Let´s replay Final Fantasy: FINAL FANTASY IX

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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
I think many people also only get a certain amount of time to progress their game. They might only be able to play for a couple of hours each day, after work, or after uni, or have to look after kids, or review other games. So it's possible some will decide that for this playthrough, they will only play through the story. Others with more time to play the game can focus on side-quests a lot more. I'm focusing on quests too, and I'm sure others are, so it's not like nobody else is doing them.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
but thats what I have been saying. Its totally cool if people only have a few hours per day. But why would this prevent them from having time for sidequests? Its not like they only have a certain amount of hours to finish the game. Like I said we dont need to complete this in two weeks. They have all the time in the world to do everything they wanna do. I will never tell anybody "You need to finish the game until November 1st." It would be such a shame if people skip a large chunk of the game because they think there is no time for it. There is time. Wether they play 8 hours a day or 2 hours a day. That doesnt make any difference.

To clarify my stance on this: I do not think bad of anybody here who skips the quests and just does the story. yes I am disappointed that so many people here seem to have no interest in the optional stuff (simply because I was looking forward to get into that stuff with them) and I expressed that disappointment, just as I will express my enthusiasm and my excitement and my admiration. And I certainly will tell people about my feelings and what I would LIKE but I will never tell anybody what to do and how to do it (unless of course its about the rules of the project that we all agreed on) but I will also not hide my true feelings and thoughts about anything. Thats just not who I am.

So yeah of course I do accept if people only will play the story and I will never tell them "You cant do that" and strongarm them into anything they dont wanna do. That however doesnt mean that I cant be disappointed by their choices and way of thinking or that I am not allowed to express my feelings about it.

But it also doesnt mean that I think bad of them as persons. I dont harbor any negative feelings towards anyobody here. But I will always be honest about how I feel - even if those emotions are negative. Because everybody should always be free to express their emotions without having to fear backlash for it.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Well, they are after all just opinions like you say. Though it is sort of a strong one because how I play my game really shouldn't impact anyone in any way and most definitely shouldn't cause any feelings to be stirred. Also, feelings can be irrational, so as much as we don't have control of how we feel, we have a choice to be aware of them and choose to act differently toward them, especially if the action or language is towards others.

Anyway, I'll speak for myself on my experiences now adays: by focusing mainly on the storyline and not going on the extra 40-60 hours of sidequests most FF offers, I arguably get the most out of a game without any disruptions: I don't have to go online and check on whether I've already missed anything -I still remember 5 hours into FFXII and realized I've opened up a chest that will prevent me from getting the best spear in the game - now that was shitty. I don't think checking guidebooks/forums/chatrooms should be part of my experience with a game, unless it was actually intended to like in Ni no Kuni with the wizard companion.

Don't get me wrong, I still make an effort to do as much as I can during my first playthrough of any games, that is just not my priority. Main story > side missions. For me, the point of playing game, any game, is for entertainment, as long as I achieve that, no points are missed.

Now, to tie in a little bit with IX so we are not off topic too much. I find my experience with other FF games, especially with the two MMO: XI and XIV and XII actually help me define and enjoy the characters of IX even more. Mostly because in MMOs, your role is very defined. When I was younger and played FF games, even though I know the roles of certain characters, I just do what I feel like doing with them, but now, I enjoy having my black mage Vivi doing what he does best even though his MP isn't that high yet, etc. MMOs made me appreciate the job classes even more.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
but thats what I have been saying. Its totally cool if people only have a few hours per day. But why would this prevent them from having time for sidequests? Its not like they only have a certain amount of hours to finish the game. Like I said we dont need to complete this in two weeks. They have all the time in the world to do everything they wanna do. I will never tell anybody "You need to finish the game until November 1st." It would be such a shame if people skip a large chunk of the game because they think there is no time for it. There is time. Wether they play 8 hours a day or 2 hours a day. That doesnt make any difference.

To clarify my stance on this: I do not think bad of anybody here who skips the quests and just does the story. yes I am disappointed that so many people here seem to have no interest in the optional stuff (simply because I was looking forward to get into that stuff with them) and I expressed that disappointment, just as I will express my enthusiasm and my excitement and my admiration. And I certainly will tell people about my feelings and what I would LIKE but I will never tell anybody what to do and how to do it (unless of course its about the rules of the project that we all agreed on) but I will also not hide my true feelings and thoughts about anything. Thats just not who I am.

So yeah of course I do accept if people only will play the story and I will never tell them "You cant do that" and strongarm them into anything they dont wanna do. That however doesnt mean that I cant be disappointed by their choices and way of thinking or that I am not allowed to express my feelings about it.

But it also doesnt mean that I think bad of them as persons. I dont harbor any negative feelings towards anyobody here. But I will always be honest about how I feel - even if those emotions are negative. Because everybody should always be free to express their emotions without having to fear backlash for it.
Yes, but maybe also they simply only have enough time to play the story.

And besides, how many people have you seen say they are only playing through the story? You say "so many people" but I've only seen buddha and Zack pretty much say they might focus only on story.


UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 29, 2013
I am not telling anybody what to do. But I am very free in expressing what I think about their choices. If I am disappointed then I am disappointed. Well disillusioned would be more like it actually. Its nothing personal. But i aint gonna deny my feelings on the matter just because you might not like them. I am not getting annoyed at people. I am just disappointed in their way of going about it. And dont tell me I am not permitted to be disappointed or express that. Nobody tells me how to feel.
Er, settle down. I've beaten FFIX three times. I went through it all as a kid. Some of us have lives outside of games. Don't be so capricious. lol

Don't really see how the way we play games should affect you. Play it how you want to. I'll play it how I want to.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
well yeah but when buddhafied and Zack both said that it seemed to me the trend was going in that direction. But whatever, anybody who feels he only wants to experience 60 % of the game and skip out on all the sweet stuff can go ahead and do that. I will do it the in depht player way and get all the good stuff that those who dont will miss. I dont want my first FF IX run on my PS3 to be half-way but all the way. At the end of it I wanna look at my party and feel That I put everything into it that I have and be proud for taking it to the max, without any regrets of what I could have done more in this run for my party. I want the ultimate party and I want to show Ozma who is king of the hill and master all the challenges. Just like I did with VIII. if the games had trophies I would want the platinum. Nothing less than that will satisfy me in my honor as a FF fan and dedicated player. Thats just my way when playing a FF for the first time on a console (and therefore making the first save file for that FF on that console). Of course I have beaten FF IX over 20 times in the past. But not on this PS3. This is my first save file of IX for it and I want it to be perfect. The first one always needs to be "pulling no punches and putting everything into it that I got"

So dont blame me if I end up taking longer than you quick-runners.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
Er, settle down. I've beaten FFIX three times. I went through it all as a kid. Some of us have lives outside of games. Don't be so capricious. lol

Don't really see how the way we play games should affect you. Play it how you want to. I'll play it how I want to.
I HATE it if people imply that I dont have a life outside of games just because I am a passionate and dedicated player. Please dont ever do that again, I had to endure such accusations all my life and I am sick of defending myself against such wrongfully accusations and implications. In a previous post I even staed very clearly that real life responsibilities should always have a higher priority then games. games are hobbies. But I am not gonna tolerate it any longer if people accuse me or imply that I "live" in videogames and give it higher priority than my real life. I get REALLY angry about this. Do not EVER mistake my passion, love and dedication as being a sad idiot who confuses games/movies for real life and is too far gone to find the reality switch.

I am DONE battling such accusations. Really , really done.


UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 29, 2013
I HATE it if people imply that I dont have a life outside of games just because I am a passionate and dedicated player. Please dont ever do that again, I had to endure such accusations all my life and I am sick of defending myself against such wrongfully accusations and implications. In a previous post I even staed very clearly that real life responsibilities should always have a higher priority then games. games are hobbies. But I am not gonna tolerate it any longer if people accuse me or imply that I "live" in videogames and give it higher priority than my real life. I get REALLY angry about this. Do not EVER mistake my passion, love and dedication as being a sad idiot who confuses games/movies for real life and is too far gone to find the reality switch.

I am DONE battling such accusations. Really , really done.
Yeah. I'm dropping out of this. I'll just be playing for fun.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
You should apologize instead for making such accusations towards me that I consider personally insulting. Telling people they have no life (or to get one) just because they show passion and dedication to something they love is despicable. I never thought you would be such a bully.


UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 29, 2013
You should apologize instead for making such accusations towards me that I consider personally insulting. Telling people they have no life (or to get one) just because they show passion and dedication to something they love is despicable. I never thought you would be such a bully.
I never insinuated it. I only meant that being upset with someone for not fully exploring an RPG is silly when it should solely be up to the person playing the game.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Simmer down, folks, anyway. People got heated, and really it was ultimately over nothing. Everybody just agree the core points in the main story to reach together; if people want to do sidequests, they can. If somebody wants to pick up Quina in disc 2 instead of 1, that shouldn't be a crime, etc.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Simmer down, folks, anyway. People got heated, and really it was ultimately over nothing. Everybody just agree the core points in the main story to reach together; if people want to do sidequests, they can. If somebody wants to pick up Quina in disc 2 instead of 1, that shouldn't be a crime, etc.


Likes: gaiages


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
I never insinuated it. I only meant that being upset with someone for not fully exploring an RPG is silly when it should solely be up to the person playing the game.
Well I felt incredibly insulted by your remark. And I draw the line at insults. If you didnt insinuate anything then why did you tell me "Some people have a life outside of video games you know" ? That clearly insinuates that I havent (Unlike "some people") and I felt that was incredibly insulting to me. i would never say something like this to anybody here.

Also I already HAD moved on from the subject but you had to go and bring it back up.

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Guys please just cool down a bit. I mean seriously, I just got in here to check if I am the last one that needs to checkpoint and I read this kind of stuff... Please we can do better than that. We all have our lives and try to steal some hours to have fun, and this is why we got all in this. Anyways I really don't want to read such stuff again please! It's really sad... We are all adults and polite here, that's why I signed-in instantly in this forum.

And no... I couldn't manage to check-in yet. As I said yesterday, Mondays are a bit touph days... Tommorow I'll be ready though and inform you.
Currently I'm inside the Ice Cavern, got all chests and helped the poor "bastard" moogle! My party is lvl 7-8 and I'm ready for the Sea Lion. But before that, I really need to call it a day, as it was a crazy one...


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
yeah politeness went kinda out the window and insult and ridicule took its place instead. Welcome to the internet, the place where it always comes around to hostility.

well moving on, the only ones left to check in if I remember correctly are now Leon and nikolasvanitas right?

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Ok guys here I am again...

Geez Zidane you are really a chick hunter! :D - Hot, hot, hot!!! I so love this game!
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This moogle lacks modesty... He has issues seriously! :rolleyes:
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One of the many astonishing views of this game! A true masterpiece! - Esper is one of the names I always loved in this franchise. It fits too.
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Here is your Ore Mu!!! - Steiner destroyed the enemies in his Trance form...
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And here I just checked-in! - Not all moogles get along these days... They have their problems too! :oops:
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Now comes one of the best parts of this game! Lindblum is a great place to explore, to find chests, complete some sidequests, retrieve some Key Items (the moogle suit for example)... I can't remember in detail everything right now so I can't elaborate. But once I get in there I'll be happy to share my playthrough!
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Chocobo Knight
Sep 27, 2013
I have to apologise for posting so late but i had to move to a new city to attend my university and i had to spend 2 days without electricity

Now I am back on track so here are a few screenshots from my playthrough

1)Something is happening at the North Gate and Steiner sees Alexandria's war banner

2)Entering Ice Cavern

3)Facing a new boss and stealing the Mythril Dagger ,it has the usefull Bandit ability

4)Entering the village of Dalli
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