Final Fantasy XV - General News Thread

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Warrior of Light
Oct 9, 2014


Blitzball Champion
Sep 8, 2014
In hindsight it was an extremely bad decision to show the game's biggest set piece in the E3 2013 trailer. It helped to create a mindblowing trailer for the re-reveal but overall it did more harm than good for the game.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Aug 5, 2015
Manhattan, New York City
I think what´s more surprising is that he considers FFVI his favourite despite never completing that game or the others.
Also i wonder if by complete he means beating the final boss.
That's a great point - he could mean completed every side quest - but honestly I'm not too surprised, though I hope he's at least played every game to get the feel and watched and/or read full reports on the subjects. He seems to have a pretty good handle on the spirit of Final Fantasy from his past entries, at least comparatively to other Directors. Also I do like his willingness to reach out to Sakaguchi for guidance, it says a lot about his character, being humble.
Oct 19, 2013
He doesn't have to have finished every single FF. He's a working adult and already was when most FFs came out. Not everybody has the time to spend 60h playing one game and you would be surprised how few game directors even play their own games to completion. As a game director he should, however, at least understand what's happening in the gaming world and play the biggest titles a bit to get a feeling for the changing tastes and not to stay behind the times. And he apparently does that when you read interviews with him showing that he knows and understands current trends and development methods, especially the difference between Japanese and Western studios' approach.

He's the right guy for this series. Passionate about creating an impressive, modern FF that still knows its roots, but also open to change, trying to carefully assess what tradition-baggage really is still necessary.
See this recent, great interview:
Likes: Noctis_Caelum