Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
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Feb 19, 2018
Does DLC always must be combat and action oriented? I don't mind NOT fighting with Luna, or having only a small fight...she has a weapon after all, but whelp, she is a healer type. She lived in a wonderful place that just asks for exploration and a lot happened in her life (being kids with Noctis, Nifilheim attack, living with angry Ravus, Glauca, becoming Oracle, then her journey that we didn't really see). I feel like movie left a lot of unexplained questions (tho idk if it's a good example because I feel like Luna from movie was still Stella and didn't have much in common with game Luna). We had 3 boys dlc that were all about angry fighting can't we have one about travelling, helping people and backstory? It might seem boring but on the other hand I would pay more than those 5$ to just walk around Tenebrae.
I get where you're coming from and no I don't think a game should always be focused on action, one of my favorite games is a game called "Journey" that's all about just peacefully exploring a mysterious world but I do feel like if I'm paying for more new content in an action oriented game it needs to offer something more substantial gameplay wise than just walking around. I wouldn't mind if what you're asking for is added as part of a bigger paid DLC or is implemented as something free but for paid content I would just personally prefer something more engaging on the gameplay side as well as the story side but that's just me. It's not that I don't want to see more Luna even if it is just her peacefully going about her day, I just don't think that as she is right now she warrants a full episode given how passive she seems even in her most badass scenes like the new summoning scene in the Royal Edition stuff or even in the vanilla game where her most powerful display was defensively knocking back Leviathan. Like I said they could just make up an offensive skill set for her but again it does raise questions as to why she wouldn't employ that offense anywhere else. If they go down that route I just hope they explain it well because one of my biggest fears is them leaving us with more questions and inconsistencies rather than just answering and mending the already existing ones as they close out support for this game.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Forest Owl
Feb 24, 2018
I get where you're coming from and no I don't think a game should always be focused on action, one of my favorite games is a game called "Journey" that's all about just peacefully exploring a mysterious world but I do feel like if I'm paying for more new content in an action oriented game it needs to offer something more substantial gameplay wise than just walking around. I wouldn't mind if what you're asking for is added as part of a bigger paid DLC or is implemented as something free but for paid content I would just personally prefer something more engaging on the gameplay side as well as the story side but that's just me. It's not that I don't want to see more Luna even if it is just her peacefully going about her day, I just don't think that as she is right now she warrants a full episode given how passive she seems even in her most badass scenes like the new summoning scene in the Royal Edition stuff or even in the vanilla game where her most powerful display was defensively knocking back Leviathan. Like I said they could just make up an offensive skill set for her but again it does raise questions as to why she wouldn't employ that offense anywhere else. If they go down that route I just hope they explain it well because one of my biggest fears is them leaving us with more questions and inconsistencies rather than just answering and mending the already existing ones as they close out support for this game.
In terms of why she doesn't use offense specifically to defend herself from Ardyn they could write it off as her being too weakened from the covenant to fight back.
Feb 19, 2018
In terms of why she doesn't use offense specifically to defend herself from Ardyn they could write it off as her being too weakened from the covenant to fight back.
I suppose so, I was thinking the easiest fix would be that we follow her on a spirit journey of sorts and that she can't use her more offensive powers in the mortal realm. So it would still line up with her current depiction and it would give her the offense stuff as well cuz while yeah the covenants justify her being too weak to fight back at the altar it's still kinda weird how quickly she left after the 5 Astral summon. Like I get it was most likely against her will but having ascended Luna tag along would've been really cool and would've been a good time time to introduce the fact that she's pretty powerful now in her own right or is at least back in peak condition. Unless they redo that part in the future to allow Luna to stick around it would come off a bit weird seeing her whoop ass in her DLC unless they set it before she was pretty much half dead from the covenants to show that she was pretty strong before her health started failing or if they set it in the spirit realm if it's ghost Luna to justify her not sticking around to help and to explain why she didn't intervene more often. Like maybe she's got limitations to how long she can manifest and what she can do while doing so.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Oracle healing powers are limited to starscourge and nothing else.
tho she did buff noctis and prayed for him like she prayed for the infected ("Blessed stars of light...").

and Ep Ignis spoilers

her hands were glowing like she was healing noctis when they found them.

anyway regis himself made a barrier so luna could escape from glauca, there's nothing she could have done.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I get where you're coming from and no I don't think a game should always be focused on action, one of my favorite games is a game called "Journey" that's all about just peacefully exploring a mysterious world but I do feel like if I'm paying for more new content in an action oriented game it needs to offer something more substantial gameplay wise than just walking around. I wouldn't mind if what you're asking for is added as part of a bigger paid DLC or is implemented as something free but for paid content I would just personally prefer something more engaging on the gameplay side as well as the story side but that's just me. It's not that I don't want to see more Luna even if it is just her peacefully going about her day, I just don't think that as she is right now she warrants a full episode given how passive she seems even in her most badass scenes like the new summoning scene in the Royal Edition stuff or even in the vanilla game where her most powerful display was defensively knocking back Leviathan. Like I said they could just make up an offensive skill set for her but again it does raise questions as to why she wouldn't employ that offense anywhere else. If they go down that route I just hope they explain it well because one of my biggest fears is them leaving us with more questions and inconsistencies rather than just answering and mending the already existing ones as they close out support for this game.
The main game did include Pitioss, so it wouldn't be entirely out-of-line to have a DLC that functions as a puzzle-platformer (I'm thinking of a potential scenario where Luna and Noct are children and Luna has to navigate Tenebrae while finding ways to bring Noct to places where wheelchairs don't naturally go).

On the other hand, it's not impossible to base a combat style around what we already know of Luna. If you combine the AoE defensive knockback she used against Leviathan with the ability to throw and recall her trident, you could end up with a pretty interesting game of keeping enemies at the proper range.

I think it might be about the PC Mods, but we'll see.
I don't know why they would bother being so ambiguous if they were just talking about the mods. The title of the panel has been known for quite a while now.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
i used google translator for the famitsu note

it doesnt seem they know anything (or they are teasing), its more like "hey theyll talk about mods, maybe they'll announce something about the future"

they at least could play an ep ardyn track on the concert
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SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
tho she did buff noctis and prayed for him like she prayed for the infected ("Blessed stars of light...").

and Ep Ignis spoilers

her hands were glowing like she was healing noctis when they found them.

anyway regis himself made a barrier so luna could escape from glauca, there's nothing she could have done.
Maybe what Luna did with Noctis acted as a barrier so Ardyn could not get him.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Feb 28, 2018
If its about SJWs/the abuse, then i still find that argument weak when:

the full game literally showed Luna getting stabbed, smacked across the face, and expressing grief.

So i don't i really see how that should be enough to keep them from making an EP. Luna or anything close to help flesh her out.

And lets not forget that Cidney had a vocal amount of criticism from the EU audience that was bought up in a 2015 ATR after EP. Duscae released and, yet Tabata couldn't give less than two fucks as a response.
Yes, but Luna wasn't sexually abused in the current canon. And to these types rape is far worse than murder.