buddhafied: but you really should do all that stuff. Its the whole point of this. Often you seem to say "I am not gonna do this" Why? We are not gonna play FF IX together again for a very long time so this is the moment to do all that stuff together

Part of what makes a Final Fantasy great is all these side-quests and optional stuff. If you just rush through the story you miss quite a lot of what really makes the game what it is. Granted there are some little things I dont bother with myself because they dont just seem worth the effort but the sidequest stuff like Friendly monsters, Ragmouse, auction house, Hotn cold (which is a very long and elaborate sidequest but it rewards you with many of the bestequipment in the entire game - including Zidanes best weapon and many of the most powerful spells), Ozma etc.
of course I cant dictate you what to do and thats not what I am doing , but as I understand it this is the first time you really play the game thoroughly and in full so I wish you would really take the time to take it all in. Nobody is rushing here. we dont have a deadline for when the game needs to be finished. Go ahead and explore and do all the sidequest stuff. Dont miss out on what this game has to offer. Nobody will rush you, there isnt a clock ticking away which leaves you only little time for this and make it stressed.
My original intent for this project was to complete a FF game together - but that never included just story but really all of it. I cant order you to do anything but everytime I read "No I am not gonna do that, I just skip that" I am a bit sad because the purpose of this project (to me) is to experience all of the game together and not just the narrative.
I am going to do about 90 % of the sidequest stuff. Only some things like the coffee sidequest or the jump roping and stuff like that I skip because they dont really seem worth the effort for me. But I am definitely not going to skip friendly monsters (they give loads of AP and I need them to beat Ozma) or Ragtime Mouse (LOTS of Gil)
By the way thanks guys for the tips with Ragtime and Friendly monsters. I didnt know they have a better chance of appearing after a save. Thankfully this time I encountered Friendly Mu fairly quickly.
But I wish you would have posted these tips before we started the segment as I asked of you when I wanted to compile the list of things to look out for, obtain etc. I want to do this in advance not during playing the segment. So please from now on do this before we start the segment when we compile the list for what to look out for.