosseum.

I hoped I would be able to play KH 2.5 during my Christmas break, but thanks to the amazing services of polish post I'm still waiting for my pre-order.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
  1. Replaying persona 3 FES edition new game in hard mode(God ATLUS knows how to make you tear), probably gonna take 90+to finish it again,(ironically)goodbye social life. Probably play it again in the future on PSP in Maniac mode.
  2. FFV/VI/VII(replaying)/VIII/IX at the same time, i may take some months.
  3. SMTDS/SMTDS2 at the sane time.
  4. The World Ends with You.
  5. League of Legends, 1:30 hs per day.
  6. DMC3 Special Edition (trying to archive 100% compilation with SSS rank)
  7. FFX-2, replaying and trying to get +80% complete.
  8. Dragon Quest VIII
  9. SMITE
I think . . . something is wrong here . . . i should take some breath.
May 26, 2014
XII - Pharos kicked my ass. I somehow made it through, but I used my one and only megalixir, so I hope that doesn't come back to bite me later. I fear that in order to progress any further in the game I'll have to do the one thing I dread most in RPGs: level grind.

Shovel Knight - Playing on 3DS. The default control scheme is hilariously bad. B is confirm? Up on the d-pad + B to use an item? What were the devs thinking? Luckily you can customize everything. I almost wish I got this on PC though. I typically prefer handhelds cause I have a long commute, but this would've played well on keyboard I bet. Oh well, it's not like it's unplayable on 3DS.
Nov 17, 2014
Finally beat Dark Souls 2. It was good, but in the end it was kind of hollow (no pun intended). I enjoyed DS1 much more.
Me too. Just finished it last Wednesday. But including all 3 Lost Crowns. I killed Nashandra last. I also think DS1 is more challenging.
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Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Clearing up the backlog at the moment. Finished Ocarina of Time 3D earlier this month, onto Final Fantasy Tactic, a game I started since 1996 when it released and never finished :D Last time I played, I made it the end of Chapter 4 but got too busy and sidetracked by the sidequests.
Likes: Wazi the pa