Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
Interesting. It somewhat rekindles the joy I felt when watching the old VSXIII trailers that took place in Insomnia.

Wait what, when did he say that?
It was when he created Chirithy for KH Union browser/ mobile game. He talked about how he was inspired by his cats and that he has them because he's been depressed. They are both four years old, so he likely got them around 2014 when he was taken off FFXV. This of course is speculation.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
It was when he created Chirithy for KH Union browser/ mobile game. He talked about how he was inspired by his cats and that he has them because he's been depressed. They are both four years old, so he likely got them around 2014 when he was taken off FFXV. This of course is speculation.
Speculation of those sort seems inclined to do more harm than good. =/

In any case, being depressed by something is not the same as being salty over it. It's perfectly plausible that being pulled off a project by corporate could have made Nomura feel like his efforts were pointless without necessarily making him bitter towards the game that was reassigned. In fact, if Nomura thought corporate made the right decision, that could be even more depressing.
Feb 19, 2018
Damn, it's intriguing that they're basically using Bahamut's description of Ardyn in the tweet even though in the actual promo material he seems to have more of a victim of circumstance role. One thing's for certain it's gonna be really satisfying to finally set the record straight on the type of person Ardyn was before his fall.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Sphere Hunter
Feb 20, 2018
i think that the versus throne was turned to be chairs in the meeting room in citadel. like in kingsglaive, wasn't regis sitting on it?
Yes, the chair was in the conference/ signing room but it's likely an asset that was reused for other scenes. But those lights/ BG are definitely from the Versus trailers/ concept art.

Edit: It's likely that this could have been key art from 2014 before they overhauled the script and design.

Also about Verum Rex: It could very well be just an easter egg. Yet, why it sticks out is because it's an easter egg of something that didn't get to see the light of day. It's also labeled "True King", which is kind of a reading between the lines moment when a project that was just completed constantly used "Chosen King" as it's tag line. Finally, It's a full CG high quality scene that is thrown into KH that just gives a back story to an aspect of the "Toy Box" world. We haven't really ever seen this done in any of the KH worlds before.
That "leak" is really coincidental, if anything. The Nyx thing is kind of redundant, it would be expected if Versus was to happen Noct would be at the invasion like originally shown. If Nomura is planning on rereleasing FFXV as VersusXV, with his original vision, I'd be down to play it. It would be interesting to see how much the characters will differentiate (this is kind of the same realm as what Type series was going to do) and the combat will be likely be better, based on how it was supposed to be closer to KH battle system. That being said how funny would have been if this was Luminous 1st project they had to worked on and because Tabata had openly stated he didn't want to work on FFs (or atleast a main line) again this is the reason why he left.
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Likes: Dorothy95


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
Yes, the chair was in the conference/ signing room but it's likely an asset that was reused for other scenes. But those lights/ BG are definitely from the Versus trailers/ concept art.

Edit: It's likely that this could have been key art from 2014 before they overhauled the script and design.

Also about Verum Rex: It could very well be just an easter egg. Yet, why it sticks out is because it's an easter egg of something that didn't get to see the light of day. It's also labeled "True King", which is kind of a reading between the lines moment when a project that was just completed constantly used "Chosen King" as it's tag line. Finally, It's a full CG high quality scene that is thrown into KH that just gives a back story to an aspect of the "Toy Box" world. We haven't really ever seen this done in any of the KH worlds before.
That "leak" is really coincidental, if anything. The Nyx thing is kind of redundant, it would be expected if Versus was to happen Noct would be at the invasion like originally shown. If Nomura is planning on rereleasing FFXV as VersusXV, with his original vision, I'd be down to play it. It would be interesting to see how much the characters will differentiate (this is kind of the same realm as what Type series was going to do) and the combat will be likely be better, based on how it was supposed to be closer to KH battle system. That being said how funny would have been if this was Luminous 1st project they had to worked on and because Tabata had openly stated he didn't want to work on FFs (or atleast a main line) again this is the reason why he left.
wow i haven't studied it that much, i just assumed they took a whatever chair but you are right, those are same as from versus times. nice catch! i was also pretty sure i've seen it before - ardyn putting a leg on a chair, and i assumed it was this, but maybe it was the throne? maybe it was from game or cutscene, i can't remember, hm....
as for the verum rex thing- i was thinking that it was just an easter egg but the one thing that keeps me "worried" is how long this clip is and why it is in such a great quality. make me doubt if that's only a promo for something not very relevant in kingdom hearts. on the otheeer hand i r e a l l y doubt square wants another ffxv game - i would really love it, but i have the vibe that they want to move on and get new characters etc.


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
Alot of things in Episode Ardyn seem to be calling back to Versus (Regis and him pointing their swords at each other like Noctis and Ravus for example) so it wouldn't surprise me if they do end up working the old Versus throne in some way.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Keyblade Master
May 26, 2014
I just noticed thats the Versus throne.
That chair isn't actually the "throne" from Versus, it was just a chair Noctis sat on that was put in front of the Crystal, and that chair was also used in the meeting room with Regis sitting on it with his council around him in the 2008 Versus trailer, and they kept that chair in Kingsglaive too for the same room.

The only "throne" we ever saw in Versus was the one in the 2011 trailer that Regis was sitting on.

Also that artwork of Ardyn is by Yuki Matsuzawa who joined the game after it was already XV, so it's not Versus era artwork, it was just concept art of Ardyn stepping on the chair seated in front of the Crystal, which they essentially recreated in the final game with him stepping on the actual throne which had the Crystal tied up above it.

The Crystal chamber still had the same design as it did when it was Versus too.
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Balamb Garden Freshman
Apr 4, 2018
Cough Kh3 Spoiler?
Because the game is in every french store since friday
Not sure if it was posted.

edit: seems like i'm late to the party but boi
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Likes: Vallen
Feb 19, 2018

This is the coolest thing that I've ever seen :0 Such a pity that there is no Nyx but the last time I checked John Akan's instagram he was doing some kind of gay porn there lol anyway he's not in a good relationship with SE anyway as far as I know
He went from selling lewd photos to straight up porn? Yeesh, dude had a straight up meltdown from the looks of it. Anyway he only provided the character model for Nyx. His voice actor, Aaron Paul, is still pretty chill and that's all I care about since that's where the actual heart of his character comes from. I wonder what's the occasion though, they at a convention?
Likes: Dorothy95


Balamb Garden Freshman
Apr 4, 2018
He went from selling lewd photos to straight up porn? Yeesh, dude had a straight up meltdown from the looks of it. Anyway he only provided the character model for Nyx. His voice actor, Aaron Paul, is still pretty chill and that's all I care about since that's where the actual heart of his character comes from. I wonder what's the occasion though, they at a convention?
He was already doing porn Iirc


Sphere Hunter
Jan 5, 2018
He went from selling lewd photos to straight up porn? Yeesh, dude had a straight up meltdown from the looks of it. Anyway he only provided the character model for Nyx. His voice actor, Aaron Paul, is still pretty chill and that's all I care about since that's where the actual heart of his character comes from. I wonder what's the occasion though, they at a convention?
yes, i believe it was kupocon (?). anyway, it was a convention :) the guy i don't know...he's posting too much disturbing things for me, i didn't dig that much x'D it's a pity because when i started following him around when kingsglaive was released he seemed pretty nice.