Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
NC's wording was taking as an assumption from a rough translation and in a way out of context. The only usage of "free" was towards the airship, however nothing was stated about other DLC being free or not.

You are correct, it was basically just a rushed out translation based on what other people were reporting on Twitter on NC nothing really concrete or anything. The official translation should be taken as it is stated as you show here.

It doesn't matter either way, it's just costumes... Personally I don't care if they get any new ones as I wont be switching them regardless.
If they do DLC I hope they will go all out and do an expansion type thing instead of selling minor things in pieces.
That's kind of the problem with having a sizeable cast being around the main character all the time. It's the same problem I have with One Piece, Naruto and other manga series but I still like them. When the writer puts a number of people around the main character all the time then those characters are forced to act a certain way to be in the spotlight. Prompto is the comedic relief? Gladiolus is the buff but no brains guy and Ignis sounds like a Butler??? And Noctis? Typical Shonen dude but more moody? See, all this gotta be fixed with good writing. If I was Tabata, I would have you start off with just Noctis and Prompto of something small. Then introduce the other guys. But starting off the game with 4 characters all doing a role might not be a good idea, in my opinion.

Crystal Power

Keyblade Master
Nov 29, 2013
United States
Gladiolus definitely have a brain. If there is one that at least fits the no brains it would be Prompto, but as you said he's just more of a comedic relief.

Actually Prompto is more of a shonen protagonist than Noctis, if you compare to ones like Goku, Naruto, etc.
Likes: LeonBlade

young hug.

Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Oct 6, 2015
has there been any news on the antagonist(s) of the game?
the last couple final fantasy games have all been against an idea than a single person.

ffx (sin), ffxii (empire), ffxiii (god).

just looking for a good ole character to hate like sephiroth.
I'm about to drift off into potential FF XV fan-ficition territory but this is what I would like to see....

I actually want Noctis to be a very emotional yet cool guy. I want him to be the guy cracking jokes, stammering nervously around Luna because he likes her, headstrong, clumsy, and stuff like that. He can really shine in moments where he's looking moody like in that last FF XV trailer when he's walking towards the screen. But since Noctis is royal, its kinda hard for him to relate to people... and that's where Prompto comes in. Prompto can be the guy that's like, "Hahah don't mind our Prince! He doesn't know what he's saying!" Basically... If you ever played Tales of the Abyss.... Prompto = a more goofy Guy and Noctis = a much more likeable Luke.

This is how I would introduce Gladiolus: A few days before the invasion, Noctis dad finally decides its time for Noctis to learn how to fight so he sends Noctis to meet up with Gladiolus. Of course Prompto tags along.
That's when the gamer learns how to fight while sparring with Gladiolus and Prompto.

And Ignis? I would have him be the guy that tells Noctis about the kingdom and other interesting tidbits. Ignis would be a wealth of information. Whenever the gamer talks to Ignis, Ignis would tell them something incredibly useful and funny quirky facts about the Kingdom.

Then the Invasion happens.... during the invasion... Noctis and the gang meets up while everything is being destroyed and BAM! The game really begins.

That's kinda how I would introduce the characters. I don't know how Tabata is gonna do it in the actual game but I just hope that Tabata introduces them in smart and clever ways. Please just don't start the game with Noctis and his friends. Please don't.


Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
I'm about to drift off into potential FF XV fan-ficition territory but this is what I would like to see....

I actually want Noctis to be a very emotional yet cool guy. I want him to be the guy cracking jokes, stammering nervously around Luna because he likes her, headstrong, clumsy, and stuff like that. He can really shine in moments where he's looking moody like in that last FF XV trailer when he's walking towards the screen. But since Noctis is royal, its kinda hard for him to relate to people... and that's where Prompto comes in. Prompto can be the guy that's like, "Hahah don't mind our Prince! He doesn't know what he's saying!" Basically... If you ever played Tales of the Abyss.... Prompto = a more goofy Guy and Noctis = a much more likeable Luke.

This is how I would introduce Gladiolus: A few days before the invasion, Noctis dad finally decides its time for Noctis to learn how to fight so he sends Noctis to meet up with Gladiolus. Of course Prompto tags along.
That's when the gamer learns how to fight while sparring with Gladiolus and Prompto.

And Ignis? I would have him be the guy that tells Noctis about the kingdom and other interesting tidbits. Ignis would be a wealth of information. Whenever the gamer talks to Ignis, Ignis would tell them something incredibly useful and funny quirky facts about the Kingdom.

Then the Invasion happens.... during the invasion... Noctis and the gang meets up while everything is being destroyed and BAM! The game really begins.

That's kinda how I would introduce the characters. I don't know how Tabata is gonna do it in the actual game but I just hope that Tabata introduces them in smart and clever ways. Please just don't start the game with Noctis and his friends. Please don't.
Well, we know that they all know each other before the start of the game.
And there is nothing wrong with that, as long as we get to see flashbacks from when they were younger or they talk about things they have experienced together etc.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
That's kinda how I would introduce the characters. I don't know how Tabata is gonna do it in the actual game but I just hope that Tabata introduces them in smart and clever ways. Please just don't start the game with Noctis and his friends. Please don't.
I don´t see any problem in starting the game with the whole cast being introduce from the get go.
Likes: LeonBlade


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
That's kind of the problem with having a sizeable cast being around the main character all the time.
I disagree. If the Japanese version can do it fine, I don't see why the English version can't handle it just as well. This is a localization issue, nothing to do with the source material.

Also, as others have stated, Gladio is definitely not a brainless type character. Noctis is more humble than most standard MCs in a shonen manga as well. I don't really think you can compare the cast to the usual stereotypes to be honest.

Prompto is the comedic relief? Gladiolus is the buff but no brains guy and Ignis sounds like a Butler??? And Noctis? Typical Shonen dude but more moody? See, all this gotta be fixed with good writing.
Like I said (I'm basically repeating myself here sorry) this is not the case in the Japanese version, so really it's just on the localization team to get their act together and stop changing how characters are portrayed.

I'm really glad to see Tabata actually caring about these things, because it was one of the main problems I had with the English localization, bad voice acting is fine so long as the actual dialog and interactions are done fine, but when you change an entire character to be completely different to his Japanese version (the original true version) it just creates this huge separation between how a group of people perceive a character. What's the fucking point of making him a butler style character when that's not his job? Ignis' entire role to the Lucis line is to act as the strategist for Noctis, he's supposed to be helping Noctis through everything as his advisor, not as some personal butler that fetches his things for him who addresses him only in the highest form of respect using his noble title. Referring to Noctis as "your highness" to me says "I am below you and serve you" when that's not at all what Ignis is to Noctis.

Well, we know that they all know each other before the start of the game.
I don´t see any problem in starting the game with the whole cast being introduce from the get go.
I don't see a problem with it either, the characters can easily be introduced from the start during the opening sequence. I've seen anime/manga where the main character already knows three other people at the start and they're easily integrated into the story in a way that feels natural and without having to separate them entirely to get people acclimated.
Likes: Crystal Power


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I'm about to drift off into potential FF XV fan-ficition territory but this is what I would like to see....
Please no.

Please just don't start the game with Noctis and his friends. Please don't.
You mean, start the game with a proper intro like every other Final Fantasy game? Yeah, I think they'll do that...
Sooo, the game starts off with ALL of them already buddies and close???? Great... I wanted to experience (as Noctis) meeting one of the guys for the first time. He could've met Gladiolus for the 1st time and thought he was just all muscles and no brain but over time he realizes Gladiolus is a great guy. And it works vice versa... Ignis could've thought Noctis was a pampered prince and egotistical but realized that Noctis is a great guy. Meanwhile the gamer is watching friendships that can last a lifetime be born. In other words... In my opinion.... WASTED OPPORTUNITY.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
In my opinion.... WASTED OPPORTUNITY.
Yes, wasted opportunity to get all these anime cliches in the game... how terrible... It's not going to be just like one of my Japanese animes.

Virtually every Final Fantasy has always introduced characters one by one into the story and it gets old, I'm glad that this time we get to start things off with the characters already knowing each other that way you can focus more of the story attention and characterization on existing relationships and get a chance to learn about backstory about characters along the way, something that can't be done with fresh characters who haven't met each other before. It's one of the many things I was looking forward to in Versus and by extension in XV as well.

Why is it that them not having stupid preconceived notions about each other and then being proven wrong is somehow a bad thing for the story? In my opinion, I think it's a bad idea and makes the characterization too monotonous and makes character introduction feel really awkward and forced. The Lucis line is a long established line that has lived on for decades or maybe even centuries, they live within their borders and have done so for as long as they've known. Hell, Gladio's father fought alongside Regis years ago, so why wouldn't they know each other?

I don't see this as a wasted opportunity, in a way I see it as dodging a bullet from how you describe it.
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I understand what you guys are saying but I still think it's a missed opportunity. I would've liked to meet, AT MOST, one of those guys as the 1st time as Noctis. It's like how Persona does characters all around the main character. Yukari and Junpei were amazing to see grow over time and the main character meets them for the 1st time just like the gamer. I'm not saying the other guys around Noctis won't grow. It's just... Well... Dragon Quest Heroes does friendship between Luceus and Auroura and they're great buddies before the gamer meets them and that feels somewhat natural to me. I guess it all comes down to writing.


Warrior of Light
Sep 27, 2013
I guess it all comes down to immersion. I just don't feel as if I AM Noctis if he knows everybody in the party before I even start the game. Instead, I'm playing AS Noctis and some immersion has been lost. I know its just semantics with "as" and "am" but immersion means so much to me in gaming.
I don't think I'd ever feel like I am Noctis. Just like I don't feel like I am Cloud, or Squall. They're not silent protagonists.