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Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Delighted to be playing the awesome Danganronpa right now. Must-have for any Vita owner.

I also finished TLOU Left Behind. Excuse me while I go cry about it again. Need to replay this game again at some point.

Picked up Lightning Returns FF13, but Danganronpa has taken up most of my time this week. Put a few hours into LR, but I've not really been progressing the story very much. Definitely getting strong Majora's Mask feels from it. Will form a full opinion once it's done, but while LR has been slow to get going (maybe I've just not been taking the right paths), I loved Majora's Mask in the end, so hopefully LR will end up similarly.


UFFSite Veteran
Oct 7, 2013
Rosebud, SD
Pokemon X...still breedin'...still making my Stall team. I don't even know why at this point. I'm not going to actually battle competitively since my build is more or less for it but I think it might just be to unconciously cross this off my bucket list.

Maio Kart 7. I gots to train back up for Mario Kart 8 this April.

I'm still sluggin' away at DKC Returns 3D.

Christ, I'm going to kill my poor Zelda 3DS.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Thief. Don't like it. Moved on from that right away.

Gone back to, er Tropico 4? I've been on a PC gaming bender lately. I decided to tidy up the scenario missions of Tropico 4 that I never got around to. I love that series; for those unfamiliar, imagine a city-building game like Sim City but on a smaller scale... and instead of mayor of a city, you're a dictator over a small tropical island. A Fidel Castro sort of figure, if you will. As well as building and growing your island, your economy, etc, you also have to balance relations with the US and the USSR at the height of the cold war, maintain a military to stop rebels from overthrowing you... etcetera. Great fun.

I was led to that by Banished, another city-building game, that I reviewed for a UK publication. Banished is very cool but lacking in a lot of senses - it's an indie game, and in some areas you can really feel the lack of budget. After Banished I wanted to play another City-Builder, though, so I returned to Tropico.

I'm about to check out this Last of Us DLC, at last.

Oh, and... South Park: The Stick of Truth. Can't talk about that one just yet...


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Beat TLoU: Left Behind right after it was released. It was ok, but I felt kinda cheated.
Beat CoD: Ghosts and Battlefield 4's campaign, can't decide which one is more mediocre. Though both of them tried yet failed so miserably.
Now I'm playing Persona 4, it has been a refreshing experience so far, though the anime things can get quite on my nerves.
South Park: The Stick of Truth

"Clyde, you have to wait your turn!"

"That's lame."

"No, Clyde, it's like olden times. You have to wait your turn. Like in the Middle Ages, Clyde!"

Someone out there is a genius. The person who first came up with the idea of a South Park RPG is a genius, and that person deserves every ounce of my adulation. As do Matt and Trey, as well as the folks at Obsidian, who have easily consolidated their place among my pantheon of favourite game developers, despite the problems they have had in the past.

I excitedly waited for this game from the very moment I realised that the writers of South Park and Obsidian were coming together to put this product together. I wasn't sure what to expect on a gameplay front, and I was well aware of previous South Park games that just haven't done the TV show licence much justice on the game store shelves. I was excited chiefly for the South Park content as opposed to the gameplay. That's usually how I roll with Obsidian, and I assumed we were in for an interactive episode or season of the show with a character we can create to mingle with the other kids.

The gameplay is surprisingly deep and very involving, even if it isn't laden with countless experimental possibilities. It doesn't have to be though, because aside from the need to time clicks, presses and working out with each new special or enemy attack what to do to lay maximum damage/minimalise damage is just fun while bringing in a bit of much-needed tension to fights, so I'm not just passively cruising along. Its main strength is not the depth, but the enmeshing of the typical South Park outrageous humour you come to expect into your average fight. If I wasn't giggling at what the sequence is when you summon Jesus, I was almost dying when I brought out Mr. Slave.

So far, I have reached what is perhaps the BEST part of the game thus far. I will spoiler tag it just in case:

8-bit Canada!

I first saw the 8-bit world map depicting Canada and I lost it at that moment. I compared my reaction to people online like Pewdiepie, and he seemed utterly bewildered by it. As someone who is actually familiar with old RPGs of yore, the Canada bit of the game is a hilarious love letter to fans such as myself and it parodies the genre exquisitely, from the way the Canadian cities are depicted in the game to walking into someone's house only to find him screwing his girlfriend/wife and being berated for it.

I know someone who has a borderline racist dislike of Quebecois people, so I did snigger at the game's depiction of Quebec as not a town, but a ghastly catacombs cave. I couldn't help but think of that particular person as I went in.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 and then will move on to The Witch and the Hundred Knight.

Also whipped the old Wii out, and been having some Mario Kart sessions with a bunch of guys from Cubed3. Got to squeeze the last out of it before the online servers go off in May!

Shin Kazama

Sphere Hunter
UFFSite Veteran
Oct 30, 2013
I played Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes and FFX HD pretty much all day yesterday. I finished the main mission in Ground Zeroes in just about 3 1/2 hours, but that was playing very stealthily and kinda sorta searching for XOF patches and just playing around with the game mechanics in general. But I went right back to it after putting a few hours into FFX. Overall I'm happy with my GZ purchases (I got it for both PS4 and Xbone) and I think it'll keep me entertained for a quite a while since I usually try to do everything in Metal Gear games, being that it's my favorite videogame franchise.

Revisiting FFX has been a delightful blast from the past. Story-wise, it's my favorite FF title. The game holds up really well and I've fallen in love with the soundtrack all over again. I plan on putting another big chunk of time into it later today. Here's to hoping for more art book packed games from Square in the future; I really dig those. On a side note: Seeing how well X came out in HD makes me very hopeful for a XII remaster.

I've also been playing Titanfall. Save for the framerate drops and screen tearing, I find it a very enjoyable experience despite the fact that I feel like I suck at it. The only FP shooters I've ever been good at (and I don't play many) are Halo and GoldenEye.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
Normal ending, sorry. I discovered the true ending after I finished the game, but I watched Persona 4: The Animation afterwards (Imagine the quality of the game that I had to watch the animated series, even though I don't watch anime) and it kinda showed the true ending. Man, saying goodbye is hard, never wanted it to end.
Game of the forever

This is probably one of the worst games I have ever played. And it's glorious. Goat Simulator should be there at the end of the year amongst other terrible games in a pantheon of hellish shame for terrible games of 2014. And yet so far after some short bursts of play - which is probably the advisable way to play this game - it's probably my favourite terrible game thus far.

This is essentially a joke game. The developers flat out admit that this is deliberately a terrible game. Technical performance is almost nonexistent sometimes, and this can't be very surprising when the developers listed non-game crashing bugs as a feature of Goat Simulator, as well as a respawn feature. If at any point you are forced to use it, the game "rewards" you with a message saying that you're a voluntary Q&A tester. The developers flat out admit that the product they are selling is godawful, and at the same time the line is obfuscated more than ever. If we are meant to be entertained by the awful technical performance of this game, can we hate it for that very reason, that it is so bug-ridden and smells of no quality control?

Good questions. But I can't answer them at the moment. I'm just enchanted by the short-term bursts of fun, mindless insanity this game has to offer. I'm a goat, but this isn't a "simulator" as much as it is a game about a goat with a tongue that can stretch for a mile, defying every law of physics while proving to be almost as dangerous as a loose Gamera prowling around. It's a type of time-waster game that has nothing profound to offer except for some brainless entertainment whenever someone is bored. It's plain insane and I love it...at least until I bore with it at some point. The map area isn't exactly big and it doesn't exactly feel alive with plasticine people - some of whom sit in indoor areas doing nothing as you destroy their property around them.

So yeah, Goat Simulator. It's a shit game. But it's oh so entertainment at least until the inevitable ceiling point when it ceases to entertain you any longer. But the first 15 minutes have been some of the most glorious moments I have ever had in a video game.