I knew he was trolling on multiple boards for years, but this is some next level shit. He could become a case study on multiple personality diorder.
That happening would’ve been a path leading towards multiple personality disorder. So having a costume for G-Zay allowed me to physically differentiate the two people.
I think the thing is, we ALL knew he was 1Truth for quite a bit now, but we all decided to just let him play stupid and continue to do what he likes to do (ie: letting him think he is fooling us) as long as he's not offending anyone. Some part of us wish that this time around might change, some part of us also know that eventually he can't contain who he is.
OK, I said I was going to disappear for a while, but I think I will stick around a bit longer. Mods don't seem to want to put out the fire, either, so I'm just going to stand my ground.
LOL WHAT? Based on what? You 100% confirmed it's you Galv. The amount of backpedaling you are doing is undeniable to this. Please explain to me how I'm a closet pedophile based on what I've posted here? Please take your medication, or at least take off your hoodie.
Nowhere did I 100% confirm I was an alt of 1Truth2Lies. You're just going off your own speculation and dislike for that poster. I'd say over half of my 70+ posts here have been restating that I'm not him over and over and over. If I said I'm not him once, that should have been the end of it, and the discussion stayed on the Final Fantasy topic at hand. But, no, instead you want to draw this thing out into a lengthy soap opera. I have no doubt in my mind you're the main reason he left this place. You're what he meant when he said, "I didn't want to be around haters." It seems that anybody that is interested in speculating about Ito or FFXVI is attacked by you, just because they're not also posting about FFXV. I say you're a closet pedo based on your avatar and you seeming to hate 1Truth2Lies, which are characteristics of duckroll, his other high profile hater. That's my own unproven speculation about you, just as you believe I'm his alt.
How do you commend someone for trolling about CHILD PORN of all things? That's how you handle the situation? He was trolling so no way he's into it? Holy shit, you are DEFENDING someone who was trolling about CHILD PORN.
It's not about what he was trolling about. Read his whole article. It's about why he was trolling and the reaction he wanted to get out of people by doing it. The more extreme the subject matter, the bigger reaction. The actual subject of the trolling was just a tool used to get that reaction. Even then, none of that even matters, as he already said the character doing the trolling was a farce. Even the person he was posting as here was a farce, as it was that same character.
If anything, the fact you seem so deeply invested in a character that was fake speaks more of him. He successfully trolled you, and still is, even though he's long since left this place. That fact you're still barking on about his actions here like he was a real person is a testament of this.
As I said to you before, within a single week, I went from not knowing Ito was still at Square Enix and being pessimistic about the series' future (FFXV doesn't look that interesting), to believing Ito is secretly making FFXVI. Within a week, I went from that to that, and I have 1Truth2Lies' FFXVI thread to thank for it. Forgive me for therefore having renewed interest in FFXVI the series' future. FFIX by Ito is my fave FF.
I think he just represents how the internet has degenerated people's social skills. If it wasn't so easy to be somebody else online, he'd not have so easily pulled it off and been able to create a false alter ego. For example, if you went up to the same person in real life and said you were somebody completely different to who you actually are, they'd see right through your lies and not believe you, as they can physically see you're the same person. However, on the internet, that just doesn't happen. It's too easy to willingly create false identities for yourself. Therefore, your claim of Multiple Personality Disorder doesn't apply in this context. There needs to be another label for the condition, as I can 100% guarantee that 1Truth2Lies is not the only person to ever pretend to be somebody they're not when online.
I agree with you on the case study part, though. I would love to read a report on the technique he used and the mindset he had when creating and using that alter ego. At the moment, as a psychology student, I'm writing a report on actors and how they change their mindsets when going in character for a role, but this subject of internet alter egos seems slightly more interesting. The added layer of the whole "one exists online, while one exists offline" is an intriguing concept to me and proves the internet is degenerating social skills. If many other people also do this when online, the internet could be disrupting the natural evolution of the human psychosis and taking it down an usual path.
Before the internet, only an actor (or a scam artist, etc) would willingly pretend they're somebody they're not. However, with the internet, anybody can do it and it's even easier to pull off with everybody falling victim to it. As a result, when people react to you like you're a different person, that's only going to lead that person's into thinking the character they're "playing" is real online. I doubt honestly doubt 1Truth2Lies is the only person to do this given the nature of the internet. The whole subject of making alter egos online has existed since the internet first boomed in the 90's. It would definitely make an interesting case study on how the internet is affecting the human psychology.
I'm a psychology student. This subject interests me.
Who are you to judge, though? That technique worked out for him. If doing that prevented his internet alter ego from spilling over into the real world then that's a good thing. Considering how fucked up he describes his internet alter ego as, I'm glad he managed to contain him within the realms of cyberspace. Better that then end up in prison or a mental hospital.
OK, I said I was going to disappear for a while, but I think I will stick around a bit longer. Mods don't seem to want to put out the fire, either, so I'm just going to stand my ground.
Unfortunate for you, I will not be making any more responses to this thread. I've already derailed it enough, and do not wish to further fuel this. If anyone would like to talk with me about this subject, please feel free to Private Message me on the forums with your concerns.
I think the thing is, we ALL knew he was 1Truth for quite a bit now, but we all decided to just let him play stupid and continue to do what he likes to do (ie: letting him think he is fooling us) as long as he's not offending anyone. Some part of us wish that this time around might change, some part of us also know that eventually he can't contain who he is.
I think this is the main reason I will leave. If everybody is so certain I'm 1Truth2Lies, even when I say I'm not, I really need to stop posting. The reason being, anything I say will be taken as if 1Truth2Lies is the one that said it, and I really don't want to put words in his mouth and make people on Mognet Central's opinion on him different from what it was when he originally left.
I'm at the point where, if I was a complete douchebag, I could lie and say, "I'm 1Truth2Lies!" After doing so, I could then go on a complete tirade and hurl vicious insults at everybody on this board. The aftermath wouldn't affect me, as everybody would think 1Truth2Lies is the one that said it. I really don't want to do that, and instead, I'll got even further in the opposite direction and just stop posting. There's one thing that I've realised in my time here: even though 1Truth2Lies has left this forum, he's definitely left his mark on this place. You people simply cannot stop talking about him.
Unfortunate for you, I will not be making any more responses to this thread. I've already derailed it enough, and do not wish to further fuel this. If anyone would like to talk with me about this subject, please feel free to Private Message me on the forums with your concerns.
Hahaha. You admit you're the one that caused the thread to go in this negative direction, even posting a link to that article where 1Truth2Lies explains how he's never the real him when online. After doing all that, you're just going to back out? Sorry, but I'm still convinced you're a closet pedophile. Had you not made my thread go in this negative direction with your constant alt accusations, I'd probably think otherwise.
Many people make mark on this planet by doing awful things to others, I can name a few but I would not compare someone I've never met to someone else I've never met that way, we don't stop talking about those awful individuals because we need to remind ourselves those that can harm us can exist. Don't mistake someone being mentioned as a good sign, most of the time it's bad.
Regardless, I'll end here, but if you're leaving here, I do wish you well. Afterall, we're all just passing time/by in this forum. You have still contributed in many ways, so thank you.
He was being a douchebag to me, so I gave him a taste of his own medicine. Before calling him a pdeo, I never went out of my way to insult him. However, between his neverending accusations of me being an alt and even turning this thread into his grudge against 1Truth2Lies, I had to put my foot down and say enough was enough.
Many people make mark on this planet by doing awful things to others, I can name a few but I would not compare someone I've never met to someone else I've never met that way, we don't stop talking about those awful individuals because we need to remind ourselves those that can harm us can exist. Don't mistake someone being mentioned as a good sign, most of the time it's bad.
Regardless, I'll end here, but if you're leaving here, I do wish you well. Afterall, we're all just passing time/by in this forum. You have still contributed in many ways, so thank you.
I sincerely thank you for allowing my time here end on a positive note. It's unfortunate my time here went in this direction, but I really don't think it would be right for me to keep posting when people believe I' somebody I'm not. It would be a huge disrespect to the actual person people think I am, and I really don't want to put words in their mouth, whether good or bad. I will probably come back and post again around E3, as there will be more concrete gaming news to to talk about then. The lack of news right now justs leads people to easily stray off-topic and talk about trivial things that have no relation to FF.
Lastly, I thank all sers here for their time, even people that accused me of being an alt. This place really educated me and I especially thank the user the first brought up 1Truth2Lies and directed me to this FFXVI thread. Without reading that, I'd still be pessimistic about the FF series' future, but by reading that FFXVI is likely already in development with Ito directing, I've had new life breathed into my fandom. I'll be leaving this place a much more optimistic FF fan than I was when I came in. I thank everybody here for that.
I actually came here to participate in the thread though, and disregarding the somewhat pigeonholing poll options I'm going to say Tetsuya Nomura. His removal from XV was a vicious blow to me and in my opinion most of what remains interesting about XV is a result of his time with the project. I want to see a fully realized Final Fantasy project that is his and his alone.
Hahaha. You admit you're the one that caused the thread to go in this negative direction, even posting a link to that article where 1Truth2Lies explains how he's never the real him when online. After doing all that, you're just going to back out? Sorry, but I'm still convinced you're a closet pedophile. Had you not made my thread go in this negative direction with your constant alt accusations, I'd probably think otherwise.
Seriously WHAT THE FUCK is this logic? You're sure that someone is a pedo because he was not nice enough to you on the internet? Accusing someone of being a pedophile based on a chibi avatar is on a completely different level than accusing someone of being someone's alt based on similarities in their posts (even You admitted that your style is similar to 1Truth's).
Maybe LeonBlade was impolite, but it's still you who went completely overboard.
I think he just represents how the internet has degenerated people's social skills. If it wasn't so easy to be somebody else online, he'd not have so easily pulled it off and been able to create a false alter ego. For example, if you went up to the same person in real life and said you were somebody completely different to who you actually are, they'd see right through your lies and not believe you, as they can physically see you're the same person. However, on the internet, that just doesn't happen. It's too easy to willingly create false identities for yourself. Therefore, your claim of Multiple Personality Disorder doesn't apply in this context. There needs to be another label for the condition, as I can 100% guarantee that 1Truth2Lies is not the only person to ever pretend to be somebody they're not when online.
People in their everyday lives take on different roles depending on the social environment they are in. Acting differently at work, home, bar or on the internet is a normal thing. But when you start treating these roles as separate people and your internet identity is refering to you in third person, it's a strong enough basis to suspect a personality disorder.
Now, BrokenHeart, you have contact with 1Truth, so I wanted to ask you to convince him that he should see a mental health professional. Just to get a diagnosis. Even if he doesn't have any disorder, there's still no harm in this, because at least he'll make sure he's okay. And if he is mentally ill, getting treatment will drastically improve his life. I am sure that as a psychology student you know how important it is to get professionally diagnosed because self-diagnosis is usually extremely biased.
As I said to you before, within a single week, I went from not knowing Ito was still at Square Enix and being pessimistic about the series' future (FFXV doesn't look that interesting), to believing Ito is secretly making FFXVI. Within a week, I went from that to that, and I have 1Truth2Lies' FFXVI thread to thank for it. Forgive me for therefore having renewed interest in FFXVI the series' future. FFIX by Ito is my fave FF.
Lastly, I thank all sers here for their time, even people that accused me of being an alt. This place really educated me and I especially thank the user the first brought up 1Truth2Lies and directed me to this FFXVI thread. Without reading that, I'd still be pessimistic about the FF series' future, but by reading that FFXVI is likely already in development with Ito directing, I've had new life breathed into my fandom. I'll be leaving this place a much more optimistic FF fan than I was when I came in. I thank everybody here for that.
Lastly, I thank all sers here for their time, even people that accused me of being an alt. This place really educated me and I especially thank the user the first brought up 1Truth2Lies and directed me to this FFXVI thread. Without reading that, I'd still be pessimistic about the FF series' future, but by reading that FFXVI is likely already in development with Ito directing, I've had new life breathed into my fandom. I'll be leaving this place a much more optimistic FF fan than I was when I came in. I thank everybody here for that.
Hey, enough of this, guys. Enough of this BS talk, this thread is about who is to direct FF16, not about fans with an inflated sense of self importance because they vehemently believe or disbelieve a theory. I'm looking into alt/dual account suggestions. No way of hiding this is foolproof.
@BrokenHeart, the 'paedo' suggestion is out of order and unacceptable. Consider yourself warned, we won't stand for that kind of talk again.
On topic, Revising my opinion a bit: I don't think 16 is Ito any more, btw.
I already said this a few times on GAF, but:
I have this feeling FFXVI will be Eidos-developed and based on Agni's Philosophy which was a collaboration between SE and Crystal Dynamics (Eidos).
First this very random Agni image a few months ago by Final Fantasy XV art director Yusuke Naora, who had nothing to do with the Agni's Philosophy tech demo:
And also Sony-insider Verendus responded strangely to my theory and I'm not sure what to make of it (maybe it has been in development and was cancelled now?):
Originally Posted by Koozek
Also see this post of mine:
Who knows, maybe a western-developed FF!?
Yep I wouldn't be suprised if the next FF is based on Agni's Philosophy. But please don't quote this Verendus guy, sorry for my language but this guy is full of shit. His track record is atrocious and even a blind hen sometimes finds a grain of corn.
If Agni's Philosophy ends up being FFXIV I wouldn't mind it at all. I really liked that teaser/technical demo.
Btw, am I the only one who would love to see a new, 16 bit numbered FF? That would be neat... imo.