Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sep 26, 2013
I actually really like Team Attacks in Episode Duscae... They remind me of All-Out Attacks from Persona when everybody just jumps on a enemy in a cool way. Hahah I'm just really loving Episode Duscae. I used to complain about Noctis and the group regarding clothes and chemistry but now I don't really want to. I already feel like a brother in the party. I really like the Tour I went with Prompto. The guy got his legs stuck in the lake while a big monster was coming and I couldn't help but laugh and say, "C'mon, Prompto! Let's get outta here, man!" I just love walking around and seeing Noctis' hair and clothes move so realistically because of wind. I know Episode Duscae isn't the full game at all. I know that. I'm just really impressed and happy. I can't believe I used to complain about the guys' clothes. After playing Episode Duscae, it really didn't bother me at all. I actually felt cool in Noctis' clothes.

Remember how I said earlier in this thread that immersion in video games means alot to me? Well, Episode Duscae has shown me that immersion. I would charge Noctis at a group of monsters and say stuff like while I fought them, "Suck this!" and "Don't run!". I just felt so dang cool! I bet it sounds like I'm drooling over a demo aka a unfinished product and guess what? I AM drooling. :)
I'm really happy it was such a positive experience for you, because despite its limited scope I think there's a lot to love about Duscae and it makes me truly excited for XV's full game. It's good to see you feel the same. Now imagine the full game with an arsenal of cross links, magic, summons and limit breaks at your disposal. I'm drooling too!
Likes: Mediking


Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
Hardly a QTE since all you do is block, then decide if you want to counterattack or not.
I will say that they are way to easy to pull of, so much that if you see a parryable attack you should just walk into it. I would like it to have a more strict time window.

The current version of the team attacks are utter garbage though.
I think more strict timing for parries would render them completely un-optimal to use in most battles.

Like say, if to parry you actually had to time the button press with the attack (how Tabata wanted it to be originally), it'd be pretty difficult to pull off consistently if you're dealing with mobs. There's usually just way too much going on at a time to have a stricter timing seem reasonable at all. The system would probably only be relegated to certain kinds of encounters or enemies at that point.

Cross Chains are pretty bad though, yeah. I never used them after the first time, reminds me too much of FFXII Quickenings and those were zzzz.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Cross Chains (at least the Duscae 2.0 build) would be 1 of those gameplay mechaniques that are bad/meh/annoying/[insert more] that the franchise (or any game) has always had.
Jun 7, 2014
It seems like they are changing plot elements to keep a teen rating. What do you guys think of this?
I can already sense the inevitable 50 pages of drama on GAF.

Honestly though, it's pretty disappointing. It's one thing when they change/remove stuff for creative reasons (Regis) or to keep the vision coherent (Stella) but taming the game's themes to conform to age rating is rather disheartening.

And on topic of Team Attacks in Duscae, even though I haven't played it, they look like an absolutely awful game mechanic. They need a total revamp.


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
Reapers are still in the concept arts introduced in Duscae so they're not removed from the game, even the Dawn trailer has the Reaper God like thing in the clouds. It just has to do with how much representation it has, not really a big deal.


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
Reapers are still in the concept arts introduced in Duscae so they're not removed from the game, even the Dawn trailer has the Reaper God like thing in the clouds. It just has to do with how much representation it has, not really a big deal.
I think of it as something like this:

Random Lucis NPC in VersusXIII: Workship the reaper !
Random Lucis NPC in FFXV: . . . . . .


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
In the end, whether it's a Teen rated game or a Mature rated game, that doesn't ultimately point if the game has dumbed down or not. Never has and never will. The game still has it's potential.
Also, I'd rather not know the details as to what's been removed for FFXV. I'd rather hear stuff of the game that's in it and gets me intrigued of it, rather than the bad news. Or they could just keep quiet for a while until something else big pops up.
It's not really bad news though, the reapers are still in the game, it's literally just a matter of "we can't have worshiping spooky skeleton reapers in this game because fuck China" but they're still in the game.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Too much of what ?
Of the game; I'm just at saturation point, I haven't been paying as much attention to it for a while now as if I do it's going to kill my interest, that's all. Thankfully other people are doing the news and stuff. It suits me, it's just personal pref. really. Less is more, imo. Very impressed, for instance, with Bethesda's "no press hands-ons, no trade show fucking about" approach for Fallout. The game is just coming, in like a week, and people can fully discover more or less all of it. They did one big hour-long blow out and that was it. Ace, I think.

RE the Reaper stuff, the game was going to change as soon as it became numbered in this manner, so people shouldn't be surprised/upset, this was obvious.
Likes: Mistwalker


Sphere Hunter
Mar 18, 2015
It seems like they are changing plot elements to keep a teen rating. What do you guys think of this?
The moment Versus XIII became FFXV it was pretty much assured that something like this would happen. As a mothership entry and not a spin (like Type-0), they have to appeal to a wider range of audience. Can't single out any potential demographic by slapping an M rating on this project.

You could probably argue that a lot of the gritty "tone" changes people complain about between Versus and XV are a residual of this as well.
I've been playing Final Fantasy X HD Remaster on PS4 for the first time and that game is just freaking magical and special and amazing. I can literally type huge speeches why I am loving that game so far. I'm already on the Final Fantasy XV hype train. Episode Duscae was totally a great time, in my opinion. As long as FF XV can get some of that magic that FF X has... then everything will be fine. And playing Episode Duscae... I can see some of that magic. And good ol' Tabata really shouldn't really be saying that much about FF XV unless its to get people hyped. If anything, if I was him... I would be saying stuff like, "Just experience the product for yourself. You'll see the hardwork and dedication we put into it." Just show some dang confidence in your (adopted) child, Tabata. Lol


Site Staff
Oct 25, 2013
Blossvale, New York
I've been playing Final Fantasy X HD Remaster on PS4 for the first time and that game is just freaking magical and special and amazing. I can literally type huge speeches why I am loving that game so far. I'm already on the Final Fantasy XV hype train. Episode Duscae was totally a great time, in my opinion. As long as FF XV can get some of that magic that FF X has... then everything will be fine. And playing Episode Duscae... I can see some of that magic. And good ol' Tabata really shouldn't really be saying that much about FF XV unless its to get people hyped. If anything, if I was him... I would be saying stuff like, "Just experience the product for yourself. You'll see the hardwork and dedication we put into it." Just show some dang confidence in your (adopted) child, Tabata. Lol
I don't get what you're trying to say here. What does X have to do with anything? How does Tabata not have confidence in XV?