Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
Yes, the chair was in the conference/ signing room but it's likely an asset that was reused for other scenes. But those lights/ BG are definitely from the Versus trailers/ concept art.

Edit: It's likely that this could have been key art from 2014 before they overhauled the script and design.

Also about Verum Rex: It could very well be just an easter egg. Yet, why it sticks out is because it's an easter egg of something that didn't get to see the light of day. It's also labeled "True King", which is kind of a reading between the lines moment when a project that was just completed constantly used "Chosen King" as it's tag line. Finally, It's a full CG high quality scene that is thrown into KH that just gives a back story to an aspect of the "Toy Box" world. We haven't really ever seen this done in any of the KH worlds before.
That "leak" is really coincidental, if anything. The Nyx thing is kind of redundant, it would be expected if Versus was to happen Noct would be at the invasion like originally shown. If Nomura is planning on rereleasing FFXV as VersusXV, with his original vision, I'd be down to play it. It would be interesting to see how much the characters will differentiate (this is kind of the same realm as what Type series was going to do) and the combat will be likely be better, based on how it was supposed to be closer to KH battle system. That being said how funny would have been if this was Luminous 1st project they had to worked on and because Tabata had openly stated he didn't want to work on FFs (or atleast a main line) again this is the reason why he left.

Time for me to come back about the whole Nyx things. The guy posting the rumor said The Nyx thing could easily be scrapped so Episode Nyx or maybe they were thinking about a Kingsglaive game because I remember at GDC Tabata was talking about how Ardyn couldn't fit into a DLC Episode so they decided ok we'll make a game about it maybe they thought of doing something with Nyx and Insomnia for sometime but couldn't pin down what they wanted to do with it and ultimately scrapped it. I'm also thinking that the reason why it was mentioned was if you look at the picture of the rumor the title of it is 2020.png so let's say a Kingsglaive Nyx thing whether that's Episode Nyx or a Kingsglavie game were to have happened it would be due to the fact Nomura was busy on KH3 at the time so they maybe to speed up development of a supposed Versus XV they made something with Insomnia for Versus XV to reuse later.

Also Verum Rex I heard is an actual world that Sora can enter and play the Verum Rex mini game it's not a world like Traverse Town I think it's more comparable to Keyblade Graveyard in KH2FM where it's a world in the game but not explorable.

So Verum Rex goes beyond simply an easter egg and is a playable mini-game within KH3 it's even on the trophy list. I mean if that's what this rumor meant by a XV/Versus world in KH3 I can somewhat believe it it's not like the FF characters in KH are 100% true to their original counterparts and maybe Verum Rex was originally more XV/Versus XIII but they didn't want to make it too obvious but obvious enough for you to see it.


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Time for me to come back about the whole Nyx things. The guy posting the rumor said The Nyx thing could easily be scrapped so Episode Nyx or maybe they were thinking about a Kingsglaive game because I remember at GDC Tabata was talking about how Ardyn couldn't fit into a DLC Episode so they decided ok we'll make a game about it maybe they thought of doing something with Nyx and Insomnia for sometime but couldn't pin down what they wanted to do with it and ultimately scrapped it. I'm also thinking that the reason why it was mentioned was if you look at the picture of the rumor the title of it is 2020.png so let's say a Kingsglaive Nyx thing whether that's Episode Nyx or a Kingsglavie game were to have happened it would be due to the fact Nomura was busy on KH3 at the time so they maybe to speed up development of a supposed Versus XV they made something with Insomnia for Versus XV to reuse later.

Also Verum Rex I heard is an actual world that Sora can enter and play the Verum Rex mini game it's not a world like Traverse Town I think it's more comparable to Keyblade Graveyard in KH2FM where it's a world in the game but not explorable.

So Verum Rex goes beyond simply an easter egg and is a playable mini-game within KH3 it's even on the trophy list. I mean if that's what this rumor meant by a XV/Versus world in KH3 I can somewhat believe it it's not like the FF characters in KH are 100% true to their original counterparts and maybe Verum Rex was originally more XV/Versus XIII but they didn't want to make it too obvious but obvious enough for you to see it.
There was an online poll for fans if i remember correctly, what dlc they want, nyx was among them, but finally ardyn, luna, aranea and noctis won. so yeah that's why episode nyx didn't happen (probably?). for the whole verum rex, i just think that kh3 is in development for so long that they had versus xiii world ready and then xv happened so they changed it a bit and called verum rex lol


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
TBH if anything Nomura probably just reused incomplete design work for Versus XIII for KH3, it's pretty damn common and common to Square Enix too.

I feel like people are reading into it way too much because they seem to forget:

- Nomura likes to use latin sometimes.
- Nomura's kinda got same face syndrome going on with his designs sometimes.
- Nomura seems to go for certain idk... tropes I guess. Easy to work with like black/white, sun/moon, night/star, night/moon and whatever else he's redone.

I mean just look at Sion and Sora on that one before we get to the KH3 bs.

So tired of this whole Nomura's true vision salt bs.

Hey Everyone

Keyblade Master
Dec 30, 2016
Unknown, Unknown
There was an online poll for fans if i remember correctly, what dlc they want, nyx was among them, but finally ardyn, luna, aranea and noctis won. so yeah that's why episode nyx didn't happen (probably?). for the whole verum rex, i just think that kh3 is in development for so long that they had versus xiii world ready and then xv happened so they changed it a bit and called verum rex lol
Maybe bu they didn't need to put it in KH3 it's not that big of a part in it.
Honestly i'm kinda annoyed by peoples who are screaming that V13 is comming back.

I think it's just a reference and eventualy a last tribute to it and nothing more.
Still, it's pretty to see.
Well people want it/wanted it maybe it is nothing more than a tribute but Nomura himself has voiced some concern(or displeasure in the most nicest way possible but he pretty much said with KH I followed Sakaguchi's FF principals and the newer mainline FF titles including XV don't contain everything. So it's pretty much a nice way of saying XV isn't my vision it didn't contain everything in it and the newer FF titles haven't done so.

I also have a hard time believing after Nomura's statement he's just ok with letting it go or doesn't have a desire to go back and change things whether he'll get the chance or not is up in the air.

But I wouldn't be surprised if he's willing to do a Versus XV hopefully he gets the chance because I think he clearly had faith in his vision of what XV should be and clearly he can make amazing quality games like KH3 if Versus is anything close to KH3 or KH2 in terms of quality I want it.
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Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
Looks like the Nomura fanboys spouting headcanon and still clinging to a game that doesn't exist has returned.

The guy posting the rumor said The Nyx thing could easily be scrapped
It's not a rumour since it has no evidence or legitimacy to begin with to even be a rumour. Just more random bullshit from 4chan that gullible people like you actually fall for time and time again. The same person who made that claim also said FFVIIR would be at PSX despite it not being there at all, or even being seen again since 2015 outside of 2 screenshots in 2017.

And I already debunked that "leak" as being complete bullshit here
Random posts from 4chan are not "leaks", people make shit up there all the time, it's only a "leak" if there is any actual proof that anything in that image is true, and there is no proof anything there is true. Not to mention it's even saying there is a Kingsglaive but as a game being made which goes against what we already know and the fact that 3/4 of the upcoming XV DLC were cancelled, and also goes against the devs already saying they originally were deciding between an Episode Nyx, Episode Ravus or Episode Aranea and it was Episode Aranea that they decided on doing, which is now cancelled. Not even that but that very post contradicts itself by saying that it's supposed to be the "original Versus XIII" story yet they are also making Kingsglaive as a game as part of the basis for that, even though Nyx was never part of Versus and there is no reason why they would even do something like that after they already cancelled 3/4 of the upcoming XV DLC. Like, how gullible do you even have to be to think anything in that is true?
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Balamb Garden Freshman
Apr 4, 2018
Iirc, and i might be wrong but the CEO doesn't even like V13/XV and clearly nomura is too busy with others project, all i can see from this tribute is some kind of "hey remember this? :[ "

Might be wrong but you know, what is done is done and creating v13 now would pretty much ruin stuffs. but it's clear now that it had at least an important part in KH3 at some point, iirc Nomura talked about it once.


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
Aaand changing gears completely. I wonder how many of our questions about Ardyn Prologue will get answered.

I asked whether it was from the same studio as Brotherhood, how long it'd taken to make, whether it was planned from the start or brought about due to the cancellation of the other DLCs, and.... whether events in it were reliable as Ardyn's the POV character.

Not holding out hope for any of them getting answers.