Let´s replay Final Fantasy: FINAL FANTASY IX

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Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
seriously is nobody responding anymore to the actual playthrough ? why is nobody posting about their playthrough anymore and turning this into a mere general discussion thread. i was the only one posting about playing the new segment today and no one bothered to respond to any of it and keeps ignoring me and the purpose of this thread. what is going on here all of a sudden?

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
seriously is nobody responding anymore to the actual playthrough ? why is nobody posting about their playthrough anymore and turning this into a mere general discussion thread. i was the only one posting about playing the new segment today and no one bothered to respond to any of it and keeps ignoring me and the purpose of this thread. what is going on here all of a sudden?
Geez! Cool down... I don't believe that anyone ignores you and we are talking about the story of the game... :confused:
Anyways.. I think most of us did not just progress with the story to share something. I'm still in the 2nd checkpoint and in the afternoon I'll be able to play again. University lessons just started in many countries so there is a program that still needs to be created and get adjusted to it..

Even after dragging this fight out like crazy, I wasnt able to steal the Silver Gloves
It's really touph but not impossible. I always manage to get them..

Also where exactly did Zorn and Thorn go? They just jumped out of their own ship? Shouldnt they like...you know fall to their deaths? which storywriting genius came up with that bit?
I think they dont have problem with heights... Besides they are just cool caricature clowns! :cool:


Chocobo Knight
Sep 27, 2013
seriously is nobody responding anymore to the actual playthrough ? why is nobody posting about their playthrough anymore and turning this into a mere general discussion thread. i was the only one posting about playing the new segment today and no one bothered to respond to any of it and keeps ignoring me and the purpose of this thread. what is going on here all of a sudden?
I am really trying to find some free time to play the game so that I can follow everyone,I am sorry but its hard trying to find time while having university lessons everyday and trying to get used to living in a different city.Also there is the time difference which makes it hard for me to report at the same time as everyone else,
I will probably report later today


Chocobo Knight
Sep 27, 2013
Ok i have finally reached the checkpoint,this part had too many cutcenes and dialogues

1)More Black Mages and Vivi

2)Black Walzt 3

3)Entering the grand city of Lindblum

4)Meeting up with old friends

5)War is brewing in Burmecia

6)The trip to Burmecia begins
Last edited:


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
yeah I cant see them either.

Hm since only Leon and nikolasvanitas have replied in the last 14 hours I assume that everyone else has dropped out of the project? Would have been nice to get at least a heads up. I know Zack wanted to drop out because of that unfortunate argument but why have all the others like Azuardo, Phoenix and buddhafied gone silent too?

I guess that means the project is done for. Thanks a lot.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I think you just need to give people more time and stuff, that's all. It's difficult to find the time to play sometimes - I know I struggle, and I work IN videogames and from home! I dread to think how it'd be doing a 9-5 in an office or store or something.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
yeah I know but until now nobody fell suddenly silent for 14 hours. Compare how the playthrough went in the 2nd segment with how it suddenly goes now in the 3rd. Its like 80 % of all players suddenly dropped out without so much as a warning. players like Azuardo have regularly posted here before. and now suddenly - nothing. But I think I know what this is about. They have a problem with me on a personal level and take that into this project and probably decided that after zack dropped out, it would be a good idea for them to do the same . While I can respect if someone doesnt wanna take part in this anymore, I find it disrespectful to just silently leave without even the slightest warning or heads up. I thought this Community would be better than that. But you cant even do a FF-playthrough with them without them turning some stupid arguments into a reason to take the whole project down. And after all the effort and excitement I put in this, yeah I am pretty damn upset.


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
I also like to add that even when some of them posted, they completely ignored what I had written about the playthrough progress and didnt even write anything anymore about their own. Thats pretty much a giveaway dont you think?


UFFSite Veteran
Sep 28, 2013
Frankly, Omega, your post doesn't even deserve a reply. However, if you must know, I've been preparing for a week for an important presentation at the office today with a rather important customer, as well as attending meetings after work with a professional career organization I'm a member of, and on top of that I've had car issues, so no, checking in here every 14 hours or less has not been on the top of my agenda.

I've been patient through your recent outbursts as I've been enjoying reading the discussions of the other players, both of the playthrough and of FF9 in general. If you intend to continue to derail the conversation every half-day or so by accusing people of not caring enough, or paying enough attention, or not posting the right things at the right times, then yes, I think it's safe to say you will be the only player left and we will all have moved on. I plan on finishing the game, and would like to do it with this group. Some civility on your behalf would go a long way towards encouraging a more active discussion.

That said, I have reached the checkpoint. I let Freya win the festival by killing off Zidane in the Zanghol fight (actually didn't let him kill any of the other monsters either, he must feel quite embarrassed with a score of 0 points). Did all the sidequest stuff in Lindblum, and didn't have any trouble getting the silver gloves myself, must have gotten lucky in that respect. Always loved the moogle suit bit though, so that was quite entertaining as always. Hope everyone knows you can find that guy in the painters workshop after the fangirl appearance for a rather funny scene.

Waiting to go outside


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
It is getting harder to harder not to just drop out because I don't feel that I have to justify why I am not posting things quick enough. I am hesitated to say "because I have more important things on hand at the moment" because I don't want it to be interpreted into meaning something else.

If you want to know, I have been slowly working toward the checkpoint and just finished some CS with Cid and as this is my first play through I have no clue how close I am to the check point but frankly I am enjoying the game a lot.

Aside from that, I'm training for a half marathon this Sunday, a 10km race the next day then a full marathon the following Sunday, while working a regular job plus mentoring others with their training. I feel great and playing the game every night is a great way for me to decompress and have my own time. Like I said before, I rather post quality than quantity. There were no rules in the first post on how frequent we should post are there? Because seriously even my boss or my mom AND my boyfriend wouldn't even ask me to check in with them that frequently.

Let me clarify. I have every intention to play this game "with" this group and I want to continue to do so, but boy if this is what I have to endure to do so, I would rather play the game on my own like how I did with all of my games the last 30+ years.

Likely will check in later tonight with screenshots. Heads up.
Likes: Leon Aether


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
alright if we are all quite finished scolding me I suggest we become all friendly and peaceful with each other again and forget about the rather unpleasant disturbances and see this through like it was intended.

One last thing though: No , its not "required" to check in within a certain amount of hours, however after things had gotten out of control here with some arguments and suddenly those of you who posted regularly before were not posting anymore I became confused as to who was still participating and who might have dropped out without a warning. I would not have been upset about it if until that point everything would have gone perfect and smoothly as its supposed to.

But if I was wrong and except Zack everybody is still very much with us then I apologize for any pressure or false accusations on my part and hope that we can just move on with the game and forget about the former unpleasantries. Again sorry for making you feel pressured. Feel free to take your time, I was simply afraid that the unprecedented silence in this thread all of a sudden meant something worse and unpleasant. Now that I know that you´re still with us, I´ll be more relaxed about it. So lets cease the hostilities please.

I just arrived at Dragons Gate. I had to do the Festival twice since Zidane accidentally killed Zaghnol (I hadnt anticipated that he was so strong) so I did the Festival again, attacked Zaghnol twice with Zidane, then stole Mythril Gloves and Needle Fork with him while I let Freya kill him. Quite the timing too. I finished Zaghnol when there was only 10 seconds left^^

Did everything else in Lindblum already before that and yeah that little bit with the actor escaping in a moogle suit is very funny and a nice little commentary on celebrity hype. Steiner always cracks me up too when he thinks he has been poisoned even though there was nothing in his food lol.

I love how FF IX despite the lighthearted and humorous style also takes on a very dark tone sometimes. For the first time when the burmecian soldier arrives with the news of Alexandrias invasion of Burmecia. In those moments the game becomes suddenly much more mature and dark, dealing with things like the terrors of war, foreign invasions and of course death. Its something we will see again in FF XV from the looks of it. technically this is a very serious subject in this otherwise rather humorous installment and I like how the setting is such a contrast to the where the story is going from here. Alexandria in this instance is basically not any different from the 3rd Reich, the roman empire or the persian empire in their time. Alexandria invading Burmecia always eerily reminds me as a german (who is very aware of our dark history) of the sudden invasion of germany in Poland in 1939, which effectively started World War II. And although the situation isnt entirely the same (Brahne certainly is no Adolf Hitler) it is something very similar. Alexandrias invasion like germanys invasion is only the beginning of a much greater war. Later FF IX even deals with such issues as genocide, which obviously was also a massive issue with what the 3rd Reich did to the jews. I like that despite being a lighthearted and fun fantasy game, Final Fantasy IX actually deals with far darker and terrible issues from real life history as any of the other FFs have really done. But because of the fantasy-design and the humurous tone of the game its not straight in the face and shocking and depressing all the time but presents a very interesting and multi-faceted story that goes much deeper than it would appear at first.

I am generally a fan of such stories with invading armies, kingdoms at war and such. I love Lord of the Rings, game of Thrones, Star wars and all that stuff so when the story of FF IX goes from a simple fairy tale story more into a darker war-story in which the characters get involved while still keeping the fun and relationships between the characters a key element, thats when Final Fantasy IX REALLY takes off in my opinion.

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
I totally agree with the above commentors (@Phoenix and @buddhafied )... As I stated last time, I didn't want to read such kind of stuff again. Please not again... It's obvious that we all have many duties. And that's why we can't play or check in... I'm sorry but if history repeats itself again I'll be very sad and will have to stop too. Please don't take it entirely personally Omega. I just can't tolerate it. Just have more patience with the other players and stick on posting for the project. Let us all not make it another soap-opera... We have enouph of these on tv... And if you please, don't answer on this comment of mine.

Heads up! Okay all! I have retrieved Vivi and I'll get the time later to progress! I know I'm far behind but... 24 hours are not enouph in a day! :(


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Spent way too much time with Tetra Master last night in the city but sounds like I'll be at the Hunting festival soon as everyone in town is mentioning about it. Just thought I'll check in since I said I likely will be at the check point last night, but just short of it (reality is I fell asleep while running in town.) On a side note, I found Locke, sounds like he doesn't want to go on an adventure again! Ha ha


Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Spent way too much time with Tetra Master last night in the city but sounds like I'll be at the Hunting festival soon as everyone in town is mentioning about it. Just thought I'll check in since I said I likely will be at the check point last night, but just short of it (reality is I fell asleep while running in town.) On a side note, I found Locke, sounds like he doesn't want to go on an adventure again! Ha ha
Oh please!!! Take your time! At least you won't all have to wait just for me! :D I so try to play as much as possible. I even play for 10 mins here and there to catch up! These days are really crazy!!!
Likes: buddhafied

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
Okay I'm not in the checkpoint yet, but I'm right before the festival! However I want to spotlight some things so far! :cookie:

Poor Zidane! You really can't resist in "soft" things... :cool: - All for One and One for All!!!
WP_20131010_001.jpg WP_20131010_003.jpg

Astonishing CG! - A very clever way to name three villains!!!
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Blasted by a Vivi Fire!!! Get it you scumbag!! - One of the many caricatures of this game! They make it so special!
WP_20131010_008.jpg WP_20131010_009.jpg

Monkey-tail and Rat-face finally meet again! - And that's where I am at the moment. I'm close now!!! I really am!!! :D
WP_20131010_010.jpg WP_20131010_012.jpg

I think we are waiting for @Azuardo and maybe @Zack too? I don't remember them checking-in...


Sep 28, 2013
Oldenburg, GERMANY
I think Zack has dropped out, not sure about Azuardos status.

back to topic:

yeah that bit with Zidane accidentally touching Daggers "soft spot" is really funny and the whole CG scene with Vivi and BW 3 is awesome as I already noted in a previous post.

have you spend time levelling up Zidane outside of Lindblum for the Festival? I brought him to Lv.14 before I proceeded :)

By the way I think its okay if those who have already reached the checkpoint get Quina at Q´s marsh (if they desire to do so that is) and start the Chocobo Hot and Cold sidequest while the others are on their way to the checkpoint. I think as long as we all enter Gizamalukes Grotto together its okay. Hot and Cold is sidequest stuff anyway (though very very lucrative!)

Leon Aether

Sep 26, 2013
Corfu, Greece
have you spend time levelling up Zidane outside of Lindblum for the Festival? I brought him to Lv.14 before I proceeded :)
By the way I think its okay if those who have already reached the checkpoint get Quina at Q´s marsh (if they desire to do so that is) and start the Chocobo Hot and Cold sidequest while the others are on their way to the checkpoint. I think as long as we all enter Gizamalukes Grotto together its okay. Hot and Cold is sidequest stuff anyway (though very very lucrative!)
Yeah! That's what I'm doing right now! He needs some EXP plus I need to learn Feather Hat's abilities so that I can create a Yellow Scarf. I have only one of this hat at the moment!

Yeah sure! And don't all forget to go to Lindblum Plateau (the area between Pinnacle Rock and Lindblum, accessible from the Business District just below the inn) with Quina to learn all of her goodies! There are Bombs in the forest, Axe Beaks and the Spiders to Eat. All give new spells! Especially the bombs gives you the Mustard Bomb which is such a damn good spell!
Likes: Omegaflare
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