I always used the grey menu in IX too and becuse VIII also has a grey one, I change the VII menu always to grey as well since then^^
Esper is indeed an interesting name for Garnet. In the german version of FF XII and XIII the summons are called Espers. If I remember correctly in FF IX the summoners are called Espers right?
by the way the Trance system is one of the very few things I really dislike in FF IX. I absolutely hate the fact that every single action in Trance mode depletes the Trance gauge and whats even worse is that all of your trance gauge is emptied after a battle , regardless if you used Trance or not. I always hated this.
For example: You spent many battles building up Zidanes trance, then one little low enemy triggers Zidane into trance but is then killed by another character (because the command to attack was already given prior to Zidane entering trance mode). the battle is over, Zidane wasted his trance. especially upsetting if it happens right before a boss.
I really love FF IX but its special attack system is so VASTLY inferior to the Limit Breaks in VII and VIII or the superb Overdrive system in X. But it could have been made so cool if a character would keep his trance energy across battles and the gauge gets only depleted by actual Trance commands. Then this this system would rock but the way Square did it instead is just a mess.
Glad to see everyone has checked in now and is sharing their progress, thoughts and images

Keep it coming.
Alright the next segment is a bit longer and ends right after the Hunting Festival so we´ll have a bit more to talk about throughout and afterwards

Except for stealing from bosses (especially Black Waltz 3 has some great items) I think there is not much that can be missed (Though everyone should of course explore Lindlblum as much as he can, lots to find in all areas^^).
Also this is the first segment where we will be able to visit the Blacksmith (in this case the one in Lindblum) . For those who dont know about the blacksmith:
In some cities you can visit a blacksmith who will be able to create weapons or equipment for you which can not be purchased in normal shops. For every item the blacksmith creates for you he requires specific items that you need in your inventory which you can find or purchase in other shops. the items created by Blacksmith are generally much more valuable and especially when it comes to weapons for physical attackers such as Zidane, visiting the blacksmith regularly should be a must. For instance , when you are in Lindblum you can buy a new powerful weapon for Zidane at the blacksmith if you have two mage mashers (one could be stolen from Baku, the other found in Ice Cavern), which will help him greatly at the Hunting Festival and should be a must-buy.
Now depending on the player it can be a good idea though to learn all of the abilities from a certain weapon or armor first before sacrificing it for forging at the blacksmith. Personally I favor abilities over raw stats so I will always keep a weaker weapon equipped if a character hasnt learned all its abilities yet.
for example although I got the Iron Sword for Steiner very early on, I didnt use it until I had learned Beast Killer by equipping his standard sword. Other players however might favor stats over abilities so it depends on the players style really.