Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sep 26, 2013
Haha, well after all it's just my mind wandering around for these ideas, I expect honestly it won't be anything like this, hopefully it will be better but we'll just have to see. One thing I hope from my idea is actually in the game is the ability to control the spells in the form of charging similar to Type-0 I guess but more along the lines of how I described it where you just hold the cast for longer to get a bigger spell. This reduces the need to have multiple tiered spells for the sake of more damage with a new name (KH even just overrides the old spells) and makes it feel like you are putting power into the spells over just pressing a button. Quick casts of Fire can be delivered in short bursts providing for great range attack that won't spread but a long cast time charged up could mean big bursts of damage and in an ideal environment spread to the surroundings and cause massive damage.

Of course, we don't know how the resource for magic even works, so again it's something where we have to wait and see, I could think of a thousand ideas and it doesn't matter without all the information.

I always love brainstorming though!
I love brainstorming, too! And looking at your speculation it doesn't seem too far-fetched to me. Every time we've seen fire since the jump to the current generation, it has seemed to take a couple different forms within a single spell. For instance, we saw Noctis draw a quick line of fire across a group of goblins, then shortly after do a focused fire spell on a behemoth of much larger proportions. Each seems to be the "same" fire spell though, in that each had a centralized spark of flame. In the case of the goblins, the spark quickly swiped across their ranks in a short line. In the behemoth's case, it looked like the spark swirled around it, striking it multiple times before the explosion that finishes the monster. If the current magic system is still anything like that, that seems like a great basis for tapping for a small spell and holding to charge a bigger spell.

I mean, I don't think anyone could be 100% correct, but what you're saying here is great and it does fit. If what they end up revealing is as good as that, we're made in the shade.
Likes: LeonBlade


Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
Now looking at the new screenshots again and I think it's actually good.
The only thing what bothers me is the grey HP bar, I like it more in red.
Also each "box" are too distant to each other than the ED UI.
But I have a feeling that they change the UI again, because it looks a bit unfinished.^^
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Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
Do you think we'll get substantial combat info, apart from the magic system? As in, the improvements and innovations that the final game is going to have?

They'll probably keep that for the March event, I guess, although given the screenshots, we MIGHT get a sneak-peek: I really want to see how aerial combat works. And the difference between combat modes, although they might keep that for March as well. Oh, and I think we could get some information about the stealth sections

Really excited about this, for the first time in quite a while: my hype is totally back after a year lel. Hopefully we'll get a glimpse of Niflheim as a city (although given that it's the enemy's country, I'm not so sure about being able to explore it. Not at first, at least). I'd prefer them not spoiling things like how towns and all that look, but I'm sure they're going to show that anyways, so...
Likes: LeonBlade


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
SE is pretty notorious with uploading shitty looking XV screenshots, they did it a whole bunch with the demo too and even at PAX and TGS.

The grass field and desert screenshots here just look like more of that again, I wouldn't worry about whatever bad compression they are using or whatever they did to those screenshots or even the shitty grass LOD and draw distance either, since they did that LOD and less grass stuff before too, and especially since the Magitek on fire and Niflheim base screenshots look pretty good and don't have that bad compression and artifacts/jaggies on it.
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Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
The interview with Tabata at the TpGS has been translated by @Kume856, you can check it out here.

They also provided translations from Tabata on stage at the TpGS on their Twitter live when it was airing, so check them out.
Q: 9 companies are now engaged in FFXV development. Is there any feedback from those cooperating companies?
T: Yes. To be precise, there is(/are) FFXV related project(s), and including that(/those) we work with 9 companies. (.....)
Whatever that means, it surely caught my attention.
Likes: LeonBlade


SOLDIER Second Class
Nov 22, 2013
I'll repost one of the post about FFXV PC that I found on Reddit.

Take this with a grain of salt. Some generic javascript on the FFXV website isn't definitive proof of this. I am a web developer and I reuse stuff all the time and this code could just be there because it was used in the last site they made.

This isn't confirmation that it's coming to Steam. This is confirmation that if it DOES come to Steam the website will display the link properly.
Sep 26, 2013
Consensus of this inspection of the source code seemed to be that it was so similar to the exact format used on the Tomb Raider site that the PC "hint" was probably just a remnant of that. Don't get me wrong, the game is definitely coming to PC and I'd even be delighted with a simultaneous PC release (get those sales, XV!!) but this whole thing looks more and more like a misunderstanding when inspected closely.
Jun 7, 2014
Yup, the site is ready to display the store link if the game comes to steam and one day it surely will. That said, I'd be shocked if the PC port was even announced before the console version is released. I'm even ready for an avatar bet :p


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I'll repost one of the post about FFXV PC that I found on Reddit.

Take this with a grain of salt. Some generic javascript on the FFXV website isn't definitive proof of this. I am a web developer and I reuse stuff all the time and this code could just be there because it was used in the last site they made.

This isn't confirmation that it's coming to Steam. This is confirmation that if it DOES come to Steam the website will display the link properly.
Yeah, I can confirm as a web developer it's easy to just copy and paste stuff like this to get a job done.

Edit: I don't even see that section in the JS anymore? Did they just remove it? It doesn't look like it ever even served a function to begin with, there are no tags on the patch with the class "digital-link" to begin with (I just checked).

So, it doesn't even confirm the website will display the link properly at all, because it looks like it wasn't even supposed to be here to begin with.
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