Okay then, but I don't have the Windows Edition, and I'm not really a data-miner myself, I only just read on them. Also, about those unused animations of Ravus, can we see them if they are out there as gifs?

I'll have to look through the server and see if I can find the other gifs, apparently they were trying to confirm about some being used or unused. One set apparently belongs to a kind of rare animation, so a lot of people were talking and trying to figure out if there was some sort of set trigger for it within the game or if it's some sort of random one.
Ravus can't actually be downed as a guest, but he does have an animation for it and Sylva's posted the audio files for it too.
I'm looking at that Datamine thread from Sylva again and apparently there were mentions of different route choices for Noctis, Ardyn, and Luna(?) from what could be their respective Episodic DLC?
At the same time, I think Sylva's just not expecting much. I know ArbyWorks was corrected on the post before because someone else brought it up on Reddit this week, and Sylva mentioned it but I don't know if he's actually posted about it anywhere, but the Ardyn dialogue apparently dates to a point where there's things in the files that mention expanded Insomnia. Sylva said in a PM that he found mentions of the Insomnia Underpass, but there were notes for that pending changes or finalization.
Something along those lines, would have to check my messages, I just remember that he said that he didn't find the Kingsglaive Base mentioned, but the Underpass and some other areas we've only seen recently for sure. Didn't find the dungeons that seem to be cut, he was disappointed about that and a few other things he's wanted.
So, from my understanding of what he said, and what he's posted, these seem to have been integrated at some point to Insomnia.
So with what he's found, I can see why he's not expecting much, or is expecting things to probably be reused in some way. Sylva also mentioned there's another cutscene he hasn't put back together again, but I don't know if he's going to do it or not since it took him ages to upload the last one.