@Fleur Aye, you have to be super quick at hitting those inputs in ME1. I also play on PS3 so don't know if it's easier on PC or whatever, but yeah, I quickly noticed that it leaves you no split second for dilly-dallying.
Its legacy as such an old game is evident in the visuals and glitches, and even the dated combat system that has clearly been refined and smoothened in subsequent games and other shooters, but the story always makes those issues forgettable.
The trilogy is still my most played and my favourite time of last gen. I still need to finish up my Renegade FemShep play actually. Got about halfway through ME3 with her.
Its legacy as such an old game is evident in the visuals and glitches, and even the dated combat system that has clearly been refined and smoothened in subsequent games and other shooters, but the story always makes those issues forgettable.
The trilogy is still my most played and my favourite time of last gen. I still need to finish up my Renegade FemShep play actually. Got about halfway through ME3 with her.