FFXV discussion thread [No Spoilers]

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Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
The leaker who mentioned the story stuff was also wrong on multiple points so what does it matter what else he said? He was only right about the story beats he mentioned.

You are literally clinging to the word of someone you don't even know how they got access to the story info, also just so you know that leak happened during the same time frame as E3 Judges week when press got to play builds of E3 showcase games weeks in advance.

Whoever Stella was in Versus in 2008/9 or 2011 is not the same "Stella" that existed in 2013 when the game was revealed to be XV. Stella in Versus was stated by Nomura to be someone Noctis meets for the first time as an adult, the "Stella" we see in the 2013 XV trailer is a shown as a little girl running alongside kid Noctis showing they know each other as kids, that is a major change in the foundation of what their relationship was stated to be in Versus compared to what we were now being shown in 2013. Whoever the "Stella" in the 2013 trailer was she was Stella only in name, not the same exact character from Versus, and that childhood friendship angle was used as Luna, even the design of "Stella" got slightly modified to be Luna's design, same with the kid "Stella" now used as the kid Luna design.

The actual themes of Versus are bonds, brotherhood, tragedy and those are the exact themes used in XV. They are adding more scenes to Ravus because people were unable to piece things together and need long drawn out cutscenes to explain things to them. Even before XV was out I called what Ravus's motivation would be for doing what he does, and I was completely right, how? Because I payed attention.

And no Tabata did not say nothing was cut out, he said they didn't cut things out of necessity, meaning they did cut things out. We don't know why scenes like the Dawn trailer hugging of Regis and Noctis isn't in the final game, but that falls under an unnecessary cut in my opinion.

@T.O.T I'm not against adding in more things for Ravus or anyone, but to say that you can't understand him or his arc is blatantly intellectually dishonest.
That leaker said the script was under rewrites so it wasn't finalization so of course stuff would change, if the Versus leaker was right then Stella would have been killed then brought back, Noctis wouldn't remember her, and haven't I said this I didn't really care if Stella was replaced with Luna, hell my only qualm with it, is that it happened in the first place and the game itself doesn't give any justification as to why it needed to be this way. The childhood angle could have very well existed in Versus, it just would have had a much darker turn to it. Also it's not just Stella either, the eyes that see the light of expiring souls, Etro, Valhalla all important Versus elements that was shown off we even have an entire cut-scene of it. If Stella's character was changed, but her overall point in the plot was the same then I don't think I would have minded actually, if she turned out to be an interesting character that could have been fleshed out over multiple games then that would have perfect. Hell Luna could have been that way and I wouldn't mind.

You know saying he didn't cut things out of necessity doesn't make him look better you know this right, in fact it makes him look worse, a lot worse, because it shows that he wanted the story to be the way that it is right now.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
So just from whatever little we saw of him in Kingsglaive I got the impression that he is just putting up a front, that he is only acting as the "lapdog" of Niflheim just so he can get access to the ring, he's rising in the ranks by committing to this Niflheim life specifically so he can even get close enough to it, getting access to the ring is what would give him power, the power he wants so that he can protect his sister, because Ravus is also royalty he would have felt he had some claim to it. Mix in things like his disdain for Regis for not doing anything to save their mother, the previous Oracle and you have a perfect cover that he just tells Niflheim and even Luna so that no one suspects his true intentions.

While he is at first against Noctis he comes to accept him by realizing he is truly worthy.
You shouldn't have to watch a separate movie to understand his motivations, this only shows why it should have been a multi-part game instead of a movie, an anime, and a game.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
That was also the same guy that said there would be no alternate costumes other than black outfits and was wrong on multiple other points, he also said that all the bros are fine at the end of the game but we know Noctis dies at the end. Just because he got some of the story beats right does not make everything he said true.
He also said that costumes were the last thing on there mind, and the whole you won't get anything unless it's black, could have been to do with development during his time, also the bros are fine by the end of the game they weren't confirmed to be dead, Ardyn is confirmed to be 2000 years old, and only Noctis dies at the end of the game. Again he said that the script was under going rewrites and what he said might not be the final version of the script.


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
So just from whatever little we saw of him in Kingsglaive I got the impression that he is just putting up a front, that he is only acting as the "lapdog" of Niflheim just so he can get access to the ring, he's rising in the ranks by committing to this Niflheim life specifically so he can even get close enough to it, getting access to the ring is what would give him power, the power he wants so that he can protect his sister, because Ravus is also royalty he would have felt he had some claim to it. Mix in things like his disdain for Regis for not doing anything to save their mother, the previous Oracle and you have a perfect cover that he just tells Niflheim and even Luna so that no one suspects his true intentions.

While he is at first against Noctis he comes to accept him by realizing he is truly worthy.
I see. Thank you.

You shouldn't have to watch a separate movie to understand his motivations, this only shows why it should have been a multi-part game instead of a movie, an anime, and a game.
I recall an interview that had Tabata in it and he had mentioned that developing Kingsglaive as a gaming experience would have added 3 - 4 years of development. Some people would have waited, but a good number of people would have not. Basically, development costs would have become higher with lower chances of the project being successful. Also, take into consideration that we're probably already half way through this game gen.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
That leaker said the script was under rewrites so it wasn't finalization so of course stuff would change, if the Versus leaker was right then Stella would have been killed then brought back, Noctis wouldn't remember her, and haven't I said this I didn't really care if Stella was replaced with Luna, hell my only qualm with it, is that it happened in the first place and the game itself doesn't give any justification as to why it needed to be this way. The childhood angle could have very well existed in Versus, it just would have had a much darker turn to it. Also it's not just Stella either, the eyes that see the light of expiring souls, Etro, Valhalla all important Versus elements that was shown off we even have an entire cut-scene of it. If Stella's character was changed, but her overall point in the plot was the same then I don't think I would have minded actually, if she turned out to be an interesting character that could have been fleshed out over multiple games then that would have perfect. Hell Luna could have been that way and I wouldn't mind.

You know saying he didn't cut things out of necessity doesn't make him look better you know this right, in fact it makes him look worse, a lot worse, because it shows that he wanted the story to be the way that it is right now.
"The leaker" STOP THIS.

Fucking stop. Not everyone who claims to be a leaker from 4chan is the same person. The person talking about supposed Versus story details is not the same person that made the May 2016 leak regarding XVs main story beats.

And no that flat out goes against Nomura's direct statement, during the Versus period Nomura specifically stated in an interview that Noctis and Stella meet for the first time at the peace treaty party, this is when they are already adults, the fact that we see them as kids in the 2013 trailer already contradicts that and means that the story was changed already, not that it can somehow still fit within what he said, it would mean that Nomura lied and then made the change without saying it was changed, which is what he did.

Eyes that see the light of expiring souls, you mean like how Noctis see's
Luna's soul on the train? Like how Noctis see's Regis's soul at the very end of the game? How Noctis see's the souls of the former kings of Lucis? How the Armiger weapons are all possessed by the souls of the former kings?

Etro was nothing more than a death goddess, whatever her role was it was replaced, the Astrals are now the gods in XV. Valhalla was never in Versus, that is a FF13 thing.

Things in the game were cut out anyone can see that, but the story is perfectly understandable the way it is right now.
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Likes: Nova


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
You shouldn't have to watch a separate movie to understand his motivations, this only shows why it should have been a multi-part game instead of a movie, an anime, and a game.
You don't have to. What I just mentioned was what I got just from Kingsglaive, but even from the game from the first encounter with Noctis you could tell they were building him up as someone with a grudge against Noctis pertaining to his role as the chosen king, him not seeing Noctis as worthy, and you are being purposely led to think he is some evil person but you get little hints towards his true nature, such as that one scene at the start of chapter 9 when he's chatting to Ardyn and Ardyn asks him if he's talked to Luna, Ravus takes a long pause and says "...no". From that you should already know something is up and you could tell he was obviously lying to Ardyn.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
That leaker said the script was under rewrites so it wasn't finalization so of course stuff would change
That would make sense if the leaker, like already mentioned, didn't get more than a handful of other things incorrect. There was no reason for the leaker to describe the ending the way he did unless he was fed with fake info from the start.

The leak's ending description completely contradicts what Tabata said in March last year about hoping the ending in the actual game would make players cry.


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
He also said that costumes were the last thing on there mind, and the whole you won't get anything unless it's black, could have been to do with development during his time, also the bros are fine by the end of the game they weren't confirmed to be dead, Ardyn is confirmed to be 2000 years old, and only Noctis dies at the end of the game. Again he said that the script was under going rewrites and what he said might not be the final version of the script.
Except he said that
the bros are fine which includes Noctis, he never said Noctis died, he specifically says the bros are all fine which means he said that Noctis doesn't die.
Again just because he had storybeats for the game right does not mean he was right about everything he said, the
Noctis death
was a CGI cutscene that was being made since 2015,
his death was locked in since then since Nozue stated they were making the ending CGI scene in 2015.
He said that none of the costumes will be anything other than black which is wrong since in the main game itself there is costumes that aren't black.

All this proves is that he got fed the info about the story beats by someone but didn't have the full picture of it, him getting a lot of things wrong also through doubt on everything he said, you can only take the things he said that have been proven to be true from official sources to be legit, and things he said that were proven false from official sources to be proof he had wrong info too.
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Likes: Nova

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
"The leaker" STOP THIS.

Fucking stop. Not everyone who claims to be a leaker from 4chan is the same person. The person talking about supposed Versus story details is not the same person that made the May 2016 leak regarding XVs main story beats.

And no that flat out goes against Nomura's direct statement, during the Versus period Nomura specifically stated in an interview that Noctis and Stella meet for the first time at the peace treaty party, this is when they are already adults, the fact that we see them as kids in the 2013 trailer already contradicts that and means that the story was changed already, not that it can somehow still fit within what he said, it would mean that Nomura lied and then made the change without saying it was changed, which is what he did.

Eyes that see the light of expiring souls, you mean like how Noctis see's Luna's soul on the train? Like how Noctis see's Regis's soul at the very end of the game? How Noctis see's the souls of the former kings of Lucis? How the Armiger weapons are all possessed by the souls of the former kings?

Etro was nothing more than a death goddess, whatever her role was it was replaced, the Astrals are now the gods in XV. Valhalla was never in Versus, that is a FF13 thing.

Things in the game were cut out anyone can see that, but the story is perfectly understandable the way it is right now.
Versus XIII mentioned the gate where souls go to rest.
Astrals weren't meant to be the gods, there were gods in FFXV, the summons were not suppose to be it.
Also yes I'm very aware that the story did change, also I never said that the guy who "leaked" Versus XIII plot was the same person, I'm aware there were some story changes.
"you mean like how Noctis see's Luna's soul on the train?" You mean in the Omen trailer? Which isn't apart of the game?
"Regis's soul at the very end of the game? How Noctis see's the souls of the former kings of Lucis? How the Armiger weapons are all possessed by the souls of the former kings?"
I don't know how that has any relation to Versus XIII but ok, because if I remember correctly it was meant to be a recurring theme throughout the entire trilogy, not one point that was at the end, and one in a completely different thing.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Except he said that the bros are fine which includes Noctis, he never said Noctis died, he specifically says the bros are all fine which means he said that Noctis doesn't die. Again just because he had storybeats for the game right does not mean he was right about everything he said, the Noctis death was a CGI cutscene that was being made since 2015, his death was locked in since then since Nozue stated they were making the ending CGI scene in 2015. He said that none of the costumes will be anything other than black which is wrong since in the main game itself there is costumes that aren't black.

All this proves is that he got fed the info about the story beats by someone but didn't have the full picture of it, him getting a lot of things wrong also through doubt on everything he said, you can only take the things he said that have been proven to be true from official sources to be legit, and things he said that were proven false from official sources to be proof he had wrong info too.
"There's a full script as of nov, its just changing because it's a mess."
So they were still changing it, so course thing wouldn't the same in the final product, but he was right about the dad, regis, and the final boss apart from the monster form which was probably cut from the game, or they just didn't get to work on it
Oh btw Bazztek the guy was on the game in 2015, oh and Ardyn being 2000 years old is confirmed.
Also costumes things change in development, what you just stated there are developmental changes.
Some parts of the Omen trailer are in the FFXV campaign. If I recall right, it takes place during the Lestallum story portion.
You mean after the crown update?


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Astrals weren't meant to be the gods, there were gods in FFXV, the summons were not suppose to be it.
Got a source for that? And no, please don't use the late 2016 4chan leaker as a source. Not counting in rumours.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Versus XIII mentioned the gate where souls go to rest.
Astrals weren't meant to be the gods, there were gods in FFXV, the summons were not suppose to be it.
Also yes I'm very aware that the story did change, also I never said that the guy who "leaked" Versus XIII plot was the same person, I'm aware there were some story changes.
"you mean like how Noctis see's Luna's soul on the train?" You mean in the Omen trailer? Which isn't apart of the game?
"Regis's soul at the very end of the game? How Noctis see's the souls of the former kings of Lucis? How the Armiger weapons are all possessed by the souls of the former kings?"
I don't know how that has any relation to Versus XIII but ok, because if I remember correctly it was meant to be a recurring theme throughout the entire trilogy, not one point that was at the end, and one in a completely different thing.
The gate is mentioned in Versus, Valhalla is not. Stop
Astrals are gods, in Episode Duscae Ignis specifically refers to Ramuh as a god after you summon him, and the artwork in the ending is part of the whole cosmogony stuff which is also in the final game which shows the former kings of Lucis, the Astrals bar Ifrit, Daemons below the chosen king of light with his sword sworn by him.

No I'm not just talking about the Omen trailer, I'm talking about in FFXV itself right after Noctis
gets the Trident of the Oracle from Shiva and Noctis shatters the frozen Ardyn, Ignis and Gladio get up and go to the next cart then Noctis see's Luna's ghost in front of him.
Noctis can see the souls because if you payed attention his eyes go red during that final CGI cutscene, they also go red whenever he summons an Astral which means it's related to a power of the gods.

Recurring theme through a trilogy that was never once stated by anyone on any official position to be a trilogy? Sure thing. Stop fucking clinging to bullshit.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
"There's a full script as of nov, its just changing because it's a mess."
So they were still changing it, so course thing wouldn't the same in the final product, but he was right about the dad, regis, and the final boss apart from the monster form which was probably cut from the game, or they just didn't get to work on it
Oh btw Bazztek the guy was on the game in 2015, oh and Ardyn being 2000 years old is confirmed.
Also costumes things change in development, what you just stated there are developmental changes.

You mean after the crown update?
Or he only heard the story beats from someone else and is just regurgitating them mixed in with his own made up shit, which only proves that he had some story beats right from whatever source told him that, yet he got a lot of other things wrong which indicates he was making shit up just to spread negativity surrounding the game.

Noctis dies at the end of the game, in a CGI cutscene, one that was being made since 2015. This leaker claims that all the bros are fine in the end, which goes against the fact that Noctis dies at the end, which someone in his supposed position should have known. What does Ardyn being 2000 change? No one is denying this, that doesn't in anyway change the fact that he said that the bros were fine in the end despite us knowing that Noctis dies at the end and there being an entire CGI scene dedicated to his death.
And we saw alt costumes with colors mere months after he stated that there wouldn't be anything other than black
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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
In case some of you forgot, this is a non-spoiler thread, I personally don't mind them but this thread is not the place and we have a specific spoiler subforum/tag for a reason, make use of them.
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