Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Keyblade Master
Sep 9, 2016
Even in spite of bugs, did the guy like it overall?
He said he was not impressed at all, but want to like the game blah blah. Honestly can't take his opinion serious after he said that game was downgraded hard compared to Platinum Demo, but who knows maybe im just blind and in full denial?


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
He said he was not impressed at all, but want to like the game blah blah. Honestly can't take his opinion serious after he said that game was downgraded hard compared to Platinum Demo, but who knows maybe im just blind and in full denial?
Basically my stance: lolrpgsite

I very, very rarely agree with what they say among other 'problems' with the site.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Did that dude really just say that the graphics look downgraded from the Platinum demo?. That guy needs a thicker pair of glasses.
Take what he says about graphics with a grain of salt. He's obviously not well versed in the field of graphics tech.
People like that tend to get preference mixed with the actually technical stuff being rendered.


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
I'm not sure if this is cause of Youtube or my downloader, but apparently the file that the Dual Shocker's guy uploaded is 8GB and the file I'm downloading from youtube is 1GB...Is the YT compression really that huge?


Clan Centurio Member
Jun 13, 2016
you guys talk about neogaf way too much imo.

Agree completely.

I'm gonna say something, and I hope the staff here will concur.

Posts outlining the consensus on Neogaf and complaining about that Community are unproductive.

If I was interested in that Community I would visit that site. I go to Mognet Central to interact with Mognet Central users.

If you have a problem with the Users on that Board then either address them personally, on said Board, or ignore them. It's unreasonable to have it overflow onto other sites and spoil the experience for others.

Just my two cents.