No one likes a Debbie Downer. I see a lot of really upset folks, and I guess I can understand that given the circumstances. But the thing is, if SE decides it's not the time to speak up yet, they don't owe anyone anything. The game clearly had very troubled development that was not shortened by a generational leap (one that I quite approve of). The game seeing no news for those periods does not equal Square Enix slapping fans in the face. They have done us no harm. Yes, the game's had a horribly long development time. Why are we getting mad about that? What has it honestly changed? Things likely could have been handled better on many fronts, but that's all this is is a mistake.
They've promised the silence is over, and up to this stage they've kept their promise on the matter. It's been less than a year since the E3 trailers, and I've seen many a game go longer without substantial information. I'll be giving them the benefit of the doubt on this, but that's just me.