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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Theatrhythm FFCC

I pop SSB4 on every week or two for some matches with mates online, and need to get cracking with Battle Princess of Arcadias, but the two 3DS games got most of my time atm.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
UFFSite Veteran
Dec 31, 2014
Since Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 Remix came out last month, I had been playing Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix a lot. I got the Platinum Trophy on it last night, I even beat Level 1 Critical Mode. It was pretty challenging for me, just about every boss took many tries to beat.

I have also been playing Ultimate NES Remix (I got it earlier this month). Getting the three rainbow stars on a lot of the challenges is hard. lol


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 6.

Why did these games have to come out on the same day? It's so hard to choose which one to play, as they are both great.

Cyber Sleuth in particular, though, is absolutely amazing--- it delivered everything it promised and more. Gorgeous graphics and character animations, slick and snappy gameplay, good soundtrack. Only complaint I guess is that a lot of the no-name hacker NPCs are like 2chan stereotypes, which probably reflects reality, but they can be so annoying >_>

Bamco would have to be extremely stubborn (why??) or just plain stupid not to localize this in English. People are begging for it overseas and it sold through more than 80% of its shipment on the first day here with very positive reviews.
May 26, 2014
Bamco would have to be extremely stubborn (why??) or just plain stupid not to localize this in English. People are begging for it overseas and it sold through more than 80% of its shipment on the first day here with very positive reviews
I doubt it will be localized, just because Bamco doesn't seem to know wth they're doing with Digimon. I doubt they think there's a sizable enough fan base for it in the west (which is probably true), though I'm willing to bet 20-somethings who watched Adventure/02/Tamers as kids are probably the largest demographic of Digimon fans in the west (which is pretty sad). That said, even Decode didn't come over, and that was most definitely aimed more at children. If there was one Digimon game in the last 5 years that had a good chance at localization and actually would have been a good idea to localize, it was that one. But nope.


Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
Re Digitize/Decode wasn't made for children though... It was clearly stated to be made for the core Digimon fans who are in their 20s now, and that's why it was received so well.

It's the games that were aimed at the kid audience that didn't do so well because they can't compete with all the other kid multimedia franchise games out there in Japan with better production values. When it stops trying to get the attention of kids who don't even give a shit about Pokemon anymore because of Yokai Watch, it finds a niche. The DS Story games rehashed the same materials (graphics, music, systems, even dungeon maps) over and over and had simplistic plot lines despite the title, and poor gameplay. The first few were localized, but on top of their base shortcomings they also had awful translations.

The shovelware Saban rumble thing that was released last year was pathetic and not what people were asking for. Cyber Sleuth is so good it has been attracting people who aren't fans of Digimon.

I think another problem that led to it falling out of the mainstream is that Digimon franchise put a lot of eggs into the Wonderswan basket. Yeah...
May 26, 2014
Re Digitize/Decode wasn't made for children though... It was clearly stated to be made for the core Digimon fans who are in their 20s now, and that's why it was received so well.
Ah, ok. Didn't remember that but now that you mention it it makes sense. If memory serves it was supposed to hearken back to Digimon World 1, and a lot of the environments looked Adventure-esque I think? That said, I can't help but see Decode as an attempt to get more kids to buy it. Otherwise they would have done the definitive version on Vita cause of Cyber Sleuth. Anyway, it does also make sense that they'd make a game like Cyber Sleuth if redigitize was a hit.

And I guess that it is a good thing that Digimon is still able to find an audience at all, even it has to sell to adults (I mean it's certainly not preferable and it's most definitely not a good thing in the long-term, but eh). If they have to resort to that, so be it.It is what it is. Like you mentioned, it's not like they can go head to head with ¥okai watch.

Edit: Anyway Decode would have been the best option as far as bringing Digimon games back to the west.
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Clan Centurio Member
UFFSite Veteran
Nov 22, 2013
Kanagawa, Japan
From what I understand, these days Digimon does better when it sits next to other monster-catching games like Shin Megami Tensei. It's niche but it's a more dedicated audience for sure, who is more open to the whole multiverse/non-linearity stuff.

Aside from Pokemon and Yokai Watch there are so many other kids' aggressive anime tie-ins like Shonen Jump games, Inazuma and even RPGs (?) featuring train station mascots as characters. It just seems harder to appeal to in general, especially since it seems like behemoth YW is anticipated to fizzle out in a couple years. Kids have shorter attention spans.

So I rather like Digimon where it is now, game-wise anyway. I hope the new anime is at least decent but I don't have high expectations for it.
May 26, 2014
So I rather like Digimon where it is now, game-wise anyway.
Well you and I definitely disagree, but I forgot to mention that even as negative as I am about Digimon's entire situation in both the east and west, I do think Cyber Sleuth looks really cool. The virtual world kind of reminds me of the one from Summer Wars (so I guess it's all come full circle? lol)


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
What a coincidence, I just finished playing these two for the second time. Which one is your favorite?
Hah, I'm back on PS+, so thought I'd take the opportunity to get through the HD Collection. Had done MGS2 on PS2, but this was my first time doing MGS3.

It's been so long since I properly did MGS2, and only just took control of Raiden in my HD run, so don't remember too much, but I have to say I really liked MGS3 a lot. Very emotional. Both are great games, but maybe after I finish MGS2 again I'll see which was better. I guess MGS3 refines things, though, since it came after MGS2.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Not gonna lie, as a huge Pokemon fan I think Black and White 2 is one of the weakest games in the series. I love the rival character though, in case you couldn't tell already, haha.
Yes! I recognized that guy from you avatar, I believe his name is Hugh. You see... I renamed him in my playthrough. ^^;; :p

So far I think BW2 is more fun than BW, plus it has Lucario! XD
May 26, 2014
Yeah, I think most people thought BW2 was better than BW. I just like N's story in BW a lot. Lucario is definitely one of the coolest pokemon though, and one of my favorites. I used one on my main team in BW2!