Man, I have been avoiding to go online for about a month (exams the past two weeks... and exams the first two of February), but I was hoping incredibly outlandish VS XIII rumours would stop dominating every XV thread. What's with this fan-fic now? Why would you be so gullible as to believe something like that? It's, in no way, happening.
Anyways, I haven't touched the game ever since I finished it more than a month ago. I still think the same about it (for me, without expectations of it being a FF or a Nomura project, it's a 9), but it's true that it dissapoints me how little of an impact persists with me, mainly in regards to a meager story (but this is beating a dead horse already, so yeah).
In two weeks or so I'll probably try the carnival thing. I haven't done a single post-game thing, and I actually left most of the sidequests unfinished during my main game, so I have a meaty playthrough still. I just wish they could make it so we could be able to play as the older guys during the post-game. It's absurd that we can't, considering the "going back to the past" is not canon and they have all the animations necessary ready (as, beyond Noctis' running, they're the same). Oh well!