It's easier to give the spoiler free impressions first. It'll give me the to collect my thoughts before I write you all a goddamn thesis tomorrow.
My first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy II, as it was once called, for the SNES. Far enough back to feel obligated to point out that I know that it was really VI in Japan because there was a time when people legitimately didn't kniw. My father played it and we watched as a family. We rented it and my father gave me the option to buy it for us if we wanted to play. I was being polite, so I said nah, it was all good. But that night, I couldn't get it out of my head. It was the music, mostly, but also the story. That night, I regretted saying no so badly, I cried myself to sleep. I loved the game, and I needed to play it for myself.
Since then, it's the only series I ever got on day one, every time. And every time, gobbled up whatever I could about them before release.
And every time, except for VI, I fucking hated it at first, lol. Every time. It's a side effect of this thing you've been waiting for and anticipating for what feels like forever suddenly becoming realized. It's not hate, that's the wrong word. It's like the game is my baby that I'm pregnant with during the development period, and when it's "born", I suffer from postpartum depression. If that makes any sense.
But anyway, since I know this happens, I did what no man on the internet has ever boldly done, and instead of bitching about everything, I shut the fuck up and waited until it all clicked instead. Ok, maybe not totally shut up, lol. But, for me... I think world wide, I've got like 15,000 posts about this game since Episode Duscae. This is me shutting up, lol.
But, they always do click. Warts and all, this game is one if my babies, and there's beauty in every one of them if you're not a total dickhole on the inside. That's why everyone argues about them all the damn time. People are finding beauty in different things, and we feel a personal connection to our favorites.
But, that beauty, and those moments that moved you, that's what the definition of Final Fantasy to me. Each one of them has moments that resonate with me in a certain way that hits a certain note. That's the common factor, and that's what makes a game a Final Fantasy game.
This game is no exception, to any of this. The ending is great and I'll go into it more in the spoiler forum tomorrow instead of working. But I will say this: This game may sound like it's a different tune at first, but it hits those notes. What it does right, it dues very, very right. It was overall one if the most beautiful games over ever played, and the ending was totally fitting and satisfying. And there's officially a new member of the family.