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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
I waited 14 years for another true DKC game. DKC3 came out in 96.

It's a big reason why I'm happy DKC:TF is happening. Don't have to wait that long again.

It's a fantastic game and one of the best platformers in a long time.

Not a fan of the Tiki Tak Tribe however. Kremlings are better.
Agreed big-time about the Kremlings, but Christ alive! This game is hard. I'm not playing on the new easier mode they added for the 3DS version, but the original Wii mode. I'll be fine for 3 or 4 levels, and then one level will wipe 10+ lives off my life count. It's insanity.

I like it, though. Nintendo needs more hard games.


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
Ahh, the
Agreed big-time about the Kremlings, but Christ alive! This game is hard. I'm not playing on the new easier mode they added for the 3DS version, but the original Wii mode. I'll be fine for 3 or 4 levels, and then one level will wipe 10+ lives off my life count. It's insanity.

I like it, though. Nintendo needs more hard games.
Agreed. I absolutely loved the original series of Donkey Kong Country games for the SNES and Gameboy systems when I was a child. Hell, the compelling and well developed qualities of the original DKC series along with the many SNES RPGs of the mid-90s are probably why I even kept playing video games at all at a time when playing outside most of the time trumped staying inside glued to a TV all day. I absolutely adored Donkey Kong Country Returns and I was really hoping the Kremlings would make their return but technically they were finally stopped by Dixie Kong in DKC3 that is if Retro Studios wants to maintain a contunity to the classics for these new games.

I am totally pumped for Tropical Freeze.

But, anyways,

I am still breeding the ol' Pokemon to make my perfect stall team.
Sep 26, 2013
Agreed big-time about the Kremlings, but Christ alive! This game is hard. I'm not playing on the new easier mode they added for the 3DS version, but the original Wii mode. I'll be fine for 3 or 4 levels, and then one level will wipe 10+ lives off my life count. It's insanity.

I like it, though. Nintendo needs more hard games.
Hehe... I lost a good 40 lives trying to get this one KONG letter in a factory stage where you ride a barrel rocket. It was placed really close to a hard object where if you didn't time it right, you would crash.

K levels were also a challenge, but pretty fun once you figured them out.


Sphere Hunter
Oct 7, 2013
Well I just wrapped The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds and Uncharted 3 within a day of each other.

For the handheld - I think I'm going to try to play a little more of Mario & Luigi: Dream Team before Bravely Default comes out. Either that or Uncharted: Golden Abyss for my Vita.

For the console, I need to decide between Ratch & Clank HD Collection and Resonance of Fate. Very different games. Which should I pick?

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition (PS4). Good lord, what a visual upgrade. This is, quite possibly the best looking next-gen game I've played so far. They did a great job on re-tooling this game.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 26, 2013
Toukiden: The Age of Demons. The demo came out for the Vita, and I've got to say, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. Seems less repetitive than Soul Sacrifice was, and the demo is apparently quite long, AND transfers data to the actual game. I tested out the online function with Death Penalty, and it seems to work just like Monster Hunter/Soul Sacrifice; normal enemies appear in different spots for every player, with only bosses/main targets being targetable by all players.
Likes: Shin Kazama
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse

I am pleased to report, from the first two hours of my playthrough thus far, that this is genuine, good ol' Broken Sword with all the goodness of Paris (in the spring this time), returning minor characters like Sergeant Moue, the familiar point-and-click nature of the gameplay, and a cast of new minor characters with their own quirky, humorous exaggerations. There's a priest who is currently seeing everything as a sign of the coming of the Devil. There's a waiter who would refuse to serve any prospective customer unless they are an Enlightenment idealist and a child of the Revolution. And our new incompetent police inspector this time round takes an interest in disseminating and examining only gore and the bodily fluid of the deceased. Pleasant.

I'm currently playing on iOS, which still offers me the full first episode experience...I think. It lacks the exact preciseness of a mouse, but it gets the job done even if the tutorial that teaches you the touchscreen input methods is a wee bit inaccurate to me.