@Hey Everyone Even if the game came out to pc and got better graphics/framerate that still wont fix its major problems with its story and cut content. Thats what they need to address first.
Sadly that is the case hopefully FFXV on Steam comes with all the DLC, and such, so that it wouldn't have a choppy story, but also that's not the only thing the Leviathan fight needed an overhaul considering what they came up with, I hope in the future they hire more new young creative talent in the future maybe they know how to design boss fights, I mean this was under Tabata man and I will say Type-0 has some pretty great boss fights I'm not going to lie especially Gilgamesh oh my god now that I will say right now, holy shit that boss fight was just I was running a little bitch with Ace oh my goodness, it's better to One v One him, using your reserves is worthless, he will kill them. So what happened with the Leviathan fight that made them think that it was remotely acceptable.
You know I was kinda just hoping for a PC Port that came out near the console launch like MGS V(granted even that one has an incomplete story but you get the point), I mean the hype that I had when Based God Kojima announced at Gamescom MGS V for Steam I was like "whoo dodged a bullet there, as I was about to buy a PS4", and the PC Port was pretty great to. Kinda wishing ffxv game didn't have glaring story issues, glaring gameplay issues, then that PC Port I would have been fine with them, just making it a simple port that is on par with Metal Gear Solid V(Now that's a port) if that would mean getting it out on Steam before 2018, have DLC that doesn't detract from the story, and release a special ultra super duper FINAL FANTASY XV ARMIGER EDITION PS4, XBOX ONE, AND STEAM.
Then later down the road have Nomura make an alternate universe story of FInal Fantasy XV, called Final Fantasy Versus XV, encompassing the entire story of Final Fantasy Versus XIII, as well as the gameplay hopefully like Kingdom Hearts and the FF7 Remake combat system, but more like Kingdom Hearts, I love me that command deck, not a big fan of this combat system(seriously magic grenades? This is Final Fantasy not Call of Duty) I mean I like it more than the nightmare that is FFXIII, and more than FF1-9, 12, and 14.