do you really think they're putting all their eggs in one basket with FFXV
Yes, they literally said themselves that XV will be their last hope with console development in Japan mainly. If you honestly don't see why people have this opinion, you are looking at this with a blindfold on. This is most definitely their most ambitious project to date next to FFXII in terms of a mainline series title. This is a complete change of form for the series. Name a game that has changed up more of the FF dynamic to make a bigger and better game. You can't. The only game that comes second place to this is XII, and with good reason. XV is much a spiritual successor to XII in many ways with how it's approaching a lot of its content. I feel that XV is the next step in the direction of making things more connected with the world and giving users a more engaging battle experience.
a game that's widely known by the public have been a FFXIII spin-off?
It was NOT a XIII spin-off, it was a FNC spin-off. You are completely misunderstanding the intentions of the XIII in the original title of Versus XIII. Versus is to represent a contrast, in fact the name Versus XIII almost means "NOT XIII". Versus now XV was very much supposed to be its own game, much like Agito XIII has nothing to do with XIII outside of its shared mythos (FNC).
You really think they don't have a proper mainline FF (one that has been conceived as the latest mainline FF from day one) in development as we speak?
It always comes back to XVI with you, doesn't it 1Truth?
You only have to look at the staff behind the game. Hajime Tabata has never worked on a mainline FF before, yet he's directing the game. The staff of the game are all from Type-0, which is a team mostly made up from new staff that were hired to develop Crisis Core.
What does this matter?
You may respond by arguing that Naoki Yoshida was a total newcomer to the FF series yet made made FFXIV ARR a great success, but the catch is that he was given the entire FFXII team to make the game
HA! Like that matters. And, no, they're not all newcomers to Final Fantasy series. Just do a few searches yourself and you'll see many people have worked on past games in the series like IX, X, XII from the few that I looked at.
Let's just take a look at the staff credited for XIV on the FF Wikia page.
- Shintaro Tamai [Assistant Director] (Did NOT work on XII)
- Nobuaki Komoto [Lead Game Designer] (Did NOT work in XII)
- Akihiko Yoshida [Senior Concept Artist] (DID work on XII)
- Hiroshi Takai [Lead Artist] (Did NOT work on XII)
- Yaeko Sato [Writer] (DID work on XII)
- Akihiko Matsui [Lead Combat System Designer] (DID work on XII)
- Hiroshi Minagawa [Lead UI Designer/Lead Web Designer] (DID work on XII)
- Hideyuki Kasuga [Lead Programmer] (Did NOT work in XII)
So, only half of these people actually worked on XII, some positions important than others, some not. The entire XII team isn't working on this game, there are a lot of different people working on it. Hell, the Lead Programmer worked on Dirge of Cerberus, and that game sucks.
How can you then honestly believe Square Enix management believe this man and his team are helming their most ambitious FF project?
Why do you think Square Enix only has faith in people who have shown potential in mainline series (or from your perspective have worked on XII)? Could it be that they realize the potential and scale of this game and not the production team?! You are implying that Square Enix shouldn't put their faith behind a project unless they have specific people working on it. I'm sorry, but that argument is completely unfounded. They put faith in Nomura to set the groundwork for this game, the fans loved it, and it elevated to a higher position. Now EVERYTHING is riding on this game.
YoshiP rose out of nowhere and turned a game around and made it the huge success it is today (FFXIV), what makes you think that new blood are incapable of creating something amazing. The game has already proven to me through the demo alone that the potential is there, and knowing what's to come only further proves that there is something amazing in the works.
You are belittling something because it's not worked on by Ito or the XII staff, not surprising coming from 1Truth.
What makes more sense is that an even bigger and even more ambitious project is already underway alongside FFXV. This project will not only be directed by a mainline FF veteran, but also developed by a team of mostly veteran, mainline FF staff.
You mean Ito of course, let's not beat around the bush.
Square Enix management are being careful to say FFXV will only be the best FF to date, not best of all time.
What company is going to say "this will be our best game ever we will never make a game better than this". Come on dude, really? Of COURSE they want XVI to be better, that goes without saying. That's not proof that it WILL be better, that's just optimism with a company that strives to best themselves.
You can read between the lines and see that they already have FFXVI in the works and expect it to be even more grand and ambitious than FFXV is.
Yeah, or maybe it will be a complete flop and Square Enix will go bankrupt. Because... you know... no one can predict the future. It could happen with XV for all we know. There's no "reading between the lines" here, this is you grasping at straws like you always do, trying to insert Ito and XVI into every place you can like you
USED to do back before you left the forums.
You're acting no different then than you are now. One of the main complaints that everyone had was that you would always bring up Ito and XVI when anyone talked about XV where it wasn't relevant. If you wanted to use this opportunity to start fresh, maybe you should have changed your attitude and personality so that you didn't completely giveaway who you were the minute you walked through the goddamn door.