The great Final Fantasy XVI Staff Debate: Who do you want?

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Who do you want to direct Final Fantasy XVI?

  • Yoshinori Kitase (FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII)

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • Hiroyuki Ito (FFVI, FFIX, FFXII, FFXII IZJS)

    Votes: 24 77.4%
  • Motomu Toriyama (FFX, FFX-2, FFXII RW, FFXIII, FFXIII-2, LR FFXIII)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hajime Tabata (BC FFVII, CC FFVII, FF Type-0, FFXV)

    Votes: 2 6.5%

  • Total voters


UFFSite Veteran
Yeah and it doesn't even really matter what we can conjure up about FFXVI because it's so far away that literally anything about it that could be true now could change drastically. I mean, just look at what all FFXV has gone through. So why waste the energy. I'm with Wazi... just gonna look forward to XV for now.
Likes: LeonBlade


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
We're talking here about a game that is still at least one year away from its announcement and more than ~2,5+ years away from a possible release.

By the way anyone who really wants to see a XVI would be better advised in hoping the best for Final Fantasy XV. You'd be a fool to think that Square Enix is just going to release anoher big budget FF after its biggest project of all time flopped.
Sep 26, 2013
Woah, this...... Battle that's going on here.o_O

How bout we sit tight for FFXV before anything else?
It's not like FFXVI is going anywhere.

It's like some of you are trying to conjure facts for FFXVI over little to no evidence.
Even if it's from speculations & rumors, you'll reach a dead end without fail most of the time.

You want my take? Relax and ride the wave until the moment comes. Get your mind on something else (like FFXV, that's pretty big at the moment from what I'm hearing).

What's to get excited for FFXVI if it's an FF we've heard almost nothing about? Even if some info of the game are obvious, there's not really much to go for in the end.

Being impatient won't get us anywhere.

Just...... Hang in there guys. We'll make it out. :chocowalk:
Ok fine. I'll just talk to some people behind the scenes and you can just sit tight and remain in the dark if that's what you desire. :)


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
He just means it depends on the top members of FF12 who are still at the company. Ito, for instance, had final sign off on Zidane, Kuja, Vaan and Gabranth's move sets, design and animations in Dissidia because they were from 'his' games. He's credited in the game for this guidance and there's a few interviews where people talk about his input. He told the animator he picked his favourite victory pose from FF12 for Vaan, for instance.

It doesn't mean that team remotely exists any more. The FF13 team dissolved, for instance, but I'm sure Kitase & co are looking at anything with Lightning on it, the same way the decision to remaster FF10 was his, and the project overseen by he and Toriyama while others did the real work.

The team is gone. What the hell do you think they've done for the last decade? If you go digging, there's straight up Famitsu quotes from Ito himself around the time of the Zodiac release saying he had to pull a small team back together to make that version, because the core team had already disbanded.

I don't know where people get the idea that Square Enix's teams have a rigid and absolute structure from, but it could not be further from the truth. Teams come into existence and disband fluidly, but sometimes some partnerships (IE Kitase/Toriyama) follow through from project to project because they work. The teams still disband though.
I doubt Kitase means just the top members of FFXII. Instead, I think he means the core members, which should have been like 5-10 people. For example, only like 5-10 people from the FFX and FFX-2 team were involved in the HD Remaster. We already know there are several FFXII core members that have not worked on a AAA games since the game released in 2006. They are all still on the company payroll, so they must be working on something. Then you've also got the fact that Kitase told 1Truth2Lies at the LR FFXIII launch event that Ito has his own team at Square Enix, which is why he hasn't worked on any FF games since FFXII. I know it's hard to believe, but I really think it's possible that whatever Ito is working on has been in development for years now. If it was originally in development for PS3/360, it's likely now switched platforms to PS4/XB1, just as the case with VersusXIII.

Also, I know about the FFXII IZJS being only 5-10 people, but that's exactly the size of a core team. Even then, the only reason why the headcount was so low is because many FFXII staff had been already moved over to The Last Remnant. Even when FFXII IZJS was announced at Square Enix Party 2005, The Last Remnant was announced at the same event with a fully playable demo showing off the towns, locations, and battle system.

I think Ito has his own core team, just like Kitase/Toriyama do. If he didn't, he would have worked on many other FF titles since FFXII released. My only concern now is how far along it is in its development cycle and when it will be announced.

You'd think people would realize something wasn't right here after so many years of silence.
I don't think we can use the silence as an excuse. You have to remember that FFXIV originally bombed and lead to all HD titles being delayed. Whatever Ito's team was working on obviously got hit, as all of a sudden many FFXII staff were suddenly working on FFXIV in order to reboot the game as ARR. These staff must have been working on something before they were moved over. Had the original FFXIV not bombed, whatever Ito and the FFXII staff were working on would possibly have been announced by now. VersusXIII wouldn't have been renamed FFXV, either.
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PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
Has anyone even heard anything about Itou lately? Anything from the grapevine?

FFXVI seems like a great unknown right now.
Well, 1Truth2Lies has his list of evidence and there's that Twitter PM conversation he had with Toshiyuki Itahana that I posted here. He really seems sold on the idea of Ito working on something big behind the scenes. You'd think it was delusion, but he has evidence to back up his belief. Also, the fact that Ito has been MIA on AAA games since FFXII IZJS released, yet is still on the company payroll, is very bizarre.

It's not just Ito, either. This is an example of one of his more recent discoveries. 1Truth2Lies told me he recently discovered that the main programmer of FFXII, Takashi Katano, has also been MIA on AAA pgames since FFXII IZJS released. The only game he's worked on since then is Tactics Ogre PSP (he was programming director), which released in 2010, and is obviously not a AAA game seeing as it's a remaster of a SNES game. Of course, 1Truth2Lies being the investigative guy that he is, decided to find him through Twitter. He contacted him of course, expressing his love for FFXII and whatnot, to which Katano replied thankfully. The real info came from him discovering that Katano's following the Twitter account of Xenoblade Chronicles X, and it's the only game-related Twitter account he's following.

Think about that for a moment.

The main programmer of FFXII, who is still on the Square Enix payroll and hasn't worked on any AAA games since FFXII released, is following the Twitter account of Xenoblade Chronicles X, the sequel to the game inspired by the gameplay of FFXII. I think if you read between the lines, you'll see something is definitely going on behind closed doors with him and Ito.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
The main programmer of FFXII, who is still on the Square Enix payroll and hasn't worked on any AAA games since FFXII released, is following the Twitter account of Xenoblade Chronicles X, the sequel to the game inspired by the gameplay of FFXII. I think if you read between the lines, you'll see something is definitely going on behind closed doors with him and Ito.
The only thing i can take from that is a possible new XENOGEARS game.


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
The only thing i can take from that is a possible new XENOGEARS game.
He's never worked on any Xeno game before, though. I also I doubt Square Enix will ever make another Xeno game without Tetsuya Takahashi. You also have to note that in Japan, Xenoblade's gameplay was widely compared to FFXII by the masses. That sort of comparison would have obviously caught the attention of FFXII developers.
Sep 26, 2013
I don't think we can use the silence as an excuse. You have to remember that FFXIV originally bombed and lead to all HD titles being delayed. Whatever Ito's team was working on obviously got hit, as all of a sudden many FFXII staff were suddenly working on FFXIV in order to reboot the game as ARR. These staff must have been working on something before they were moved over. Had the original FFXIV not bombed, whatever Ito and the FFXII staff were working on would possibly have been announced by now. VersusXIII wouldn't have been renamed FFXV, either.
That's assuming such a staff actually exists 1Truth2Lies. Again, we haven't heard anything from them in a while for a reason. There was a time before the FFXIV disaster after all.


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
That's assuming such a staff actually exists 1Truth2Lies. Again, we haven't heard anything from them in a while for a reason. There was a time before the FFXIV disaster after all.
Well, I think 1Truth2Lies' belief that they exist in founded on his research. As for not hearing anything from them in a while, we know they worked on Tactics Ogre PSP and FFXIV ARR, so they haven't been split up and divided across the company. They seem to be moving across projects as a group. Therefore, when they're done with FFXIV ARR, they'll move off it as a group and return back to Ito, if they haven't already.

Even before the FFXIV disaster, there was only a small window in which their game (assuming it's FFXV) could have been announced. FFXIV was announced in June 2009, so it would have to have been after that date. Then you have to remember that FFXIII released in Japan in December 2009 and in NA/EU in March 2010, so it would've had to been after that, too. FFXV could only have been announced at E3 2010 and there's no way that would have happened, as that would have completely taken interest away from FFXIV, as it was launching in a few months and a subscription MMO. When FFXIV launched in September 2010, the huge failure of it greatly affected Square Enix's future output plans. FFXV seemed to be mostly affected as Ito lost all FFXII staff due to them moving over to FFXIV to reboot the game as ARR. As as result, VersusXIII became FFXV instead. This is all 1Truth2Lies' thoughts on the matter, and I agree with him. It just makes logical sense. Had the original FFXIV not failed, the real FFXV by Ito and the FFXII team would have been announced and released by now, possibly even on PS3/360.
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PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
I've merged a few other threads covering Ito and FF16 staffing into this one. Let's make this a catch-all and keep all this discussion, regardless of if it's about Ito's FF16, Toriyama's FF16, or something else entirely, in here.
Any chance you can make this thread a sticky? It kind of seems relevant considering FFXVI will be the first single-player, mainline FF to be revealed since both FFXIII and FFXV were in 2006.


Sphere Hunter
Sep 30, 2013
Vancouver, BC
Any chance you can make this thread a sticky? It kind of seems relevant considering FFXVI will be the first single-player, mainline FF to be revealed since both FFXIII and FFXV were in 2006.
There is literally absolutely nothing is released about this game yet. No news, no information, no photos, no anything. Everything is speculation. For all I care, FFXV could be the last Final Fantasy that will be made EVER. I oppose making this a sticky thread.

Actually, let's start a poll to see if this thread should be sticky. </sarcasm>
Jun 7, 2014
Any chance you can make this thread a sticky? It kind of seems relevant considering FFXVI will be the first single-player, mainline FF to be revealed since both FFXIII and FFXV were in 2006.
It's irrelevant now, because it wasn't revealed and won't be in a long time.

EDIT: Aww, a minute too late, beaten by @buddhafied
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PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
There is literally absolutely nothing is released about this game yet. No news, no information, no photos, no anything. Everything is speculation. For all I care, FFXV could be the last Final Fantasy that will be made EVER. I oppose making this a sticky thread.
It's irrelevant now, because it wasn't revealed and won't be in a long time.
No problem. It was just a suggestion. No harm, no foul.
Likes: JeffZero


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 16, 2015
People that think that it's too soon to be speculating about FFXVI are being to restrictive, IMO. Square Enix have already confirmed that FFXV is not the only game at Square Enix Japan in development using Luminous Studio. So far, no other game using Luminous Studio has been publicly announced, which obviously indicates FFXVI must be that other game.

Luminous Studio is in version 1.4 at the moment. The FFXV demo included with Final Fantasy Type-0 HD will be ver. 1.5 and the plan is for the final production of FFXV to be ver. 2.0, upgrading as needed. Currently, the FFXV development team and the Luminous Studio engine development team are working as one on FFXV. At the current stage, I can’t speak concretely about titles in development using Luminous Studio besides FFXV, but I can firmly say that it isn’t an engine build solely for FFXV.