Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Oct 19, 2013
Well that depends how much they're gonna show off, eh? :chocowalk:

If you ask me what would the March event be like, I keep imagining it'd be something like that one FFXIII event (With Xbox or their own closed event) with very classy and hype-building stuff.

Like these trailers (not exactly, mind you lmao):

Just being all flashy, big news for the game industry and hype building. If there's one thing FFXIII did right, it is the game's marketing.

I like this one better though:

Please another Maxim release party with Akio Ofuji again:



Clan Centurio Member
Jul 25, 2014
Just played the demo did anyone find the battle system hard or is it just me, I know it's only a demo and it isn't complete just wondered if it will be the same when finally completed


Jan 17, 2016
Worcester, UK
Just played the demo did anyone find the battle system hard or is it just me, I know it's only a demo and it isn't complete just wondered if it will be the same when finally completed
I would agree a little bit. It's quite clunky - But, it is just a demo. The actual final version of it is said to have a lot more depth and so on.
Sep 26, 2013
Okay, here is something really interesting to think about with this new image.

Here below is the ATR teaser we got not long ago showing the new UI changes.

In case you can't see, it shows GUARD on L1 and ASSAULT on Square. The button for GUARD is being depicted as two rectangles and the bottom one being highlighted and with an L inside, so this would be L1. The ASSAULT button shows four circles with the left one being highlighted which represents Square. Pretty straight forward and what we expect from the Duscae demo.

Now... take a look at this...

Very hard to see, I know. However, you can just make out GUARD and ASSAULT again, right? Notice that they both seem to have the circles this time, GUARD seems to be on the left, while ASSAULT seems to be on the right. This would imply that GUARD is actually on Square this time, while ASSAULT is on Circle.

Now, we know that Japan uses alternate Cross and Circle buttons for International because of how they view these shapes. So, for the English version it would be ASSAULT is on Cross.

These changes are VERY big for XV, because this means that (at least for whatever gameplay mode this is supposed to be) that there is no Guard stance like in Duscae. How do I know this? Well, think about it. How do you plan on holding the Square button and pressing Circle at the same time for parrying? It does not make sense! L1 is a very relaxed button able to be used with free control of both thumbs. The only way to accomplish this decently is with a claw grip or something similar, which would be very frustrating.

So, what do I think this means? I think that this means that Square might act more like Kingdom Hearts does with the block mode. I still think you will hold down Square to guard perhaps, but parrying hopefully will now be based on your actual collision with incoming attacks deflecting just like in Kingdom Hearts.

You can also see that the weapon windows also look different, which means that from the ATR teaser they have tweaked the UI, so this must be more recent than that.

Honestly, I am very excited to see if my speculation is reality, and if it is I will be extremely excited for XV. The only major problems I had going forward were things like Block/Parry and with the weapon system, ever since the free weapon switching system was announced I was relieved/happy, this might bring me back to how I felt back when Versus XIII was first announced in terms of how happy I was with the battle system.

I believe that this might be one of those combat mode features that was mentioned previously, we will have to see.

It all sounds very exciting, but couldn't this also be the button customization we were promised ages ago? Not that I hope it is; I've been pulling for XV to go more Kingdom Hearts since they changed the battle system and I think a guard that staggers foes would alleviate a ton of battle design problems.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
It all sounds very exciting, but couldn't this also be the button customization we were promised ages ago? Not that I hope it is; I've been pulling for XV to go more Kingdom Hearts since they changed the battle system and I think a guard that staggers foes would alleviate a ton of battle design problems.
Sure, it could be button customization, but how exactly do you expect someone to hold the Square button and press Circle to parry?
Nov 17, 2014
Anyone also noticed the hp meter UI? It also changed. Noctis' hp meter is scaled larger than the party's. Also, at the 2nd screen, the camera is focused on what I think would be Ignis, with Noctis seen in front of him. It's hard to discern whether that might Ignis' hp that's scaled larger. Maybe it's just me being hopeful, but I can't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, they've implemented switching of characters. Thoughts?
Sep 26, 2013
Sure, it could be button customization, but how exactly do you expect someone to hold the Square button and press Circle to parry?
Well there's a pretty long pause between actually guarding and then needing to press the parry button and I don't believe guard needs to be held for the whole duration so I don't see that as much of a problem. Same idea as guarding and then using the counter ability in Kingdom Hearts, which likewise expects a pretty quick press from square to another face button. I'll have to check Duscae quickly to make sure guard doesn't need to be held for the duration of the parry, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Again, I'd like to reiterate that I would vastly prefer your scenario in which sweeping changes were made to the combat system. Heck, it could even be as simple as Noctis having a different method of guarding equipped and that would be just as excellent; we know he can equip shields now after all. I just don't want people to get their hopes too high, so I'd urge caution. I think it's likely that Duscae will be fairly representative of the baseline combat in XV- that is combat without any options beyond attacking.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Anyone also noticed the hp meter UI? It also changed. Noctis' hp meter is scaled larger than the party's. Also, at the 2nd screen, the camera is focused on what I think would be Ignis, with Noctis seen in front of him. It's hard to discern whether that might Ignis' hp that's scaled larger. Maybe it's just me being hopeful, but I can't shake the feeling that maybe, just maybe, they've implemented switching of characters. Thoughts?
Definitely not switching characters, I just think Ignis was closer to the camera.

Well there's a pretty long pause between actually guarding and then needing to press the parry button and I don't believe guard needs to be held for the whole duration so I don't see that as much of a problem. Same idea as guarding and then using the counter ability in Kingdom Hearts, which likewise expects a pretty quick press from square to another face button. I'll have to check Duscae quickly to make sure guard doesn't need to be held for the duration of the parry, but I'm pretty sure that's the case.
Again, I'd like to reiterate that I would vastly prefer your scenario in which sweeping changes were made to the combat system. Heck, it could even be as simple as Noctis having a different method of guarding equipped and that would be just as excellent; we know he can equip shields now after all. I just don't want people to get their hopes too high, so I'd urge caution. I think it's likely that Duscae will be fairly representative of the baseline combat in XV- that is combat without any options beyond attacking.
The difference is you don't have a Guard stance in KH like you do in Duscae, you just have a block button, so you don't need to hold Square down at all.

With this setup, how would you manage to perform a dodge roll? You would have to hold Square and press X for Japanese players which is not so bad, but still pretty bad, for for English and other releases it would be Square and Circle just like Parry is currently for Japanese users.

No matter how you look at it, there's something off about treating the Guard/Block system the same as Duscae and just assuming they moved controls around for whatever reason. That's why I'm under the impression that the Guard/Block system has undergone some changes since its last execution.

While Duscae does serve as a good launching point, I think it was more for the game's systems, not so much the gameplay overall. So far we've got entirely different battle mechanics from Duscae with free weapon switching, the complete rework of the tandem attack system that was presented to us, abilities no longer mapped to Triangle (now it's Warp Strike) and now abilities are seemingly tied to what weapon you have selected (despite what that one person who argued with me denied yes I still remember that lol).

Thank you for challenging this idea, of course I am looking at things in a perspective that better excites me, and I too hope that it becomes a reality. We will have to see in a few days.
Sep 26, 2013
Don't worry guys. I don't think the ATR has been delayed, but even if it had we have a Famitsu feature coming up this week to tide us over. I'm not sure why they aren't just announcing the date, but seeing as this is all material we've already had a brief glimpse of in Jump I can't imagine there's anything to worry about.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
They haven't said so yet.
How convenient. I'm not really stressing over the ATR release date, but why the hell are they being so cryptic about some small time pre-recorded footage...? They wait until the last week to even make mention of it. Then again, so many people keep asking about it and it's kind of ridiculous. I'm waiting for it as well, the difference between those people and me is I don't bug people about it.

Don't worry guys. I don't think the ATR has been delayed, but even if it had we have a Famitsu feature coming up this week to tide us over. I'm not sure why they aren't just announcing the date, but seeing as this is all material we've already had a brief glimpse of in Jump I can't imagine there's anything to worry about.
Looking forward to the Famitsu feature as well.
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