Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Guess I'm late to the party on this one, but I really don't agree with the additions of the Royal Edition. For me, the endgame was the strongest point of FFXV, and what really needed to be fixed was the early portions.

It's too soon to be all doom & gloom, hopefully the execution of the last chapter will pay off instead of diminishing the value of the 4 personal journey in Insomnia.
tbh the "personal" journey at the last act didn't made sense, its supposed to be the return of the king, the moment to take all the remaining forces out of insomnia, to reclaim the throne, where all the characters join to fight in a bombastic finale.

instead in the base game everything happens way too fast, there's no one knowing about Noctis return (the True King is fighting alone because?!)... cor is totally absent... nothing about the glaives... everybody is out doing whatever while the most important event of the last 10 years is happening.

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
But didn't you just explain exactly why Loki needs screen time more than the other generals right now? He has a really nice design and I love what we got of him, but it wasn't enough. They should give him the same treatment that they gave Caligo. A few cutscenes made his whole character 10x better than it was before.
When you have main characters like Luna, Regis or Iedolas that lack development, I doubt Loki would be anyone's priority.


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Mar 21, 2015
I feel the opposite about Chapter 14, don't get me wrong, I understand, Chapter 14 was a little underwhelming for me and there wasn't enough content/stuff for me in the original Chapter 14, I don't think I'll go into detail about all of it, but I will say there wasn't enough bosses as one thing I'll say, but I loved the ending, and I'm happy they're expanding on Chapter 14, and they resonate with the stuff I felt it fell short, and End-Game chapters in video games are important to me as the story, but my expectations are low, and like I said, it's just my opinion, you don't have to agree with it, just putting my thoughts out there, and I do agree the first half needs some work, too, as well as the second half.
Nah man it's cool, I kinda agree with you really.

Expanding Insomnia, World of Ruin stuff is pretty awesome imo. It's just some nitpicks really, keeping that ending with the just the 4 guys in the deserted insomnia was something that really helped the atmosphere imo. I was just saying that, if I was the one directing this expansion, I would put my efforts in more early game stuff, to build some characters up that lacked in the end.

Still, nothing is certain for now, maybe the additions will improve the ending even further. Can't wait to find out!


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I'm not saying he sould have his own DLC. Just saying he deserves one more boss fight or some kind of closure. He literally jumps out of a magitec engine and explodes all within 5 minutes.

This. It's not that we needed more of Loqi or Caligo over anyone else more important, it's that they effectively took the little development for a stupid villain like Loqi away.

Regardless of how unimportant a story or character is, it's silly to remove any form of extra story the game does have on it. Taking away the AC festival does exactly that.

And for the record we need more cutscenes and story for characters like Ravus, Aranea, Iedolas and Verstael. It's sorely needed


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Because the new Niff is pretty dull. Instead of just focussing on Arden as the "main" baddy, I wish they spread it around. I wanted multiple encounters with multiple commander's, officer's, and soldier's(but they decided to make them all robots so whatevess). Loqi actually represents my feelings the most on this actually.

The first time you fight him got me so pumped(the music especially) I was so excited to take on many more "actual people" in Niff but sadly we didn't really get anything after that fight besides Aranea(and even then we never got a rematch lol).

I still wish we had a proper rival...(*coughRAVUS*cough*)
I'm not denying the bare amount of encounters with Niffs in the main game, but my point was specifcally about why they should bother with Loki (or Loqi whatever) when the generals i already mentioned have far more compelling reasons to be fleshed out as characters than he himself does.

When i think of encounters i think of how much substance they could potentially add to the main story, and so far with everything we do know about Loki doesn't bring much to the table compared to any of the other niffs (especially Drautos).
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Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I'm not denying the bare amount of encounters with Niffs in the main game, but my point was specifcally about why they should bother with Loki (or Loqi whatever) when the generals i already mentioned have far more compelling reasons to be fleshed out as characters than he himself does. When i think of encounters i think of how much substance they could potentially add to the main story, and so far with everything we do know about Loki doesn't bring much to the table compared to any of the other niffs (especially Drautos).

It's more the fact that they took it away, not that they need to add more.

On that note, Glauca does need something


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
But didn't you just explain exactly why Loki needs screen time more than the other generals right now? He has a really nice design and I love what we got of him, but it wasn't enough.
No, i tried to explain him being a waste of resources compared to the other generals, but let me add more to it.

Calligo can work due to (like Ikkin said), his personality in EP. Ignis being consistent with the Dawn trailer thanks to his low tolerance for Luna and how much it could potentially affect Ravus (and even Noctis) on a personal level.

Verstael works thanks to his relationship with Prompto and his infuence on the Magitek Infantry + researches.

Ravus & Iedolas enough said.

Loki = ???

With existing material comparable to a wet fart with little to work with he may as well be equivilent to Team Rocket. The character having low potential unlike the rest just give me the belief that he's not worth giving high priority of.
Likes: Alekzan


Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014
As it's presented in the base game (ignoring the whole XV universe, this is something I think many are failling to separate when talking about what needs to be added/expanded on FFXV as well as what's important for XV the game, not XV the universe) Niff IMO needs little focus outside of one character, Ravus. He's the only character (outside of Ardyn) to have a grudge againts him on a personal level for making her sister life deteriorate (if indirectly).

Loqui needs none, he's a one off villan that amounts to nothing in the overall plot of XV (like Ultros was in VI).
Caligo, MAYBE, as it is the only reason to focus on him would be to avenge Jarred, but little else.
Verstael and Iedola need no more, they are not important in any way to Noctis story (the former is important only to someone else and the later did almost nothing because Ardyn was the one behind everything).
Glauca also doesn't need focus because, the game never brings up nor focuses on who murdered Regis.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
No, i tried to explain him being a waste of resources compared to the other generals, but let me add more to it.

Calligo can work due to (like Ikkin said), his personality in EP. Ignis being consistent with the Dawn trailer thanks to his low tolerance for Luna and how much it could potentially affect Ravus (and even Noctis) on a personal level.

Verstael works thanks to his relationship with Prompto and his infuence on the Magitek Infantry + researches.

Ravus & Iedolas enough said.

Loki = ???

With existing material comparable to a wet fart with little to work with he may as well be equivilent to Team Rocket. The character having low potential unlike the rest just give me the belief that he's not worth giving high priority of.

There's an entire hour playable event with him.He's' a dumb villain that they wasted high quality cutscenes with, but it's the fact that they are permanently taking them away. It was a fun little stint for the bros to deal with before Altissia (if you consider it canon).

I agree though, no point in wasting resources on a character like him but the event was decent for the character already.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
As it's presented in the base game (ignoring the whole XV universe, this is something I think many are failling to separate when talking about what needs to be added/expanded on FFXV as well as what's important for XV the game, not XV the universe) Niff IMO needs little focus outside of one character, Ravus. He's the only character (outside of Ardyn) to have a grudge againts him on a personal level for making her sister life deteriorate (if indirectly).

Loqui needs none, he's a one off villan that amounts to nothing in the overall plot of XV (like Ultros was in VI).
Caligo, MAYBE, as it is the only reason to focus on him would be to avenge Jarred, but little else.
Verstael and Iedola need no more, they are not important in any way to Noctis story (the former is important only to someone else and the later did almost nothing because Ardyn was the one behind everything).
Glauca also doesn't need focus because, the game never brings up nor focuses on who murdered Regis.
I would like more content on Ravus, too, you're not alone on this. Episode Ignis was a good step for him, but I feel like he needs more.


Warrior of Light
May 27, 2014
If pre-timeskip Insomnia is explorable I will be happy with the royal edition tbh. It's all i'm asking for at this point regarding it.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
As it's presented in the base game (ignoring the whole XV universe, this is something I think many are failling to separate when talking about what needs to be added/expanded on FFXV as well as what's important for XV the game, not XV the universe) Niff IMO needs little focus outside of one character, Ravus. He's the only character (outside of Ardyn) to have a grudge againts him on a personal level for making her sister life deteriorate (if indirectly).

Loqui needs none, he's a one off villan that amounts to nothing in the overall plot of XV (like Ultros was in VI).
Caligo, MAYBE, as it is the only reason to focus on him would be to avenge Jarred, but little else.
Verstael and Iedola need no more, they are not important in any way to Noctis story (the former is important only to someone else and the later did almost nothing because Ardyn was the one behind everything).
Glauca also doesn't need focus because, the game never brings up nor focuses on who murdered Regis.

90% of the reason why people have a problem with the lack of development of these characters is because a lot of people don't like the Universe.

Iedolas gets the perfect amount of characterization in Kingsglaive, so does Ravus, Regis, and Luna (bar some inconsistent shit in the writing and what some of the characters do).

The problem with it, is that all of these characters get fucked over in the main game as a result, because it IS Nocts story, and everyone either had their entire story told through KG (Glauca, Clarus, and Nyx), most of their story told (Regis and Iedolas's rivalry was something advertised for years before FFXV even released, but their story continues ever so subtly in the main game, along with Regis's regal presence and how much he cares about his son) or had important things explained (Luna getting the Ring, Ravus getting rejected by the same ring, the Kingsglaive's fall) without really connecting it all back to the main game effectively.

If they just adapted Kingsglaive as a supplemental episode in game with Regis, Nyx and Luna as the main protagonists, and focused on Iedolas, Ravus and Glauca as the villains, as well as connect these 2 things better throughout the main game, it practically solves nearly ALL of the problems with Niflheim and the protagonists that needed more.

And I'm inclined to agree because I'd rather play a FF story than watch one. It's half the reason I hate Advent Children (aside from having a dumb story).

Edit: And the same thing goes for Brotherhood, but since it has nothing to do with the Empire for the most part there's no point in talking about that.

Tl;dr: I personally think expanded media sucks when it is mandatory and not supplementary to a characters story. Kingsglaive is necessary to understand fully almost all of the main plot's conflicts.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I really don't get the viewpoint that the villains don't need more scenes because they weren't important in the game.

The game itself made them not important. All of them could have had more significance if the developers wanted to.

For example, Caligo had no importance to the game whatsoever. Then, Episode Ignis decided to give him more to do (as well as a means to make Ravus's character that much better) and it made his character that much more entertaining to watch. The SAME exact thing happened to Loqi. Barebones, useless character that actually got a pretty fun story with the AC Festival.

The dev's can give characters like Verstael, Iedolas, Ravus (ahem, that chapter 5 bossfight that should be there) and Aranea more things to do, if they so choose. They can have them interfere with Noct's story more if they want. They can be more important if they want them to be. They could reference the events of KG more make a few of them better if they want.

Its the lack of the above that causes people to say they were useless to the story.
Likes: Jubileus


Jan 7, 2017
@Paperchampion23 You know, there is one word which people even now, after 2 years passed since release, keep using and repeating things over and over and over. It's a word 'If". In the context of FF XV, this word became a gigantic parasite, which makes things complicated in ff xv community. What done was done, They did it with clear mind and acknowledging all problems and risk behind this. CGI-movie shows in full light who are Regis, Iedolas, Glauca, Nyx and a bit of Luna with Ravus. Story of the first four has preety logical end in the movie, except emperor, he gets his end in the game and he doesnt need much screen time.
So who left? Ravus, Ardyn and kinda Emperor. Last one almost doesn't need much time, so we wont count him. So left Ravus and Ardyn.
No need to say anything about this badass, so skipping him. The only one who left and about whom i agreed is Ravus. They really fcked up a bit with him, and he needs more screen time, so we could FEEL him as anti-hero.

What they are doing right now is polishing and improving the game, based most of all on fans demand. Heck, they even made alternative ending, cause ppl dont like and dont want accept the real ending.
The game has a VILLIAN, ANTI-HERO, PUPPET and some kind of unimportant third-rate characters. What trully this game needs are Monster Bosses.