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Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I was actually disappointed that this wasn’t waiting in Insomnia when the game released lol
I'm actually more shocked that Ardyn doesn't summon him as an undead to piss off noct even more at the end. It'd give more emotional closure to Noct as well.

I feel like Glauca should have been the penultimate bossfight. Perhaps another update somewhere else down the line could utilize him though.


Chocobo Knight
Feb 25, 2018
We've gathered so much from the data-dumps, I still wonder why Square Enix chose to put spoilers in their benchmark and Windows Edition demo.
Surely they know fans will look, it's only the most hardcore fans that actually follow this though, so I doubt they cared much.

I'm mostly interested in the new out of bounds videos that will pop up once the pc version releases.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
So...any changes in the Final Boss?
A third phase or him using some moves from Episode Ignis would be cool.
Unless it's just hidden really well, it doesn't seem like it has been changed. It's possible that it is similar to Episode Ignis's fight now though (I'm hoping at least the Chapter 3 verse 2's version of the fight). I really want to see a more cinematic fight with Ardyn and that pink scythe (which I'm assuming is his Royal Arm?)

Edit: Just remember that anything is possible. Me not finding anything doesn't mean that the fight has not changed
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Jan 7, 2017
@FFChocobo18 Well, remembering how spoilery were last trailers for the vanila version, it seems they learned their lesson. Trailer doing preety good job for both parts of audience: updated final chapter for newcomers showing how cool will be the end of the game and for the old players two more reason for replaying - more Ardyn and Omega.


SOLDIER Second Class
Feb 23, 2018
Unless it's just hidden really well, it doesn't seem like it has been changed. It's possible that it is similar to Episode Ignis's fight now though (I'm hoping at least the Chapter 3 verse 2's version of the fight). I really want to see a more cinematic fight with Ardyn and that pink scythe (which I'm assuming is his Royal Arm?)

Edit: Just remember that anything is possible. Me not finding anything doesn't mean that the fight has not changed
Thanks a lot. I guessed this would be the case, because in the recent interviews Tabata said this dlc would be about how Noctis gets to Insomnia.
Feb 2, 2017
I'm actually fine with the final fight as is. Maybe I'm alone but it's one of my favorite in the series. 1-on-1, intense confrontation, with a top tier final boss theme. That said, I'm....I'm actually getting a bit hot under the collar thinking about fighting Ardyn with Armiger unleashed lol wait wait wait...I need to calm my thoughts before I overheat.
Feb 19, 2018
Unless it's just hidden really well, it doesn't seem like it has been changed. It's possible that it is similar to Episode Ignis's fight now though (I'm hoping at least the Chapter 3 verse 2's version of the fight). I really want to see a more cinematic fight with Ardyn and that pink scythe (which I'm assuming is his Royal Arm?)

Edit: Just remember that anything is possible. Me not finding anything doesn't mean that the fight has not changed
The scythe seems like it's just another one of the energy attacks that the full armiger can do. I pointed this out a while back in one of the other threads but Armiger Unleashed looks a lot closer to the stuff Ardyn already does with Noct even having the weapons huddle around him in various formations like Ardyn in Verse 2 though granted I haven't seen any armiger wings yet. It would also honestly make the most sense that Ardyn just straight up doesn't have a personal Royal Arm due to his magical mastery. His fight with Noct is really the only time we ever see him sword fight. Anyways the energy scythe just seems like an alternative to the energy sword he summons in the final main game battle so I wouldn't pay too much attention to that lore wise. Ardyn's moveset in the original fight isn't half bad either as it is now. It's just that he's not aggressive enough and it's too easy to beat him down before he can really strut his stuff. So while I'm hoping they do include extra moves from Verse 2 like the armiger wings and scythe I'm mostly just hoping they make that fight harder in general cuz there's a lot of cool stuff already in it that's easy to miss if you go all out. Like Ardyn tossing out elemental spells, using an area of effect attack that launches you into the air, or the giant energy sword I previously mentioned.


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
Yup I'm totally okay with just some of his additional stuff from Ignis as a fight improvement (could very well be why I don't see anything about it in the files, since Episode Ignis already made the improvements) or just pumping up the difficulty on it. I have a feeling it will receive some changes at some point.

But man, would I kill for a Glauca fight or even a Diamond weapon one. Both just seemed so intense in Kingsglaive. I loved the little more they gave Diamond weapon in Prompto's episode.

^On that note Verstael fucking teases how strong Diamond Weapon is (saying his prototype Immortalis is not as strong) in one of the cassette tapes....like bruh give us that fight already
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Feb 19, 2018
Yup I'm totally okay with just some of his additional stuff from Ignis as a fight improvement (could very well be why I don't see anything about it in the files, since Episode Ignis already made the improvements) or just pumping up the difficulty on it. I have a feeling it will receive some changes at some point.

But man, would I kill for a Glauca fight or even a Diamond weapon one. Both just seemed so intense in Kingsglaive. I loved the little more they gave Diamond weapon in Prompto's episode.

^On that note Verstael fucking teases how strong Diamond Weapon is (saying his prototype Immortalis is not as strong) in one of the cassette tapes....like bruh give us that fight already
I definitely feel you on the Glauca and Diamond Weapon fights. King Noctis deserves to show what he's made of against the Empire's strongest weapons and Glauca just has too much history and personal ties to just completely be dropped from the game. Noctis' grandfather is responsible for Glauca's home's destruction and Glauca is responsible for murdering Noctis' dad and destroying his home. They even have the Kingsglaive base in the game now so it would be a perfect time to include him as a boss you encounter in that base. His fighting style could be a hybrid of Ravus and Aranea so you get a fight to rival the Kingsglaive finale out of him. I seriously hope Square realizes how much people wanna kick his ass in game. Lol


Warrior of Light
Oct 1, 2016
I definitely feel you on the Glauca and Diamond Weapon fights. King Noctis deserves to show what he's made of against the Empire's strongest weapons and Glauca just has too much history and personal ties to just completely be dropped from the game. Noctis' grandfather is responsible for Glauca's home's destruction and Glauca is responsible for murdering Noctis' dad and destroying his home. They even have the Kingsglaive base in the game now so it would be a perfect time to include him as a boss you encounter in that base. His fighting style could be a hybrid of Ravus and Aranea so you get a fight to rival the Kingsglaive finale out of him. I seriously hope Square realizes how much people wanna kick his ass in game. Lol
I've always imagined Ardyn giving one final "gift" of retribution to Noctis before taking him on, basically sicking a Daemonized Glauca on him and telling him "this" is what killed his father.

Headcanon sucks sometimes.....

Hopefully something like this does happen at some point. The next 4 DLC are supposed to be much closer to the main game over the other separate episodes to there are chances to update the story more I assume. I'm glad that the Kings and Cerberus are already adding more to the original ending, but man imagine a Glauca fight on top of that......damnit.

Wena Washo

PSICOM Soldier
Nov 30, 2017
I've always imagined Ardyn giving one final "gift" of retribution to Noctis before taking him on, basically sicking a Daemonized Glauca on him and telling him "this" is what killed his father.

Headcanon sucks sometimes.....

Hopefully something like this does happen at some point. The next 4 DLC are supposed to be much closer to the main game over the other separate episodes to there are chances to update the story more I assume. I'm glad that the Kings and Cerberus are already adding more to the original ending, but man imagine a Glauca fight on top of that......damnit.
If they do add Glauca, hopefully they properly set up his character and conflict during the game. If they only add him as a boss right at the end, it would mark his only appearance other than Noctis telling him "Drautos, he's in your hands" as a throwaway line during the first minutes of the game. To me that would be another example of setup/payoff done wrong and would only add to the game's feeling of disjointedness.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017
If they do add Glauca, hopefully they properly set up his character and conflict during the game. If they only add him as a boss right at the end, it would mark his only appearance other than Noctis telling him "Drautos, he's in your hands" as a throwaway line during the first minutes of the game. To me that would be another example of setup/payoff done wrong and would only add to the game's feeling of disjointedness.
One pay off I would like to see is of what triggered Gladiolus to yell at Noctis on the train and Fodina Coastino in Chapter 10, I want to know where it started, as it felt jarring to me because it came out of nowhere.
Feb 19, 2018
If they do add Glauca, hopefully they properly set up his character and conflict during the game. If they only add him as a boss right at the end, it would mark his only appearance other than Noctis telling him "Drautos, he's in your hands" as a throwaway line during the first minutes of the game. To me that would be another example of setup/payoff done wrong and would only add to the game's feeling of disjointedness.
Yeah agreed, it can't just be Glauca just randomly jumping out and fighting, first and foremost he's gotta have a proper introduction with cutscenes from there either he's gotta be half daemon with just enough consciousness left that he can exchange a good amount words with Noctis and Gladio or I also really like @Paperchampion23's suggestion where you could have Ardyn show up at the base with daemonified Glauca, inform the boys of his role in the fall of the city, and then have him attack the boys (would also be great if he retains enough consciousness to talk in this scenario as well). Honestly I'd be over the moon if he's already in there somehow but that part of the info is just not in the benchmark and demo or is just really well hidden. Again the changes to Nyx's daggers' location and the addition of the KG base just reek of setup. I'm not gonna get my hopes up but I'm still gonna be cautiously optimistic.
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