Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Still buying this DLC either way, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm a bit puzzled at the decision to take things underground, and more than once. Hmm, if I were to be optimistic I'd wonder if maybe some of the veserway/highway is destroyed, preventing you from getting too certain places with the regalia like the Glaive HQ and others.

With the information available too me at the moment that would ideal situation for me now as it would mean there's still a chance we're actually getting the full city or at least something close to that... but I have my doubts. I'm concerned that they just weren't able too include it all and are using the underground sections as transitions between the areas they couldn't develop in time with the sections they could.

This is all just conjecture, of course loool, but my imagination is running wild. If someone could give an accurate description of how large the city is and what we can do in it I'd appreciate it. I could care less about spoilers TBH, I'm more concerned with knowing the game has taken another step towards capitalizing on its full potential than anything else.
i don't expect the full city to be explorable either way, anyway you're forgetting there are enemy bases to take down (3 in total, but they could be small) and even mention of the kingsglave hq on the data.

and depending on how they do it, the undergrounds segments can be potentially interesting as well.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I think its going to be "widespread" but very segmented. Meaning tunnels and highways may take you to other sections of the map, but these sections themselves won't be entirely huge themselves.

Thats what I'm hoping for anyway. I'd rather see a lot of little pieces of and around Insomnia than just the area around the Citadel, especially if its well structured.
Likes: Unoder


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Found something else interesting:
There are "Event"/Sequences for Episode Ardyn already in the files:

EP04, like @Storm showed us before, is episode Ardyn. Found these as a result. Obviously there is nothing that we can siphon from this but its cool nonetheless.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
Found something else interesting:
There are "Event"/Sequences for Episode Ardyn already in the files:
View attachment 867

EP04, like @Storm showed us before, is episode Ardyn. Found these as a result. Obviously there is nothing that we can siphon from this but its cool nonetheless.
i imagine they are, i think even OG is unsure, but most likely EP4_Ardyn means that; weird its on the benchmark already.


Feb 20, 2018
I'd imagine they are used to section off parts of the map because they are locked. I'm guessing, once you get the regalia, more things become available to you and you can fast travel. Thats what I'm thinking anyway. We have no idea, but it seems like a good guess now that the Regalia will be used to traverse the city in some form.

Basically I have 2 theories:

1. You unlock keys to progress through parts of the map on foot, then eventually unlock the Regalia and travel along highways or streets to other parts of the map, along with fast travel.


2. You unlock the Regalia around Hammerhead, drive to Insomnia, and have to unlock areas of it through the keys.

1. You unlock the car later in the chapter in Insomnia.
2. You unlock the car earlier at Hammerhead.

Either way, this effectively means its probably not a small map we are getting, which is great.
I think we'll definitely be getting the regalia once we return to hammerhead, and I imagine we'll take it too Insomnia from there. As for using it too get around the city, I'm starting too doubt that, but it is something I'd love too see.

Anyway, hopefully one of these days we'll get to drive Noct's Audi R8 around the city in that playable pw prologue I requested on the reddit.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I think we'll definitely be getting the regalia once we return to hammerhead, and I imagine we'll take it too Insomnia from there. As for using it too get around the city, I'm starting too doubt that, but it is something I'd love too see.

Anyway, hopefully one of these days we'll get to drive Noct's Audi R8 around the city in that playable pw prologue I requested on the reddit.
The thing is, while we probably do get it from Hammerhead and travel to Insomnia with it directly (I'm inclined to believe this as well), the fact that Talcott says he can repair it and such means that we have to use it for exploring something. TBH we haven't found a hint of WoR stuff (any new maps for Leide/Lestallum/Duscae/Cleigne, as well as Aranea and Iris not being found either), BUT there are hints that the car may be used in Insomnia (location names like the Vesperway and now fast travel, which could only be done directly with your car, but yea obviously its not guaranteed).

This leads me to believe that if we can't explore the WoR (yet) but have a bigger Insomnia with the potential to drive there, as well as Talcott offering repairs for you (I feel like you have to explore in order to damage the car purposely over time as a result), then I'm inclined to believe that driving in the city is also likely.

Could be wrong as shit though, I'm just trying to connect the dots.
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Likes: Unoder

Takeshi Sendo

PSICOM Soldier
Feb 18, 2018
Okay, so I've been taking one last, good look at the files again, and I found some cool, new stuff (and yes, some more "leaks"):

Firstly, I think I found all of the original game's Chapter 14 Structure, it took me a little bit to piece together but I think I got it. Just to specify, this seems to be only the main story structure (meaning these are probably cutscenes or events):

View attachment 855
View attachment 856
View attachment 857

Pretty cool, but then it got WAY cooler when I found the Royal Edition Event Structure/Additions:

Do note:
1. "FUL" in the files indicates Royal Edition stuff (Its not labeled by GOTY here). I know this because things like Cerberus and new stuff are labeled as such only.

2. Some of this may not be the correct order at all, it is just the order I found it in the files (which are definitely not in the right order as I found the Insomnia Ardyn fight files before even Insomnia events).

3. These may combine some of the events above to (I'm sure they still use plenty of older scenes for Chapter 14 for things they didn't change, I don't expect it all to be different).


View attachment 858

- It seems the intro scenes were changed (assuming these are the scenes themselves). Perhaps it has to do with actually having Noct waking to meet Kingsglaives and Gentiana (from Comrades) and not by himself.

-No idea where this "1st_Btl" takes place, but it is new (I'm sure the Galdin Quay stuff still happens though in the beginning of the chapter)

-No idea what "East Side" and "West Side" could signify. Maybe east and west sides of the Citadel? City? We have to unlock parts of the city with keys, so who knows.

-"Reunion 2nd" sounds like a reunion with Luna, excited

-"Base_Outside", "Base_Event", "Base_Inside" sounds like the Kingsglavie HQ, probably the hub for insomnia to do the side quests and stuff.

-"Kerberos" is Cerberus

-Big one: It looks like there may be changes to Ifrit's fight? Those 3 lines are the only things I found but it does signify a change with the Royal Edition. Perhaps its another phase of the fight like the harder one we saw with the new Comrades trailer? Dunno but I'm interested to see if there is a change.

View attachment 859

-Seems they change/add scenes when entering the Citadel and riding the elevator.
-Kings of Yore fights. I think this confirms they are in fact 3 separate fights, and not 1 singular battle. All 3 clearly start and end.
-Big one: The 3rd King seems to have a 2nd phase.

View attachment 860

-New things with Cor: Dunno if this signifies that you have to fight him (like the Camp fights with the Bros/Aranea or maybe an actual fight where Ardyn possesses him?) or if its something else.

-No idea what the last thing means. Perhaps a cutscene showing off another location of some sort? No clue.

This is it for me. I think I've looked at this enough. Need to pay attention to Grad School lol.
My boy you are such a beast! Do you think the expandes map will be big enough? The trailer did no favour because the showed almost the same places.
What do you know about it?'

Edit: ok I have just read it the latest posts, its looks like we will have a big insomnia and even driving around the city. What a time to be alive...
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
My boy you are such a beast! Do you think the expandes map will be big enough? The trailer did no favour because the showed almost the same places.
What do you know about it?'
I think, after how they spoiled the shit out of Ignis, square is probably trying to hide some stuff (based on the leaks, they definitely are) lmao. But I have a feeling we'll get a second trailer showing off more of what you can do in the next week or 2.

Anyway, I think it may be pretty sizable, based on what @NoxFleuret said from the original leaker. If the leak is accurate, then we will have multiple fast travel points which we have to unlock by visiting different maps displayed around the city, as well as keys that unlock different underground passages that lead to other parts of the city. Also we may have the ability to drive the car (we arent sure about this one yet) to Insomnia from Hammerhead and/or actually drive in the city. We know we get the car, we just don't know where it will be exactly used yet.

Hope that answers your question. Based on the keys and the progression of the side quests I'm pretty confident that it will be a pretty substantial upgrade.
Likes: Takeshi Sendo


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
So I got to thinking. If there is Sequence/Event/Cutscene data already for Episode Ardyn (my post from before), is it possible that they are trying to do a stealth release of the episode?

Maybe there will be a trailer on March 6th saying it's available as a bundle with the Royal editionXDDD

Semi-joking lol but that strikes me as odd to have that stuff patched in when the DLC hasn't even been revealed yet, especially in a benchmark. And it looks exactly how the other 3 character episodes look in these files
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Chocobo Knight
Feb 17, 2018
edit: huh there's nothing about older iris in the data it seems,but since the benchmark doesnt contain the full data we might get a few surprises..
OG said he put together a conversation with Iris, Noctis and Gladio. Said there was something about Cindy, but not really a lot. Much more in regard to conversations with Cor, chatter with the other person that shows up.

Made a comment about the first two being tricky to read, kind of vague (though he knows where it goes in the game, and that they do imply Insomnia to him but he's not 100% on it) and that he couldn't find notes on it in the rest of the data like other things. Such as Weskham and Cid having bit of an argument at a point too in the Comrades data.

OG also slid this at me:

Car Camera
The car camera allows you to take photos while driving the Regalia Type-D.
Snap shots from a new perspective as you explore the wide world of Eos.

The races need to be finished up in order to unlock customization parts too it seems.

OG is also not entirely sure, but he thinks the car is picked up in Insomnia from the location of things, such as this out of the dialogue. It's not all of it, and these are unlabelled currently for who is saying what (OG has this done too apparently, he just hasn't sent me the updated one).

I'd heard word of a spare car stored somewhere, but I doubted their veracity.
Looks like the rumors were true after all.
You guys are free to use the Regalia as you like.
Yeah, but...
Not doing any good decorating the garage.
It's a car without an owner. So, give her a spin now and again.

I think he forgot to look for the Glauca stuff. I'll have to ask him again.


He forgot to look. He's been looking at items and things. Apparently there's some that aren't formatted or something the way the other items are, and he thinks they're unused or potentially new.

Not really sure what's going on with them, beyond that he's apparently got bit of a list going.
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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
OG said he put together a conversation with Iris, Noctis and Gladio. Said there was something about Cindy, but not really a lot. Much more in regard to conversations with Cor, chatter with the other person that shows up.

Made a comment about the first two being tricky to read, kind of vague (though he knows where it goes in the game, and that they do imply Insomnia to him but he's not 100% on it) and that he couldn't find notes on it in the rest of the data like other things. Such as Weskham and Cid having bit of an argument at a point too in the Comrades data.

OG also slid this at me:

Car Camera
The car camera allows you to take photos while driving the Regalia Type-D.
Snap shots from a new perspective as you explore the wide world of Eos.

The races need to be finished up in order to unlock customization parts too it seems.

OG is also not entirely sure, but he thinks the car is picked up in Insomnia from the location of things, such as this out of the dialogue. It's not all of it, and these are unlabelled currently for who is saying what (OG has this done too apparently, he just hasn't sent me the updated one).

I'd heard word of a spare car stored somewhere, but I doubted their veracity.
Looks like the rumors were true after all.
You guys are free to use the Regalia as you like.
Yeah, but...
Not doing any good decorating the garage.
It's a car without an owner. So, give her a spin now and again.

I think he forgot to look for the Glauca stuff. I'll have to ask him again.


He forgot to look. He's been looking at items and things. Apparently there's some that aren't formatted or something the way the other items are, and he thinks they're unused or potentially new.

Not really sure what's going on with them, beyond that he's apparently got bit of a list going.
I had a feeling it was more like this than getting it at Hammerhead. Having to actually leave Insomnia to drive back to Leide everytime you need your car serviced would have been silly lol. Plus it looks like we actually have to find where it is or the key Cid left (dunno which)

I do hope that we can at least see Talcott bringing Noct and everyone to insomnia so it doesn't feel disjointed. It seems that hes at least in Insomnia with them then.

On a positive note, this does make me feel better about the maps size though, because it likely means can drive it in the city.

On a more curious note, I wonder how they'd do the WoR now if you don't get the car in Leide.

This is assuming all of this is accurate.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
On a more curious note, I wonder how they'd do the WoR now if you don't get the car in Leide.
Gonna go on my gut feeling that we really aren't going to get a fully playable WoR at least with this update, i can certainly see it being possible later on, but not for the RE content specifically.


Feb 17, 2018
I wonder if we'll get an Episode Ardyn or Episode Luna teaser on March 6...?

Usually, BD2 has always released teasers whenever knew DLC came.

When Episode Gladio came out, Square released a Prompto teaser, Episode Prompto had a Ignis teaser, and Comrades has a full on Episode Ignis Trailer.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Gonna go on my gut feeling that we really aren't going to get a fully playable WoR at least with this update, i can certainly see it being possible later on, but not for the RE content specifically.

Oh yeah totally, that's what I meant haha. I think WoR is going to be it's own thing down the road, it's another highly requested part people want.

I guess I'm asking, if you get the car in Insomnia later, what would you use to go to the WoR before that (considering Insmnia is technically the point of no return so I can't see them just deciding to leave the city).

I wonder if we'll get an Episode Ardyn or Episode Luna teaser on March 6...?

Usually, BD2 has always released teasers whenever knew DLC came.

When Episode Gladio came out, Square released a Prompto teaser, Episode Prompto had a Ignis teaser, and Comrades has a full on Episode Ignis Trailer.
I definitely think so too. Something Ardyn related has to be happening soon.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
dunno, but since comrades kinda covers that, i think they won't? even if you pick the car at hammerhead...

I wonder if we'll get an Episode Ardyn or Episode Luna teaser on March 6...?

Usually, BD2 has always released teasers whenever knew DLC came.

When Episode Gladio came out, Square released a Prompto teaser, Episode Prompto had a Ignis teaser, and Comrades has a full on Episode Ignis Trailer.
possible, i would say the lore they'll include with the update is a set-up, Tabata did say he wanted to deal with some lore information before doing EP Ardyn.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
dunno, but since comrades kinda covers that, i think they won't? even if you pick the car at hammerhead...

possible, i would say the lore they'll include with the update is a set-up, Tabata did say he wanted to deal with some lore information before doing EP Ardyn.
I'd actually be totally okay with Comrades taking care of it, but only if the game actually progresses to true WoR by the end of their updates (if the story in it is theoretically still continuing with 1.2 and so on). I just wanna see some cool timeskip designs and some decent story wrapups for Cindy, Aranea and Iris if they stay in Lestallum while Noct and rest do their thing in Insomnia
Likes: Storm


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Edit: ok I have just read it the latest posts, its looks like we will have a big insomnia and even driving around the city. What a time to be alive...
Just reserve judgment and excitement until it releases. While a lot of this is likely true and set in stone, you can never be too sure what doesn't make the cut.

It probably is possible since there are several things pointing to it, but remember that some of it is just me assuming how it works, whether or not if it's right.

Just don't wanna cause a shitstorm if something is not in. I like speculating, especially with as much proof as I can find, so I try not to be too fluffy about it.

Anyway, I agree with your feeling. Just be sane about it until we know for sure.
Likes: Storm