Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Chocobo Knight
Jul 15, 2014
The impression I get is that Squenix did a cost-benefit analysis on LumiPro's projects and decided that it didn't actually make sense to use LumiPro for anything other than AAA development. Not to mention, it's not implausible that Squenix had a particular AAA project in mind that conflicted with what Tabby wanted to make. Remember, Tabby didn't want to make another Final Fantasy game. If Squenix decided to use LumiPro to develop FFXVI for the current gen, he might have decided to pursue his dream project elsewhere.
Or SE decided that LuminousPro team creates FF Versus xv and therefore Tabata resigned :3
Likes: Dorothy95


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Do you know me? Where did you get this idea that I have been in blindly supporting someone I don't know? I based my statement "That kinda feels like Tabata screwed over Square, his employees that had been working on the project, and the fans" on this: . Last time I checked we are allowed to have difference of opinion. Stop taking this so personally.
And it's clear you aren't even doing any basic research and ignored what that is actually saying, because Tabata quitting does not mean that he screwed anyone over, it means SE are the ones who screwed him over and the team and the fans over, but you're the one trying to shift all the blame to Tabata here for a situation that the higher ups at SE caused.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014

The Japanese voice actress of Luna has tweeted this.

We know Episode Ardyn has an animation ment to be released during a Kingsglaive screening.
If this content is CG like Kingsglaive. I would love to have the cancelled content for Luna in CG cinematics for the game (i hope the Ardyn one ends in the game too).
That isn't Luna's VA, that's her mocap actress.
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Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
At the end of the day we just plain don't know what happened with Tabata, Luminous, and Square. No point in arguing over speculation or assumptions either way.
Likes: Vallen


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
yeah thats what i though too, the problem must have been the " next gen thing ", the dlc cancellation are just a causality of that disagreement, its kind of a clear hint to FFXVI, nomura and kitase are on 7r, dq team doing dq stuff, that leave only LP as a candidate

gotta wonder why square doesnt take all their team and make them work on a single big project, instead they have medium sized ( by today standards ) teams trying to tackle big projects, like rockstar do
Well, the rumor for a long time has been that a group was created within FFXIV's Business Division to work on FFXVI, but no one really knows how that's coming along. It's possible that Squenix decided to poach LumiPro to speed up development on that project, of course, or that the reason for the incredibly sudden change in Squenix's plans for LumiPro was because they weren't happy with the FFXVI prototype.

As far as the big team vs. medium sized teams thing is concerned, I suspect that they're responding to an unfortunate reality in videogame development, where most games fail and a small minority of a publisher's games pay for the production of everything. In that context, having more teams making more games is a whole lot safer.

At least it's not a Kojima situation. They seemed to have (officially at least) parted on cordial terms.
Yeah. What happened to Kojima was unconscionable. Whatever happened with Tabata, Squenix was at least willing to give him a platform to say goodbye to fans after he left.

Or SE decided that LuminousPro team creates FF Versus xv and therefore Tabata resigned :3
In other news, Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo have announced a three-way merger, effective immediately. XD

Well, I guess this puts speculation as to whether Tabata mentioned his future plans for appearance to rest. He'd have no reason to make a Tweet like that if he wasn't truly set on making his own company.
Feb 19, 2018
So aside from Square fucking up and all the corporate drama I've been thinking that since we're seeing Regis' old Kingsglaive guard in the trailer for Episode Ardyn you guys think we may see some connection to the KG movie via familiar characters? Nothing too big but at the least maybe we could see Drautos be involved to some degree in the meeting with Verstael after he rescues Ardyn or maybe see him as a supporting role to Regis with hints of his betrayal? Honestly given the situation even something as minor as that is probably a lot to ask for right now but it would be cool to see nonetheless. They're even bringing KG back to theaters for a one night event in japan and are showing the Ardyn prologue before it so since they're lumping Ardyn's animation with the KG animation I'm wondering if that could maybe hint at a connection to the events of KG in Ardyn's episode.

Also it just occurred to me but while wiping the other episodes off the slate is bad news this also means Episode Ardyn gets all their attention now so I'm curious if this'll mean more content within that episode. They've got 5 months to work on this thing and with the city assets and character assets already being there they've already got a good head start. Now that they don't have to worry about the quantity of episodes maybe they can double down on the quality of this one and expand its scope beyond what was originally intended. It's all wishful thinking at this point as Square has completely destroyed the trust of the fans but it's something nice to ponder about in all this.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
So aside from Square fucking up and all the corporate drama I've been thinking that since we're seeing Regis' old Kingsglaive guard in the trailer for Episode Ardyn you guys think we may see some connection to the KG movie via familiar characters? Nothing too big but at the least maybe we could see Drautos be involved to some degree in the meeting with Verstael after he rescues Ardyn or maybe see him as a supporting role to Regis with hints of his betrayal? Honestly given the situation even something as minor as that is probably a lot to ask for right now but it would be cool to see nonetheless. They're even bringing KG back to theaters for a one night event in japan and are showing the Ardyn prologue before it so since they're lumping Ardyn's animation with the KG animation I'm wondering if that could maybe hint at a connection to the events of KG in Ardyn's episode.

Also it just occurred to me but while wiping the other episodes off the slate is bad news this also means Episode Ardyn gets all their attention now so I'm curious if this'll mean more content within that episode. They've got 5 months to work on this thing and with the city assets and character assets already being there they've already got a good head start. Now that they don't have to worry about the quantity of episodes maybe they can double down on the quality of this one and expand its scope beyond what was originally intended. It's all wishful thinking at this point as Square has completely destroyed the trust of the fans but it's something nice to ponder about in all this.
That could be interesting to ponder about, but I'm here looking forward to Ardyn's DLC, and going around pre-destroyed Insomnia with him, and going on rooftops to see sights in it in addition to the story, which is my first main priority in it, and I'm excited of the prospect of a Regis boss fight, it was interesting to see, and the setting of Ardyn's DLC, as I said earlier, was a pleasant surprise, especially being freed from his prison by Verstael, who I wasn't expecting to reappear in it and being the one responsible of releasing him. It's like they mixed things into it; Ardyn's past being told in an animation, exploring pre-destroyed Insomnia in some form, and more screen-time for Regis. But all and all, I'm fine with where it's set, I'm just waiting for more information, and to be honest, I don't mind how long the Ardyn DLC will be, as I want to play as Ardyn, and see his back-story being shown after two or three years in the animation, which I hope get's released on YouTube as well, and the DLC itself, and depending on how it goes, it might be a nice finale for FFXV itself for me, but that's just my opinion.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Even if Drautos was in it he'd be really young, and it'd be years before Ardyn gave him the Glauca armor which according to the timeline only happened 12 years ago. While it's possible we see Glauca armor I wouldn't count on it, unless we're getting more indepth flashback to 2000 years ago and seeing the original Glauca. But I don't see the flashbacks being anything more than a few scenes of Ardyn remembering stuff about Somnus and him getting daemonized, rather than long sections devoted to 2000 years ago.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Even if Drautos was in it he'd be really young, and it'd be years before Ardyn gave him the Glauca armor which according to the timeline only happened 12 years ago.
Actually Drautos could be involved in a sense. According to the Ultimania info, his home town was destroyed 30 years prior to the events of Kingsglaive, and at a guess that's what motivated him to joining Niflheim and act as a spy. It could be that some part of Episode Ardyn touches on this, or supplementary material does.

On the whole, I'm interested in how Episode Ardyn was reconcile itself to all the rest of the lore, and perhaps (now it's the last one to be released) pull some of its disparate parts together.


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
And it's clear you aren't even doing any basic research and ignored what that is actually saying, because Tabata quitting does not mean that he screwed anyone over, it means SE are the ones who screwed him over and the team and the fans over, but you're the one trying to shift all the blame to Tabata here for a situation that the higher ups at SE caused, get your facts straight before trying to talk shit.
Again. If he quit on his own accord how did Square screw him over? Obviously, you must know all the exact details of what transpired, please by all means enlighten us. You can't. You don't work for Square, you're just a rabid fan. Arguing all over the internet.
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Guitar (pseudo)God

Blitzball Champion
Aug 14, 2016
All over
Where did this narrative of "screwing up", "screwing his team", etc. come from? The events, as we know them:

Early 2018:
- SE management approves a 2nd round of FFXV DLC for 2019
- BD2 is reorganized into Luminous Productions, with a focus on next gen. Tabata is appointed as the studio head.

Fast forward a few months:
- SE management decides to change the charter or direction of the studio. Tabata obviously disagrees.
- SE and Tabata try and work out a path forward. But it doesn't work out, so Tabata leaves.
- As a result, SE cancels 3 of the 4 planned FFXV DLC and writes down ~$33M USD. What the charge actually entails, we don't know.

In the tech industry, this chain of events is....very normal. There's no "fault" to be had. And rarely does it have anything to do with competence, performance, or whatever adjective gamers want to attach. (I'd argue that since SE and Tabata tried to work something out it speaks to how highly they regarded him.) It's simply shifting business priorities.

Tabata will be fine. The only leverage he had with SE was his continued employment. He led a team to deliver a highly-regarded (and my favorite) FF game to impressive sales on multiple platforms.

The rest of the team will be fine. These are highly competent professionals. For those who think Tabata was "indispensable," drive past a graveyard sometime. It took a team effort to rescue the project and the FF brand name.

And why are we talking about Nomura? How does he factor into this at all?

TL;DR - It's just business.

Unfortunately, the fans are the ones who are screwed. We're not getting the promised DLC and PC utilities (mod tools, etc.) - very disappointing. But I'll choose to look on the bright side. I got almost 2 years of additional content for my favorite FF game. It's been a fun ride, but it's time to say goodbye to Noctis and friends.
Feb 19, 2018
Even if Drautos was in it he'd be really young, and it'd be years before Ardyn gave him the Glauca armor which according to the timeline only happened 12 years ago. While it's possible we see Glauca armor I wouldn't count on it, unless we're getting more indepth flashback to 2000 years ago and seeing the original Glauca. But I don't see the flashbacks being anything more than a few scenes of Ardyn remembering stuff about Somnus and him getting daemonized, rather than long sections devoted to 2000 years ago.
Hmmm true, wonder if at the least we'll see pre Gilgamesh teen Cor or Gladio's dad. The era they've chosen to base Episode Ardyn in actually does have a lot of potential to show us things we've been wanting for a while now. Just trying to think what would be manageable for them to do in order to make the most out of this last bit of content. We've already got pre invasion Insomnia, Verstael is getting more development from the looks of it so hopefully that means development for the Emperor before he becomes a crystal crack head as he's the last remaining Niff character without any sort of development or real screen time aside from Loqi but who gives a fuck about Loqi, and then there's also younger Regis. 3 things people have been asking for, for a while now. Toss in a few more things and I think Episode Ardyn isn't such a bad place to end the story now.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Hmmm true, wonder if at the least we'll see pre Gilgamesh teen Cor or Gladio's dad. The era they've chosen to base Episode Ardyn in actually does have a lot of potential to show us things we've been wanting for a while now. Just trying to think what would be manageable for them to do in order to make the most out of this last bit of content. We've already got pre invasion Insomnia, Verstael is getting more development from the looks of it so hopefully that means development for the Emperor before he becomes a crystal crack head as he's the last remaining Niff character without any sort of development or real screen time aside from Loqi but who gives a fuck about Loqi, and then there's also younger Regis. 3 things people have been asking for, for a while now. Toss in a few more things and I think Episode Ardyn isn't such a bad place to end the story now.
Someone on Tumblr pointed out that there are a few inconsistencies that suggest that Episode Ardyn's Insomnia section might take place significantly later than Ardyn's discovery by Verstael. Kingsglaive members make an appearance, for instance, but we know for a fact that Regis didn't create the Kingsglaive until fifteen years before the game started. Regis' model also looks almost exactly the way Noct remembers him in childhood flashbacks, which would be odd if we're dealing with a Regis who's supposedly 15 years younger.

And if it is the case that Episode Ardyn features segments that are only 15 years before the game starts, that might even offer the possibility of the Dawn scene finding a home in Episode Ardyn (presumably after Regis consults with the Lucii about what was up with the weird guy with the armiger).


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Someone on Tumblr pointed out that there are a few inconsistencies that suggest that Episode Ardyn's Insomnia section might take place significantly later than Ardyn's discovery by Verstael. Kingsglaive members make an appearance, for instance, but we know for a fact that Regis didn't create the Kingsglaive until fifteen years before the game started. Regis' model also looks almost exactly the way Noct remembers him in childhood flashbacks, which would be odd if we're dealing with a Regis who's supposedly 15 years younger.

And if it is the case that Episode Ardyn features segments that are only 15 years before the game starts, that might even offer the possibility of the Dawn scene finding a home in Episode Ardyn (presumably after Regis consults with the Lucii about what was up with the weird guy with the armiger).
I would be happy if a version of the Dawn trailer made into into the game through by any means, like Ardyn's DLC, but I'm not holding my breath, but it would be great to see it finally get put into the game in any shape or form.
Feb 19, 2018
Someone on Tumblr pointed out that there are a few inconsistencies that suggest that Episode Ardyn's Insomnia section might take place significantly later than Ardyn's discovery by Verstael. Kingsglaive members make an appearance, for instance, but we know for a fact that Regis didn't create the Kingsglaive until fifteen years before the game started. Regis' model also looks almost exactly the way Noct remembers him in childhood flashbacks, which would be odd if we're dealing with a Regis who's supposedly 15 years younger.

And if it is the case that Episode Ardyn features segments that are only 15 years before the game starts, that might even offer the possibility of the Dawn scene finding a home in Episode Ardyn (presumably after Regis consults with the Lucii about what was up with the weird guy with the armiger).
It would be great if the devs were able to find a way to still explore the concepts they wanted to explore in the other episodes through Episode Ardyn. Like I mentioned before, now that they've scrapped the other DLCs they can go all in on Episode Ardyn instead and jam pack it with all of their remaining concepts including older ones and more if they're really up to it. It'll take a bit of tweaking to have them fit snuggly into Episode Ardyn but it's definitely doable imo.

They always said Ardyn could take up an entire game for himself so I wouldn't mind if they charged, say 15 or so dollars for a really meaty Episode that feels like a mini game of it's own. Again, wishful thinking and Square really doesn't deserve that much faith anymore but it's a nice possibility if things go over smoothly with what remains of the upcoming content.

I would be happy if a version of the Dawn trailer made into into the game through by any means, like Ardyn's DLC, but I'm not holding my breath, but it would be great to see it finally get put into the game in any shape or form.
I could see the Dawn trailer scene being the absolute last scene of Episode Ardyn. Both him and Regis maybe learn of learn of the coming prophecy and Ardyn decides that he'll let Regis live so he can raise Noctis until the day Ardyn decides to set his true revenge into motion by stealing everything from the chosen king and as the episode closes out with a grand speech from Ardyn about exacting his vengeance have the game jump a couple years into the future with Regis thinking back on the day he fought Ardyn as he holds his son with the knowledge in mind of what his boy must face in the future.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Someone on Tumblr pointed out that there are a few inconsistencies that suggest that Episode Ardyn's Insomnia section might take place significantly later than Ardyn's discovery by Verstael. Kingsglaive members make an appearance, for instance, but we know for a fact that Regis didn't create the Kingsglaive until fifteen years before the game started. Regis' model also looks almost exactly the way Noct remembers him in childhood flashbacks, which would be odd if we're dealing with a Regis who's supposedly 15 years younger.

And if it is the case that Episode Ardyn features segments that are only 15 years before the game starts, that might even offer the possibility of the Dawn scene finding a home in Episode Ardyn (presumably after Regis consults with the Lucii about what was up with the weird guy with the armiger).
It could be possible that it has portions taking place 30 years ago with Verstael and Ardyn, and some scenes taking place 2000 years ago with Somnus and Ardyn, and portions taking place 15 years ago with Regis and Ardyn.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
If SE higher ups never greenlit the 2019 DLC to begin with then this never would have been cancelled like this, the DLC was greenlit in late 2017 and they started planning it properly in Jan 2018, and Luminous Productions became a thing in April 2018, now only a few months later he leaves on his own to start a new company, and SE higher ups cancel 3/4 of the XV DLC and the SE higher ups reaarange Luminous Productions to work on the 1 new AAA game, but somehow you think SE higher aren't the ones at fault here? Stop being a corporate apologist.
To be fair to the suits, we don't know the circumstances that caused them to reevaluate their plans for LumiPro.

If the offshoot of the FFXIV team that was working on FFXVI was discovered to be struggling with that game after the creation of LumiPro, that could be the sort of crisis that would justify the suits' decision to repurpose LumiPro. The suits apparently tried to work with Tabata to convince him to stick around, but he's made it very clear he didn't want to get moved to another FF project right away (which, given how strenuous XV's development was, is totally understandable). In a situation like that, neither the suits nor Tabata would really be at fault; everyone would just be doing what was in their own best interests under the circumstances.

It could be possible that it has portions taking place 30 years ago with Verstael and Ardyn, and some scenes taking place 2000 years ago with Somnus and Ardyn, and portions taking place 15 years ago with Regis and Ardyn.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. And if that's the case, I'm wondering whether there might be some sort of frame narrative, too.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
To be fair to the suits, we don't know the circumstances that caused them to reevaluate their plans for LumiPro.

If the offshoot of the FFXIV team that was working on FFXVI was discovered to be struggling with that game after the creation of LumiPro, that could be the sort of crisis that would justify the suits' decision to repurpose LumiPro. The suits apparently tried to work with Tabata to convince him to stick around, but he's made it very clear he didn't want to get moved to another FF project right away (which, given how strenuous XV's development was, is totally understandable). In a situation like that, neither the suits nor Tabata would really be at fault; everyone would just be doing what was in their own best interests under the circumstances.

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. And if that's the case, I'm wondering whether there might be some sort of frame narrative, too.
Yeah, and considering the fact that a prologue animation is going to be accompanying Episode: Ardyn, makes me wonder how much we're going to get, I wonder if the prologue animation for it was decided before or after the cancellation of the other three DLCs, but even I'm not really sure.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork