Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Feb 19, 2018
wow apparently there'll be an art gallery/cutscene viewer! OG initially thought it was from a debug menu but now he found button prompts for them on the archive section; i asked him again about the content on the datalog too

and yes while the data is real it doesnt mean everything in there will come to life; having said that, the information he found about comrades was confirmed to be coming in march 6th, so im pretty confident.
Woah, that content from the datalog is super interesting. Ravus letters will give some much needed depth to the character in game. Cosmogeny similarly will fill in the lore with regards to the astrals, and finally the journey of the king will fill in lore with regards to the rulers of yore I'm sure.

I know people didn't like the datalogs in FFXIII, but I didn't mind it and at least this way we can understand the story. Plus it seems like some of this will be explained in cut scenes too.

I'm getting excited now that this Royal update could do a LOT to fix the issues people had with the story. We'll have to see!
Likes: Storm


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 21, 2018
Hello, newly registering here though had been lurking for some time.

Any news about the stream ?
The stream already over. It didn't show much tho, just a bit battle in underground insomnia and
the bros meeting Cor and glaives. They cut the cutscene short so no spoiler.
Also racing mini game with Regalia.

I do have it recorded if you want to watch.
Likes: Storm


Stiltzkin's Apprentice
Feb 21, 2018
Edit: Someone uploaded it -
Yep. Seems we have a lot more to do in Insomnia now. But I glad they didn't show too much. I love my surprises ;D.
2 weeks more!

I do hope they have another racing track other than in Vesperpool. With that much trees and obstacle, that's like, worst racing track ever.
Likes: Storm


Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
Yep. Seems we have a lot more to do in Insomnia now. But I glad they didn't show too much. I love my surprises ;D.
2 weeks more!

I do hope they have another racing track other than in Vesperpool. With that much trees and obstacle, that's like, worst racing track ever.
That is one out of three that OG found, and told Storm off the top of my head. The Cross-Cleigne Safari.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
The Datalog is now available from the Archives menu. Review written records and other information collected around Eos.


View memories from your journey.


Review profiles of people you have met. Review written records and other information collected around Eos.


See all the characters you have met. Select a character.
Read up on the weapons you have acquired. Select a weapon.

See the monsters you have encountered. View detailed information on previously encountered enemies. Select a monster.

View artwork from the world of FINAL FANTASY XV.

View snapshots and adjust filters.
Auto-snaps Manual-snaps

Review the recipes Ignis has learned. View the recipes in Ignis's repertoire. Select a dish.

View the fishes Noctis has caught so far.

Movies / Cutscenes
Replay special cutscenes. Replay cinematic sequences you have already seen.
Select a cutscene.

Boat controls:

Board boat
Call boat
Steer the boat yourself.

Buy and sell various items via digital transmission.

Take a rest?
Rest until morning
Rest until noon
Rest until evening
Rest until night
Rest until dawn

Return to anchorage point
Return to the port where you last dropped anchor.

You cannot fish here.
Call the royal vessel here to set sail.
This area is inaccessible.

there's even lore about the weapons it seems

Woah, that content from the datalog is super interesting. Ravus letters will give some much needed depth to the character in game.
its not confirmed if there'll be any additional letters (apart from the 3 you read in gralea i mean).
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
so we already have confirmation of some of the things we've been talking about for days

- new underground areas in insomnia
- ahrimans
- racing quests
Yeah, as for the other things, we'll wait and see if those'll make it or not.


Also, the underground area is the LR Citadel Station.:

The underground area so far looks better than the underground area at launch in my opinion.
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Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
Chilling with Luna expansion (shopping with her, reading books, special night at the leville ;p)

*a dream segment, noctis wakes up right when the two are getting intimate.

edit: i read on faqs older iris was confirmed in the stream, waiting for any evidence.
I think the picture is just promotional material, in my opinion.
Sep 27, 2013
Chilling with Luna expansion (shopping with her, reading books, special night at the leville ;p)

*a dream segment, noctis wakes up right when the two are getting intimate.

edit: i read on faqs older iris was confirmed in the stream, waiting for any evidence.
That's more or less what I was expecting. Get cozy with Luna and have Noct and Luna spend their honeymoon together,
then kill her off for a more dramatic effect.
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
That's more or less what I was expecting. Get cozy with Luna and have Noct and Luna spend their honeymoon together,
then kill her off for a more dramatic effect.

What's funny is that it always circles back to this leak:

Read the part on "Episode Luna". It's exactly this, plus more I'd be excited about (an actual hard mode, an actual magic grid to use improved magic, to fucking finally use the swim function, and also get something in tenebrae)

@NoxFleuret You should see if OG can pull what he can for Luna, perhaps there is another hint to her getting something soon.

That artwork looks like a tease next to the other 3 lol.

But I agree with @Guitar (pseudo)God pseudo)God , it needs to be a badass section of gameplay, not (just) day spending time with her (which kind of ruins the tragedy a little imo, I can see how giving a little more happiness for them both before taking it away could be even sadder). Youll be happy to know though that
that she is apparently a party member and has her own character switch option in the files (though that may be just when the camera changes while you tell a friend to do an action)
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
so we already have confirmation of some of the things we've been talking about for days

- new underground areas in insomnia
- ahrimans
- racing quests

Gives me hope for the above ground being substantial (if you can drive the car) the part they showed was linear but it is entirely possible the DLC doesn't start there and it's linear just to get to the HQ.

I think the underground is going to be a maze type dungeon in a way, and then you have to use the Keys to unlock shutters that open up other parts of the city.

EVENTUALLY you'll get the car and not have to go back underground as well as fast travel (and maybe drive to other places? Pleeeeaaase)
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