Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Probably windows edition. The entire game was remade, not ported.

Anyway, while I know not to expect anything, I do hope that since we can travel all around Altissia/Accordo (I assume), they update some of those areas too. I was replaying chapter 9 and realized how expansive the cliffs and islands are in Accordo, and it would be nice to find things here and there (maybe at some point, they update the area regardless)

Just makes me hope that with everything, updates to chapters 9-13 happen. There's so much they can do with this world they've created. It's honestly one of the most interesting.

Not saying they shouldn't upgrade the first 8 chapters with more story, it's just that what the first half lacks in story, the back half lacks in the world and setting (especially since the majority of the fantasy aspects are the back half), and idk which of the 2 I'd rather see more or lol.

Edit: On that note, a transition from Altissia to Niflheim like the one from Lucis to Altissia would be such a fantastic addition. Like that one, tons of exposition dialogue could happen on the way. Own, maybe it's just me but the transitions up until that point (the road trip, the scenery passing by, going from one country to another in real time) were some of the best aspects of the game. It's a shame it didn't continue there.
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Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
Probably windows edition. The entire game was remade, not ported.
Edit: On that note, a transition from Altissia to Niflheim like the one from Lucis to Altissia would be such a fantastic addition. Like that one, tons of exposition dialogue could happen on the way. Own, maybe it's just me but the transitions up until that point (the road trip, the scenery passing by, going from one country to another in real time) were some of the best aspects of the game. It's a shame it didn't continue there.
That would be the perfect moment to set up the Gladio/Noctis conflict instead of it just coming out of left field in Chapter 10. Show Noctis not focusing on the task at hand so we can understand where Gladio's coming from.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
That would be the perfect moment to set up the Gladio/Noctis conflict instead of it just coming out of left field in Chapter 10. Show Noctis not focusing on the task at hand so we can understand where Gladio's coming from.
Yeah, I want to know that, too, it came out of nowhere, and, I might be ashamed to say this, but when that Gladio scene in Chapter 10 happened, I muted my TV, and hid in another room, feeling really bad for Noctis, I felt he didn't deserve that pounding out of nowhere, and that was the time I saw Gladiolus as my most hated character. They should've shown why that happened, it was a little jarring.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
That would be the perfect moment to set up the Gladio/Noctis conflict instead of it just coming out of left field in Chapter 10. Show Noctis not focusing on the task at hand so we can understand where Gladio's coming from.
Yup, all chapter 10 needs (well, aside from opening up places i guess) is a better transition. Show them leaving Altissia, beginning stages of the arguments on the boat could happen. You arrve at that port town where the Train section would start, explore a little more prior but hear more about said argument, leading to the Train conflict.

They don't even have to alter it, they just have to give more time for Noctis to be an ass first before doing it. Earlier transitions could have helped that. I still think it'll happen...somehow at least
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Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
Yeah, I want to know that, too, it came out of nowhere, and, I might be ashamed to say this, but when that Gladio scene in Chapter 10 happened, I muted my TV, and hid in another room, feeling really bad for Noctis, I felt he didn't deserve that pounding out of nowhere, and that was the time I saw Gladiolus as my most hated character. They should've shown why that happened, it was a little jarring.
This goes back to the poor treatment Gladiolus' character got in the game (and even in his DLC). It's not hard to see why he would get frustrated with Noctis at that point. His father (and probably many of his ancestors) sacrificed their lives for the Lucis, and now he is putting his own life on the line for a King who doesn't always seem focused on the task at hand. Unfortunately, the game doesn't delve into this at all (who's Clarus?) and Gladio's only conflict in the game (DLC) is boiled down to an anime-esque "I need more power" trope.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
This goes back to the poor treatment Gladiolus' character got in the game (and even in his DLC). It's not hard to see why he would get frustrated with Noctis at that point. His father (and probably many of his ancestors) sacrificed their lives for the Lucis, and now he is putting his own life on the line for a King who doesn't always seem focused on the task at hand. Unfortunately, the game doesn't delve into this at all (who's Clarus?) and Gladio's only conflict in the game (DLC) is boiled down to an anime-esque "I need more power" trope.
It's funny, if you saw more of Iris feeling anguish for her father in the first half, and more Gladio feeling concerned for it, then all of a sudden Noct is being a dick about everything, that scene would have been SO much more powerful. I feel they know it can be, I really do hope they do bring that connective tissue with Clarus, his duty and why he's so angry at Noct there.

Not just the second half, the first half could use more sprucing up just about everyhere (in terms of story and delivery). I feel like the free update team could really spend the time and add more exposition to as many characters as they can from Lucis in Chapters 1-8.

Part of that problem also comes from not having brotherhood adapted/incorportated into the first half story. As a universe, it works, but as a game, things are lacking because you don't always get how much Gladio has to struggle being the Kings shield and teaching him to get over hard things.

Gladio doesn't just protect Noct physically, he also does emotionally
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Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
It's funny, if you saw more of Iris feeling anguish for her father in the first half, and more Gladio feeling concerned for it, then all of a sudden Noct is being a dick about everything, that scene would have been SO much more powerful. I feel they know it can be, I really do hope they do bring that connective tissue with Clarus, his duty and why he's so angry at Noct there.

Not just the second half, the first half could use more sprucing up just about everyhere (in terms of story and delivery). I feel like the free update team could really spend the time and add more exposition to as many characters as they can from Lucis in Chapters 1-8.

Part of that problem also comes from not having brotherhood adapted/incorportated into the first half story. As a universe, it works, but as a game, things are lacking because you don't always get how much Gladio has to struggle being the Kings shield and teaching him to get over hard things.

Gladio doesn't just protect Noct physically, he also does emotionally
I don't think people realise how sick the entire concept of the Shield of the King actually is. We aren't really talking about an adult choosing to put his life on the line for the King entirely out of free will. We are talking about an entire family line that are taught (indoctrinated even?) since they are kids into putting their well-being at risk in order to protect the lives of the most privileged family in the kingdom. Now THERE'S a character conflict for Gladio. I don't know if the Shield concept is a residue of VSXIII more morally ambiguous storyline (remember the Lucis line was originally akin to a mafia, but all the Amicitias end up suffering as characters due to the way it's handled in the final game. Gladio's struggles aren't delved into in the least,Clarus is entirely cut from the game and Iris prefers to go on a cheerful date with Noctis instead of talking with her brother about the family they just lost.
Sep 27, 2013
Yup, all chapter 10 needs (well, aside from opening up places i guess) is a better transition. Show them leaving Altissia, beginning stages of the arguments on the boat could happen. You arrve at that port town where the Train section would start, explore a little more prior but hear more about said argument, leading to the Train conflict.

They don't even have to alter it, they just have to give more time for Noctis to be an ass first before doing it. Earlier transitions could have helped that. I still think it'll happen...somehow at least
Oh, I always assumed Altissia was a peninsula and had a train station/track of its own, separate from the water bridge that you use to enter. Always thought it was the part on the right here (which says Exit). But a port town makes more sense.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
This goes back to the poor treatment Gladiolus' character got in the game (and even in his DLC). It's not hard to see why he would get frustrated with Noctis at that point. His father (and probably many of his ancestors) sacrificed their lives for the Lucis, and now he is putting his own life on the line for a King who doesn't always seem focused on the task at hand. Unfortunately, the game doesn't delve into this at all (who's Clarus?) and Gladio's only conflict in the game (DLC) is boiled down to an anime-esque "I need more power" trope.
I liked that it didn’t delve into it too much. It felt like real life where people get frustrated with each other and fall out and make up naturally. Instead of being a ‘storyline’ it was all just natural.

Not that that’s good writing, or intentional. But the result was satisfying to me.
Feb 19, 2018
Just watched the armiger unleashed gameplay. I'm super hyped and it seems it's also their answer to the "hold circle and win" complaints. They're overhauling Noct's combat without deleting the old system which is a nice bit of optional choice. Though I have to ask.... why is no one talking about the fact that Noct's using giant energy weapons.... similar to Ardyn? Jesus the lore implications that just gives, this means this whole time every other king has been using a diluted version of the armiger. That means a lot of Ardyn's abilities in the final fight and Ignis Verse 2 fight weren't something he got later from the starscourge but in fact the innate abilities of Lucii magic granted to him. Damn now I'm even more hyped to see the lore tied to that Founder King sigil. Only thing that could make Armiger unleashed any better is if it allows Noctis to start freely casting elemental magic instead of the flasks we're used to. Probably not the case at all but would be cool if it were. Anyways I'm super curious about the lore surrounding the armiger itself now and why it grew weaker after Ardyn and Izunia.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
That's just evil.
Horrible/Cruel costumes from SE IP's:
9S for Ignis, Neku for Noctis, Goofy for Prompto and Yangus for Gladiolus.

Also, other companies distasteful colaborations for the female cast:
Ivy Valentine for Aranea, Onechambara fruit suit for Cindy, Senran Kagura open t-shirt for Iris and Leia slave suit for Luna.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Oh, I always assumed Altissia was a peninsula and had a train station/track of its own, separate from the water bridge that you use to enter. Always thought it was the part on the right here (which says Exit). But a port town makes more sense.
You are partially right I think. The old map depicted Altissia as the end of a Peninsula to the country of Accordo. Before what we got, it looked like everything in Eos was actually connected.

I think that concept was when they were probably going to have more of Accordo to explore instead of just a part of Altissia, but as a connected continent. It looked like the boat would take you further inland, and perhaps, eventually just explore Niflheim the same way you would have with Lucis.

Here, most know about this:

But they changed Accordo to a series of Islands, however, Altissia is practically the only thing there, as the rest of Ravattrice (the main island) is unexplorable and no other islands are touched on. It almost seems like Altissia is the only location to begin with. I like that Accordo is a set of islands now, but I wished there was more to see and do there. While not to the same extent as Niflheim, it gives the same empty feeling for me.

That's why I do hope Chapters 9-13 are revamped in the same way 14 is being done. We are getting 4 DLC's now, and due to them actually spending time on each significantly more than the previous (as they say) and connecting each more closely to the main story, I can't see how some of the won't affect these chapters in some form.

Whether Ardyn's DLC opens up a part of Niflheim or Luna's let's you see another area of Lucis or Accordo, we have yet to see, but hopefully one of the others focuses on some of the core issues with these chapters, even if it is in a new way as they describe.

Tl;dr: I expect/hope these DLC do their best to bring the world we play in more to life, either through other characters (Luna and Ardyn) or through Noctis and bros directly in the main game. I'll welcome anything in the main game getting improved upon (like more story delivery for the earlier chapters), or a better prologue, or a Kingsglaive adaption, or a brotherhood adaption, or the opportunity to explore new areas (Northern Lucis, Galahd, Greater Accordo/Ravettrice, Niflheim, Tenbrae, or Gralea). ALL of it is welcome and ANY of it would improve the game. I just hope we get to see even one or two of those things. So far they've addressed what I could've wanted for insomnia (a better late game dungeon), I have some faith that a little more will happen.
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Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
Tl;dr: I expect/hope these DLC do their best to bring the world we play in more to life, either through other characters (Luna and Ardyn) or through Noctis and bros directly in the main game. I'll welcome anything in the main game getting improved upon (Chapters 1-13), or a better prologue, or a Kingsglaive adaption, or a brotherhood adaption, or the opportunity to explore new areas (Northern Lucis, Galahd, Greater Accordo/Ravettrice, Niflheim, Tenbrae, or Gralea). ALL of it is welcome and ANY of it would improve the game. I just hope we get to see some of those things.
I do hope we get to visit Tenebrae. The fact that they tease you in the game having the characters outright say they are going there only to get there and find out it has been cut from the game is just criminal. But now that they are retconning Chapter 14, anything is up for grabs. They can easily have Noctis and co. get there BEFORE the city is burned down and have Aranea join them again to try and save the place from the Empire.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I do hope we get to visit Tenebrae. The fact that they tease you in the game having the characters outright say they are going there only to get there and find out it has been cut from the game is just criminal. But now that they are retconning Chapter 14, anything is up for grabs. They can easily have Noctis and co. get there BEFORE the city is burned down and have Aranea join them again to try and save the place from the Empire.
The December leak from last year (which I'm pretty sure has been confirmed as legit) talked about how tenebrae and shiva's dungeon/area was cut. They actually WERE supposed to get there before the invasion. So far the pocket edition has added back the latter, and we may see it in the base game at some point, but hopefully things like this get added upon.

They could do it 2 ways. One would be is dedicate 1 of the DLC episodes to primarily fixing Niflheim and expanding on it with a lot more high quality content. The downside is that it will cost one of the DLC's and it would be paid. The other thing they could do is slowly update Niflheim sections as free updates (things like Cindy's truck being there make it interesting) but it would take a decent amount of time for it to happen and likely not nearly as much high quality stuff added.

I'm not sure what they'd do, but any form of it is welcome.
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork


Blitzball Champion
Feb 2, 2017
But now that they are retconning Chapter 14, anything is up for grabs. They can easily have Noctis and co. get there BEFORE the city is burned down and have Aranea join them again to try and save the place from the Empire.
I wouldn't get ahead of yourself. Some things in the chapter will remain in stone just as the day 1 version. I am pretty sure that BD2 are fairly adamant of avoiding retcons given how Episode Ignis was handled.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I wouldn't get ahead of yourself. Some things in the chapter will remain in stone just as the day 1 version. I am pretty sure that BD2 are fairly adamant of avoiding retcons given how Episode Ignis was handled.

Yeah, I didn't want to start a discussion on the possibility of retconning (however, everything with the glaives and Cor is technically one, but it's more an expansion) but I do agree with him/her that anything is up for grabs to be expanded upon. Retconning is not a good thing. The story was fine, it just needs more.

Does anyone else think they should have addressed how they snuck into Niflheim? This is why I feel like chapter 10 should have had a transition from Altissia to that port town in the oob and a small section of gameplay where you have to actually avoid Niflheim soldiers to get on the Train. Always struck me as odd that they are just allowed to board a train to Gralea.

I know Ardyn wanted them to anyway, but the rest of Niflheim doesn't know that, so either/or could have been addressed.

Edit: Also how the crap they could have fit the Regalia in the train?? That would have been nice to know