Excellent news that they've sold over 6 million copies. I'd wager by the end of the year they'd reach over 7 million.
Thing is, although sales are good, the brand still hasn't fully redeemed itself yet. The story has affected people's opinion on the franchise's storytelling ability and has created worry on that front.
With that aside, I do hope Tabata and team are happy with the sales figures

He's got a great attitude and a strong personality to be able to overcome all this adversity and get the game out. More people need to recognise this as a trait to look up to and admire. An average person would've been overcome by the pressure and caved.
Thanks for sharing this.
Say what you will about the game itself, but the strong work ethic, dedication and hard work the team put into this deserves respect imo.
Like I said earlier, average people would've quit or displayed a negative sour attitude in the face of this level of adversity.