Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Did one last look through the encyclopedia in the files:
The Datalog is now available from the Archives menu. Review written records and other information collected around Eos.


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Review profiles of people you have met. Review written records and other information collected around Eos.


See all the characters you have met. Select a character.
Read up on the weapons you have acquired. Select a weapon.

See the monsters you have encountered. View detailed information on previously encountered enemies. Select a monster.

View artwork from the world of FINAL FANTASY XV.

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Review the recipes Ignis has learned. View the recipes in Ignis's repertoire. Select a dish.

View the fishes Noctis has caught so far.

Movies / Cutscenes
Replay special cutscenes. Replay cinematic sequences you have already seen.
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Boat controls:

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Rest until dawn

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Return to the port where you last dropped anchor.

You cannot fish here.
Call the royal vessel here to set sail.
This area is inaccessible.

there's even lore about the weapons it seems

its not confirmed if there'll be any additional letters (apart from the 3 you read in gralea i mean).

Just took a look and from what I'm seeing seems to be a 4th Ravus letter now, here is what I pulled from the encyclopedia files:


1. Cosmogony (Obvious)
2. I have no idea what these 8 notes are for or where we get them. However, I do remember @Storm providing some new notes/lore about Cindy and her family. These could be them.
3. Ravus's letters- you can see there are now 4 of them, interesting.
4. Gralea Reports-The 13 reports you can look at in Chapter 13 about the magitek
5. Monuments/Monoliths- These are new. @Storm said something about them potentially being about a certain King's journey, who knows.
6. Looks like new location logs about every location in the game (I'm personally excited for this one)
7. The new Omega Reports

8.Not pictured here, but like the Bestiary, Character Datalogs will be similar and I'm assuming the Weapons will have their own section (this I'm really excited for, there's so much they can do well here. Hopefully its not just the small descriptions we already get about each weapon but thats what it probably is. Most importantly, weapon models.)

The only thing I want now is the bestiary actually getting monsters from Episode Gladio (Gilgamesh, etc), Episode Prompto, Episode Ignis and Comrades. So far we can't ever look at monsters from those expansions.
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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Has anyone here attempted to pre order the Royal Pack or Royal Edition as of yet?
You cannot pre-order the Royal Pack currently. There's no set price for it either. Royal Edition you can for the physical ones at the very least.

OG and I have already pre-ordered the PC version.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 20, 2018
Did one last look through the encyclopedia in the files:

Just took a look and from what I'm seeing seems to be a 4th Ravus letter now, here is what I pulled from the encyclopedia files:

View attachment 873

1. Cosmogony (Obvious)
2. I have no idea what these 8 notes are for or where we get them. However, I do remember @Storm providing some new notes/lore about Cindy and her family. These could be them.
3. Ravus's letters- you can see there are now 4 of them, interesting.
4. Gralea Reports-The 13 reports you can look at in Chapter 13 about the magitek
5. Monuments/Monoliths- These are new. @Storm said something about them potentially being about a certain King's journey, who knows.
6. Looks like new location logs about every location in the game (I'm personally excited for this one)
7. The new Omega Reports

8.Not pictured here, but like the Bestiary, Character Datalogs will be similar and I'm assuming the Weapons will have their own section (this I'm really excited for, there's so much they can do well here. Hopefully its not just the small descriptions we already get about each weapon but thats what it probably is. Most importantly, weapon models.)

The only thing I want now is the bestiary actually getting monsters from Episode Gladio (Gilgamesh, etc), Episode Prompto, Episode Ignis and Comrades. So far we can't ever look at monsters from those expansions.
And the part of the artwork, is there any information? What does it contain or how many files are there?
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
I usually order games at my local game store. There’s been no mention of the Royal Edition anywhere.

It seems like I can only order online.

I’m after the PAL version though so it might be harder to find.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
If a pre-order for the Royal Pack DLC shows up on PSN at some point, I would pre-order it.


Also, this is week is almost over, and after that, two more weeks until March 6th arrives.
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Feb 20, 2018
Man, as much I know it's not true or plausible since there's no evidence of it how cool would it be if the reason was a surviving Diamond Weapon or revived Glauca roaming around? Tbh as more time goes on I just want more connective tissue with KG. I won't even care about them integrating the movie into the game if they can just give me a meaningful encounter with Glauca, let me fight at least one Diamond Weapon, let me raid an Imperial Dreadnought (seriously they're such badass looking ships, Noct should be allowed to take one down or at least board it), I want some mention and acknowledgement of Nyx which hopefully we're getting in that Glaive out of time quest. Hell it also just dawned on me that Libertus could inform Noct of Drautos' treachery thus creating the proper motivation for him to be personally invested in taking down Glauca if that happens. I feel like one of the reasons while KG is cool but ultimately creates a sense of dissatisfaction in XV is cuz it introduced so much cool shit that never got followed up on. Like rivalries, betrayals, enemy types, and just stuff with history in general. XV in many ways does, at times, feel like it's not really extending out of KG but rather just referencing it here and there. So I hope there's more effort to fix that. They've been making progress towards so it means there's some acknowledgement of the issue on their part but I wanna see more concrete stuff come about of said acknowledgement. Overall expanded Insomnia has a lot of potential to have stuff added in the future so I hope they utilize it fully.
Either of those two would be incredible, especially the Diamond Weapon because I doubt Noctis & Gladio would run away from Glauca, actually I think they'd run right at him Daemonified or not lol... but, I doubt it. I think it's more likely that, as I mentioned earlier on in the thread, they weren't able to develop all of Insomnia so we use the underground areas to transition between zones.

Like, they'll use the excuse of some part of the city being destroyed so that we have to stop trekking above ground, and while it seems congruent and doesn't necessarily break immersion that says too me that they just weren't able to develop that specific area in time so we go underground... I really hope someone can unconfirm this suspicion of mine though.

Really hope I'm wrong. Maybe they just want to avoid Ardyn's watchful eye, or maybe they want to avoid omega? Who knows.
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Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 22, 2018
I was a little surprised about that, too, I do wonder what happened down there.
When they saw the body,Prompto says"It's still fresh."
and Ignis says"We must hurry,maybe there were survivors around here."
later they meet cor,and he takes them to glaives' base
So I think the glaives just set up a front base or something similar,keep fighting in the city,also keep losing their people.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
When they saw the body,Prompto says"It's still fresh."
and Ignis says"We must hurry,maybe there were survivors around here."
later they meet cor,and he takes them to glaives' base
So I think the glaives just set up a front base or something similar,keep fighting in the city,also keep losing their people.
nice, have you watched the entire stream? have they mentioned anything about older iris? (i read some posts that they did but no evidence)


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
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