Beat it yesterday and had great fun, even though I wish I hadn't seen the whole Chapter 1 (and 2, and part of 3, 4 and 5...). I noticed some things missing (like the cat in the bridge), so I'm guessing they took out some sidequests.
The combat feel so much better now that PD is basically a joke (also, the magic system, while roughly the same, is much more responsive and fast right now. I don't know a lick of Japanese though, so I don't know how to get new flasks lol).
And the game looks either great (night time and in settlements) or a bit bland (some texture and your usual open-world jankiness, but that's to be expected, especially in an area as -usually- bland as a desert). Haven't encountered any big bug in my 2:30 playthrough.
A shame we couldn't pick Chocobos yet, because it was a little tedious if you wanted to travel vast distances without the car.
BTW, do we know if they're adding a bestiary where we can see the 3D models? I know Tabata talked about that a while ago. I'm guessing it's an option later on? I'm wondering as I really want to see the Bandersnatch I completely fucked up yesterday at level 6! It wasn't very hard tbh (you can very easily spam warp strikes from high locations and, well, it's in easy mode). Only Prompto managed to survived, I'm guessing because of his non-melee fighting style. Haven't even encountered yet a Giant; the only other Daemons I've seen so far are water-based Flans on the road to GQ.
Also, you can basically stay as much as you want during Chapter 0 provided you don't get very close. I checked Noctis' new model and man, it's fire. Also could get a look at the rest and they all look amazing.