FFXV discussion thread [No Spoilers]

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Jan 17, 2016
Worcester, UK
Epic, emotional, powerful and memorable.
Hope you picked a good one of Prompto's pictures T_T
Yeah I did...Does it have any other significance apart from the



I am really pissed off with the flying car. They managing to make flying around the world so epic, yet landing it is so hard, i can't actually be bothered to fly the car. Fucking waste.
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SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Well apart from the certificate
it shows Noctis picking up the photo you chose from his throne when he and Luna are depicted in the 'afterlife'. It would completey wreck the moment if say you chose a picture of Cindy xD

Yeh it sucks.
I only flew it for a few seconds as I decided to not go back to the game anyway after completing the game as overall it left a bad taste in my mouth


Warrior of Light
Mar 18, 2016
Re: The car

I was lucky enough to already have an idea about it so I wasn't disappointed, but I promise you, landing is NOT that hard once you get the hang of it. The car still isn't super practical because it'll almost always be faster to just to fast travel, or easier to just let Ignis drive.

But, landing it is actually totally safe and not hard at all. I actually tend to fly right above the roads anyway, just because it feels like it's super fast that way. But, once you're at a low enough elevation to the road, it tries to follow the road for you anyway. All you need to do at that point is hit X and kinda keep it in line for a few seconds. I crashed it the first time, and only because I waited too long to hit X, but It's never been close to dangerous since.


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
To clarify, I had no problems wit controlling and landing the car. Just founding it underwhelming so didn't bother with it as well as the post game stuff


SOLDIER Second Class
May 25, 2016
Australia M8
Well hey, that's really good news that they are still listening to feedback, and aren't ashamed to fixing the issues present. I know it would've been better if it was all g at the time it came out, but its still great.
Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Omg guys great news!!

Tabata and team are gonna be expanding the story on the second half as well as adding in more updates to the game as an appreciation effort for shipping 5 millions copies!!

So happy.


Edit: Just saw that this was posted on the general thread but my notifications didn't tell me. My bad for double posting but hopefully this will save people a few clicks convenience wise.
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Likes: AverageAfro


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
If you're anything like me, that'll change. ;) I used them for beatdowns of vulnerable enemies. (Looking at you, "baby.") I ended up playing a counter-attacking strategy, with Ignis' Regroup ability when I needed to soften up a mob with magic.

I'm constantly amazed by the strategy needed for some of the hunts and optional dungeons, even those at lower recommended levels.
I actually just played this morning a bit before college, and I stopped using the fire-imbued broadsword (don't know how it's called in the English localization) so much as I got the definitive (I think?) version of that upgradable spear. Still use the broadsword in a crowd-control manner.

Still haven't really even looked beyond the initial companion skills, as I have mostly spent my AP in Noctis' exclusive abilities tbh (I've got the Airdance shit maxed already).

Also, I'm already in Duscae, and I'm not kidding when I say that this looks like an entirely different game: Leide was technically poor, boringly designed and not at all appealing art-wise; Duscae looks gorgeous, it's full of events, animals, monsters, NPCs and landmarks. The forests make it look bigger and more alive, and so do the differences in terrain height. And I haven't even explored anything beyond the gas station, the Chocobo farm and Deadeye's hunt (I feel terrible about this poor guy. Poor animals in this game I swear).

Oh, and just got my Chocobo (Choco, in honour to my beautiful bird in FFIX). It's fast and responsive, so everything's alright.
Likes: Jubileus


Warrior of Light
Oct 7, 2016
Hurting innocent Garulas makes me feel guilty.

They're quite adorable. They're like fluffy mini elephants.

Same goes for the Anaks. They're either grazing or sleeping and I roll in and butcher them all.

So yes poor animals in this game indeed xD


SOLDIER, First Class
Mar 27, 2016
Damn, wish those 'updates' were in the base game. I lost motivation completely to go back to the game after completing it but now I feel the urge to go back with the news of them adding some meat to the main scenario.


Keyblade Master
May 18, 2014
Madrid, Spain
It's the fact that they don't attack you unless you initiate the battle :(

And I felt pretty bad about Deadeye too. Poor dude just wanted to live quietly and all of the sudden a group of rich snobs from a foreign city start blasting fire on his ass.