The Witcher (1st one) for PC.
I picked this up from the last Steam sale for a tempting 75% off the usual price, but up until today, I've only managed to play it for an hour. I've one of those occasional WRPG itches that need scratching, so I decided to boot it up again.
So far, combat is...basic. I have three different fighting styles, and combat is a hack-and-slash-like affair, with a slight rhythmic/timing mechanic to it if I wish to sustain a combo. It isn't exactly anything particularly laudable, although the magical abilities certainly pack some weight to it. I blew back a Ghoul in an abandoned house at the dead of night, and rubble just started falling down around us, before Geralt dealt a heavy stab to the creature's groins as it's on the floor being pummelled by rubble.
I do like the world so far. It's not going to be the open-world of the third game, and nor is it like Xenoblade's individual, large open maps, but for a game from 2007, I'm very content with the scope and size of the first actual area of the game - the Vizima Outskirts - with the various settlements dotted around, and enough NPCs wandering around to make it feel alive. Kind of weird that I can easily stroll into people's homes and loot like in a JRPG. I was picturing being attacked for doing it, or be dealt with a nasty penalty. You don't see Elder Scrolls or Fable letting you do that!
Story is nothing remarkable so far. It's not exactly engaging, and Geralt has that JRPG cliche of amnesia, and there's nothing particularly interesting or outstanding about how Geralt is portrayed thus far. Triss is just already in love with him. In fact, within the first forty minutes, Geralt sleeps with her, DESPITE the fact that everyone else is waiting for them to come down and attend the funeral of one of the minor characters who was offed in the first half hour of the game.
It's being played on my laptop, meaning that on mid-settings, it's running at about 20 frames per second. Not terribly ideal, but workable. It turns into a slideshow when I'm not charging the machine, which is annoying, to say. Even in mid-settings, it looks fantastic, ignoring the horrific textures that inevitably do show, namely in cutscenes. Below-par with what I picture a console version to look like in some areas, but pretty good in most places. I haven't noticed a significant performance increase in low settings though.
I'd love to play The Witcher 2, but there's no PS3 version of the game, and my machine is not going to manage it in anything more than 15fps.