Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Someone on Tumblr pointed out that there are a few inconsistencies that suggest that Episode Ardyn's Insomnia section might take place significantly later than Ardyn's discovery by Verstael. Kingsglaive members make an appearance, for instance, but we know for a fact that Regis didn't create the Kingsglaive until fifteen years before the game started. Regis' model also looks almost exactly the way Noct remembers him in childhood flashbacks, which would be odd if we're dealing with a Regis who's supposedly 15 years younger.

And if it is the case that Episode Ardyn features segments that are only 15 years before the game starts, that might even offer the possibility of the Dawn scene finding a home in Episode Ardyn (presumably after Regis consults with the Lucii about what was up with the weird guy with the armiger).
Omfg PLEASE let this happen. If it sets up the actual story this way or gives insight to what actually is supposed to happen to Noct in the end I'll consider this game complete enough. That dawn scene NEEDS to be in the game.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Hmmm true, wonder if at the least we'll see pre Gilgamesh teen Cor or Gladio's dad. The era they've chosen to base Episode Ardyn in actually does have a lot of potential to show us things we've been wanting for a while now. Just trying to think what would be manageable for them to do in order to make the most out of this last bit of content. We've already got pre invasion Insomnia, Verstael is getting more development from the looks of it so hopefully that means development for the Emperor before he becomes a crystal crack head as he's the last remaining Niff character without any sort of development or real screen time aside from Loqi but who gives a fuck about Loqi, and then there's also younger Regis. 3 things people have been asking for, for a while now. Toss in a few more things and I think Episode Ardyn isn't such a bad place to end the story now.
The Emperor, young Cor, Clarus have no place here, this is Ardyn's story and his beef with the Lucis Caelum line, the last thing this last DLC need is wasting time and exposition about unrelated people to his story.

Verstael involvement is already a wrong foot to start.
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
So I was able to confirm with my one source. He confirmed the DLC was cancelled awhile ago (i'm guessing the beginning of summer hence the lack of updates). He stated that Tabata was well liked and was unlikely to be pushed out.
But are updates also cancelled? Are we gonna receive something? );
Likes: Vallen
Feb 19, 2018
The Emperor, young Cor, Clarus have no place here, this is Ardyn's story and his beef with the Lucis Caelum line, the last thing this last DLC need is doing wasting time and exposition about unrelated people to his story.

Verstael involvement is already a wrong foot to start.
Clarus very much has a place in this as the king's shield and he could easily be given a boss fight and some dialogue with Regis so he at least has SOME character beyond being the random dude Glauca pinned to the wall in KG. The Emperor is also very important to Ardyn's revenge plot as he's the one he'll be manipulating to get the crystal. So seeing pre crystal crazed Emperor Iedolas have even a brief discussion with Ardyn about what his true intentions and motivations are would help him become something more than just a crazy old dude. It would also help us get a sense of just how much Ardyn messed with his mind since he was apparently a pretty benevolent leader before he went insane. Cor doesn't need to have any real focus and he can just be there as a fun surprise for us to fight. We heard about his fiery youth and it wouldn't hurt anyone to have him rush into battle and face Ardyn for a fun fight.

Verstael being involved also makes perfect sense since he's the curious mad scientist playing with forces he shouldn't be. It makes perfect sense for him to be the one to raid Angelgard in the name of science and curiosity since the place is surrounded in so much myth and legend within the world of FFXV. The notion that Episode Ardyn should completely ignore the already criminally under utilized supporting cast in favor of, yet again, just focusing on the royal family drama alone is something I heavily disagree with. The whole problem with this game in the first place is that it's got such a narrow focus on the royal family feud that it doesn't ever allow us to focus on any of the world or characters it set up outside of that whole plot point thus leaving us to do guess work with an incomplete picture.

The previous Episodes started to remedy this by including characters like Ravus, Aranea, and Cor in meaningful ways and hell we even got some character for Calico in Episode Ignis and all it took was a boss fight and some short dialogue with Ravus to learn that he's a pompous career driven military man who wasn't a fan of Ravus. It's not a lot but at least I now have SOME character to associate with the guy other than that one dude I kidnapped once and then later killed in an optional base in the main game. Episode Ardyn can easily continue that trend and then some. Since this is the time period that kicks everything off in the modern day we can see who certain people were before Ardyn got his hands on them and we can get some small sense of character development in these guys when we next see them later in the timeline.

This is the last time we'll ever get any substantial story content in FFXV and I'd rather not squander it on more of the same. Tell us Ardyn's story, yes but also do it without ignoring the larger world around him and Regis like the main game did with Noctis and Ardyn. The bros interact with the larger world more than Noctis does and it's just straight up sad how the main character ultimately feels like a side character in his own story always missing out on key interactions outside of Ardyn (who the other bros interact with as well) or not being there for the cool world/character building shit that goes on in the bros' solo adventures. I really hope Ardyn doesn't fall to that same nonsense.

I don't want cool shit happening around him or implied to be happening around him with Ardyn single mindedly just charging towards Regis' palace only to leave us wondering about what was happening in the larger world and what were other players in the story up to. I wann see these interactions and events play out firsthand. Ardyn being the mastermind behind the fall of two empires and the plunging of the world into permanent darkness is the one person you can't afford to not have interact with other people outside of another Lucis Caelum as much as possible since there needs to be some setup for him eventually using these other people as his pawns.
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Forest Owl
Mar 4, 2018
I would be happy if a version of the Dawn trailer made into into the game through by any means, like Ardyn's DLC, but I'm not holding my breath, but it would be great to see it finally get put into the game in any shape or form.
It would be hard since in the lore of XV Regis is young when Noct was that age. That whole scene where Regis holds Noct and cries would need to change to a younger Regis model :/


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Nyet! It is canceled..
From what I saw, that was never confirmed.

Also, to @Bazztek and @CEOofMGN keep this shit out of here. If you're wondering why Bazztek is allowed here, it's because while he is often harsh with how he speaks with people, he still abides by the rules (usually). There's no reason to ban people for disagreeing with each other. That's why I'm telling you guys to quit the back and forth. Take it to DMs. If you keep it up with this nonsense you'll get temp bans.


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
the brother somnus...don't know if it was necessary. i just doesn't like that his name is same as the song we got since 2006, and the song seems far too important for him T _ T
I’m not a huge fan of the the brother being named after the song too.

It existed long before him, and the lyrics have their own meaning too that don’t relate to his character.

It’s still my favourite track in the series so I’m not keen on the idea of them forcing the brother to tie into the song.
Feb 19, 2018
I’m not a huge fan of the the brother being named after the song too.

It existed long before him, and the lyrics have their own meaning too that don’t relate to his character.

It’s still my favourite track in the series so I’m not keen on the idea of them forcing the brother to tie into the song.
I don't think the brother is necessarily being tied into the song unless they decide to play it while he's on screen as his theme during Episode Ardyn. He already even has his own theme from the Mystic boss fight so it's probably something they just thought would be a fun reference to the song and so far there's really no evidence of it being anything more than that.

It would be hard since in the lore of XV Regis is young when Noct was that age. That whole scene where Regis holds Noct and cries would need to change to a younger Regis model :/
It's really not that hard to recreate the scene with younger Regis and kid Noctis. The models for both already exist and all they need to do is have Regis hold Noctis in the Citadel courtyard in front of the regalia while it's raining and boom, scene recreated. That's probably the simplest and most low effort thing for them to add in honestly.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 7, 2018
Sorry for my bad english in advance guys.

So they tell us the events of Episode Ardyn happens 30 years before the beggining of the game (M.E 756 Kingsglaive Movie, probably game too). So the year we can expect the Episode to begin around M.E. 726 (no excepional event in this year).
But around this time Regis was not a king, he only became king around M.E 729, and he travel the world with his friends around M.E. 725 (same year the war against Nif started again).

We can expect Ardyn to be release from his prison around M.E 723 ( the year Nif started making Magitek soldiers, but we can't know how many years Verstael lose trying to make actual functional Magitek Soldiers with the help of Ardyn, can't remember episode Prompto dates).
Like the tumblr post saided the Kingsglaive were created 15 years before the events of game.

But you see a lot of this dates don't match. We're gonna have another time skip inside the Episode? And this is where crazy theories start. Why Ardyn's waited at least 15 years to make a move against Insomnia (M.E 723 - M.E. 741)? Why King Regis doesn't know how the hell Ardyn is in Kingsglaive movie. Did they make a deal of some sort (so why attack Noctis as a kid, it was implied Marileth was unleashed because of the empire, why attack Tenabrae).
The next paragraphs is just a wild theory of mine xD. A man can hope at least.

I have a theory of my own. One thing i think is very confusing is whole Somnus thing in the trailer, not the character itself but the blur around him and the field of flowers around him, so i don't think is a flashback of anysorts, but a real encounter after the fight against him (we did see Tonitrus in the trailer, so a fight against Somnus can be expected) in somekind or another dimension thing or a ending with him after Noctis destroy Ardyn (we did see this ''time skip'' with episode Ignis, and the director for Ep Ardyn is the same).

So if the whole thing with Somnus happened after the ''True Death'' of Ardyn i really expect they can put the alternative ending inside Ep. Ardyn. I don't remember if there any hints of time travel in the game, or sending the consience of someone to the past (Ignis somehow have a foresight abilitie because of the power of ring, so I can hope Ardyn or even Somnus have some abilitie of this kind). Ardyn finnaly purged of the Starscourge sends him consience into the past to the point where he is free by Verstael. There is a glimpse of Somnus appearing btw in the trailer when Verstael wake him. Because he is weak for staying sealed for so long he needs to work with Nif. He goes to Insomnia, warns the Regis about the events that need to happen and one life still need to be sacrificed (Dawn Trailer btw xD, it is Ardyn speaking to Regis in the trailer, confirmed by the French and German version of the trailer if iam not wrong) and i think the life is no other than Regis. (we did see the image where everyone is fine, except old King Regis, btw i know he can died of old age by that point xD). Boom we get the alternative ending, everyone is fine, except Tabata u,u)


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
From what I saw, that was never confirmed.

Also, to @Bazztek and @CEOofMGN keep this shit out of here. If you're wondering why Bazztek is allowed here, it's because while he is often harsh with how he speaks with people, he still abides by the rules (usually). There's no reason to ban people for disagreeing with each other. That's why I'm telling you guys to quit the back and forth. Take it to DMs. If you keep it up with this nonsense you'll get temp bans.
Maybe they release it with episode ardyn ?


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
Do you expect there will be an update in January and February?

Will the December update be the last update to comrades ?

Or do you expect March will be the latest update?


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
If the billboard inside the game was launched even if they knew the dlc was cancelled, then supposedly we should have something more.
I guess we will only have an update in march. Because the Terra Battle collab didn't add anything else and i guess they would have announced an update for december if they had it.


SOLDIER Second Class
Apr 12, 2016
If the billboard inside the game was launched even if they knew the dlc was cancelled, then supposedly we should have something more.
I guess we will only have an update in march. Because the Terra Battle collab didn't add anything else and i guess they would have announced an update for december if they had it.
do you expect March will be the latest update?