Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Ohmygawd... Episode Duscae is amazing. I love the gameplay and graphics and animations!!!! I'm so impressed!!! Gladiolus totally wants Cidney!!! Lol! My only concern is the running animations for the rest of the party. Ignis looks so weird while running and the "Your Highness" thing is hilarious. It's not even annoying. It's hilarious and I love it.
Likes: Noctis_Caelum


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Ohmygawd... Episode Duscae is amazing. I love the gameplay and graphics and animations!!!! I'm so impressed!!! Gladiolus totally wants Cidney!!! Lol! My only concern is the running animations for the rest of the party. Ignis looks so weird while running and the "Your Highness" thing is hilarious. It's not even annoying. It's hilarious and I love it.
Just keep in mind that the gameplay in the demo no longer exists in the final build.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Omg really??? I love the gameplay!!! Fighting is so much fun and the game is so pretty!!! And the animations for Noctis is amazing!!!! The game really shined at night when you see the awesome lighting. :D
The battle system will be more free when it comes to weapon switching and you will have more things like aerial combat and the way your abilities work will be changed as well. Overall it will feel similar so don't worry too much. The things you liked at their core will still be present.
Likes: Mediking


Red Wings Commander
Feb 21, 2015
How so?

I don't... QTE trash :vomit:
Hardly a QTE since all you do is block, then decide if you want to counterattack or not.
I will say that they are way to easy to pull of, so much that if you see a parryable attack you should just walk into it. I would like it to have a more strict time window.

The current version of the team attacks are utter garbage though.
Sep 26, 2013
Hardly a QTE since all you do is block, then decide if you want to counterattack or not.
I will say that they are way to easy to pull of, so much that if you see a parryable attack you should just walk into it. I would like it to have a more strict time window.

The current version of the team attacks are utter garbage though.
Parrying consistently against the behemoth was a real headache for me, personally. The rest were quite easy I agree, but I'm not necessarily against that as I think not having a high skill cap on that aids flow of combat. You're spot on about the team attacks, though. I'm really looking forward to the implementation of the smaller two man team attacks since they look to be initiated with a single button press.
I actually really like Team Attacks in Episode Duscae... They remind me of All-Out Attacks from Persona when everybody just jumps on a enemy in a cool way. Hahah I'm just really loving Episode Duscae. I used to complain about Noctis and the group regarding clothes and chemistry but now I don't really want to. I already feel like a brother in the party. I really like the Tour I went with Prompto. The guy got his legs stuck in the lake while a big monster was coming and I couldn't help but laugh and say, "C'mon, Prompto! Let's get outta here, man!" I just love walking around and seeing Noctis' hair and clothes move so realistically because of wind. I know Episode Duscae isn't the full game at all. I know that. I'm just really impressed and happy. I can't believe I used to complain about the guys' clothes. After playing Episode Duscae, it really didn't bother me at all. I actually felt cool in Noctis' clothes.

Remember how I said earlier in this thread that immersion in video games means alot to me? Well, Episode Duscae has shown me that immersion. I would charge Noctis at a group of monsters and say stuff like while I fought them, "Suck this!" and "Don't run!". I just felt so dang cool! I bet it sounds like I'm drooling over a demo aka a unfinished product and guess what? I AM drooling. :)
Likes: Death Penalty