wow apparently there'll be an art gallery/cutscene viewer! OG initially thought it was from a debug menu but now he found button prompts for them on the archive section; i asked him again about the content on the datalog too
and yes while the data is real it doesnt mean everything in there will come to life; having said that, the information he found about comrades was confirmed to be coming in march 6th, so im pretty confident.
Woah, that content from the datalog is super interesting. Ravus letters will give some much needed depth to the character in game. Cosmogeny similarly will fill in the lore with regards to the astrals, and finally the journey of the king will fill in lore with regards to the rulers of yore I'm sure.
I know people didn't like the datalogs in FFXIII, but I didn't mind it and at least this way we can understand the story. Plus it seems like some of this will be explained in cut scenes too.
I'm getting excited now that this Royal update could do a LOT to fix the issues people had with the story. We'll have to see!
Hell no. When Luna heals people from the Starscourge, sometimes daemons are drawn out. She then has to rain down holy judgement with her trident in gameplay reminiscent of Comrades.
Read the part on "Episode Luna". It's exactly this, plus more I'd be excited about (an actual hard mode, an actual magic grid to use improved magic, to fucking finally use the swim function, and also get something in tenebrae)
@NoxFleuret You should see if OG can pull what he can for Luna, perhaps there is another hint to her getting something soon.
That artwork looks like a tease next to the other 3 lol.
But I agree with @Guitar (pseudo)God pseudo)God , it needs to be a badass section of gameplay, not (just) day spending time with her (which kind of ruins the tragedy a little imo, I can see how giving a little more happiness for them both before taking it away could be even sadder). Youll be happy to know though that
that she is apparently a party member and has her own character switch option in the files (though that may be just when the camera changes while you tell a friend to do an action)
Gives me hope for the above ground being substantial (if you can drive the car) the part they showed was linear but it is entirely possible the DLC doesn't start there and it's linear just to get to the HQ.
I think the underground is going to be a maze type dungeon in a way, and then you have to use the Keys to unlock shutters that open up other parts of the city.
EVENTUALLY you'll get the car and not have to go back underground as well as fast travel (and maybe drive to other places? Pleeeeaaase)