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Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Quoting myself from the General thread:

Okay, here's a thought:

Per Sylva, the final choice with Bahamut matters somehow.

There are three options: god, king, and human.

There is not, presumably, significant dialogue to go with those options.

There are, however, three postscripts in the final game.

Each postscript reflects one option:
- The recapitulation of the beginning reflects "human" insofar as it may have been used in the context of actually resetting time to allow Noct a normal life.
- The campsite scene reflects "king," because it shows Noct accepting his destiny and responsibility as king.
- The scene with Luna reflects "god," as it shows Noct and Luna as something more than human.

Maybe a decision was made to remove the choice so that all three postscripts could be used in a single canon ending!
After considering it further, I realized that there is, in fact, further evidence for the "three endings" theory!

Consider this:

"Be a human:"

"Be a king:"

"Be a god:"

Given the fact that Too Much Is Never Enough and I Will Be were original compositions commissioned from a well-known artist, their current use as secondary credits and trailer music doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But, if there were originally intended to be three endings, commissioning three songs makes a lot more sense.


Warrior of Light
Jul 14, 2015
Very Intriguing theory, if i may ask, do you think it's also possible that the team may be revisiting idea of three endings in a more repurposed fashion?
Likes: Lord_Ham_Mork
Feb 19, 2018
Very Intriguing theory, if i may ask, do you think it's also possible that the team may be revisiting idea of three endings in a more repurposed fashion?
If this theory holds true then maybe if Noct sacrificing himself is the neutral ending Episode Noctis will give us the other two endings they originally thought about including where he goes rogue. He either brings ruin to all things around him by getting ahead of himself and becomes the new Ardyn or he finds a way to utilize the crystal in such a manner that he can give everyone the ending they desire (Episode Ignis opened up this possibility in Verse 2 when Noct overturned a sacrifice of the ring by pleading to the crystal). I'm starting to think maybe the original ending wasn't the only way to bring peace, it was just the only 100% guaranteed method of success with other methods being really big gambles that could potentially cause Noctis to die without fulfilling his calling or to become corrupted hence why Noctis is lead down a very strict path in the original story because the Astrals can't afford to give him freedom like they did to Ardyn.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
If this theory holds true then maybe if Noct sacrificing himself is the neutral ending Episode Noctis will give us the other two endings they originally thought about including where he goes rogue. He either brings ruin to all things around him by getting ahead of himself and becomes the new Ardyn or he finds a way to utilize the crystal in such a manner that he can give everyone the ending they desire (Episode Ignis opened up this possibility in Verse 2 when Noct overturned a sacrifice of the ring by pleading to the crystal). I'm starting to think maybe the original ending wasn't the only way to bring peace, it was just the only 100% guaranteed method of success with other methods being really big gambles that could potentially cause Noctis to die without fulfilling his calling or to become corrupted hence why Noctis is lead down a very strict path in the original story because the Astrals can't afford to give him freedom like they did to Ardyn.
If the recapitulation of the opening scene was drawn from the initial concept for a "be a normal person" ending, that in and of itself might suggest the reason why the Astrals wouldn't consider that an option.

Merely resetting time wouldn't provide the means to eliminate the Scourge or deal with the threat posed by the Empire. But here's what might: using the Crystal to rewrite time such that neither the Scourge nor the Crystal are in play. That's one of the few scenarios that could result in a world where Noct and Luna could get married without incident, and Uncle Ardyn could casually hang out with them and their kids.

It would also plausibly have the consequence of removing the magical/divine influence from the world, which would obviously be something the Astrals would want to avoid.

The new choices, then, could be as follows:

1) "Be a king" -- the canon path, and probably also the shortest in the DLC. Noct sacrifices himself, and he and Luna serve as new divine guardians of the world and the Crystal's light.
2) "Be a normal person" -- the "alternate grand finale," where Noct finds a way to reverse time and allow everyone to live as non-magical humans but severs the world's connection to divinity in the process.
3) "Be a god" -- the "super bad" ending, where Noct is corrupted. This would also provide an excuse to include Luna (a la Omen), Shiva, Ramuh, and/or Bahamut (a la his most over-the-top Comrades battle) as a massive boss rush.


Balamb Garden Freshman
Oct 1, 2016
If the recapitulation of the opening scene was drawn from the initial concept for a "be a normal person" ending, that in and of itself might suggest the reason why the Astrals wouldn't consider that an option.

Merely resetting time wouldn't provide the means to eliminate the Scourge or deal with the threat posed by the Empire. But here's what might: using the Crystal to rewrite time such that neither the Scourge nor the Crystal are in play. That's one of the few scenarios that could result in a world where Noct and Luna could get married without incident, and Uncle Ardyn could casually hang out with them and their kids.

It would also plausibly have the consequence of removing the magical/divine influence from the world, which would obviously be something the Astrals would want to avoid.

The new choices, then, could be as follows:

1) "Be a king" -- the canon path, and probably also the shortest in the DLC. Noct sacrifices himself, and he and Luna serve as new divine guardians of the world and the Crystal's light.
2) "Be a normal person" -- the "alternate grand finale," where Noct finds a way to reverse time and allow everyone to live as non-magical humans but severs the world's connection to divinity in the process.
3) "Be a god" -- the "super bad" ending, where Noct is corrupted. This would also provide an excuse to include Luna (a la Omen), Shiva, Ramuh, and/or Bahamut (a la his most over-the-top Comrades battle) as a massive boss rush.
Uncle ardyn,kids,the friends of boctis, well there is a concept art of this released by Square enix isn't?


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
If the recapitulation of the opening scene was drawn from the initial concept for a "be a normal person" ending, that in and of itself might suggest the reason why the Astrals wouldn't consider that an option.

Merely resetting time wouldn't provide the means to eliminate the Scourge or deal with the threat posed by the Empire. But here's what might: using the Crystal to rewrite time such that neither the Scourge nor the Crystal are in play. That's one of the few scenarios that could result in a world where Noct and Luna could get married without incident, and Uncle Ardyn could casually hang out with them and their kids.

It would also plausibly have the consequence of removing the magical/divine influence from the world, which would obviously be something the Astrals would want to avoid.

The new choices, then, could be as follows:

1) "Be a king" -- the canon path, and probably also the shortest in the DLC. Noct sacrifices himself, and he and Luna serve as new divine guardians of the world and the Crystal's light.
2) "Be a normal person" -- the "alternate grand finale," where Noct finds a way to reverse time and allow everyone to live as non-magical humans but severs the world's connection to divinity in the process.
3) "Be a god" -- the "super bad" ending, where Noct is corrupted. This would also provide an excuse to include Luna (a la Omen), Shiva, Ramuh, and/or Bahamut (a la his most over-the-top Comrades battle) as a massive boss rush.
I'll be extremely disappointed if they use the time travel get-out clause. It's the cheapest one in the book.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
I'll be extremely disappointed if they use the time travel get-out clause. It's the cheapest one in the book.
It wouldn't really be time travel so much as sacrificing the Crystal to rewrite the world to an ideal state that never really existed in the first place. Kind like a certain other Tabata game, actually. ;)
Likes: Vankwisha


Warrior of Light
May 2, 2016
It wouldn't really be time travel so much as sacrificing the Crystal to rewrite the world to an ideal state that never really existed in the first place. Kind like a certain other Tabata game, actually. ;)
Really? Which?

In FF Type-0, Class Zero's sacrifice persuades Arecia to end her experiment and liberate Orience, but the land is still in a state of chaos for years and much of its population (including nearly the entire central cast) remain dead. The 3rd Birthday Aya dies anyway and Eve is left alone in a world where she's effectively an alien without family or friends. In Agito, the impetus is started for Type-0's events, but everything still ends with the world dying and the experiment starting all over again.

If you're meaning way-out-there alternate joke/fanservice endings then yes, I guess a certain one of his games did have that. But if that's all this DLC is, I'm still gonna be a bit disappointed. They were talking about it so profoundly. And unlike Yoko Taro, they can't do both at once.


Warrior of Light
Oct 30, 2016
Really? Which?

In FF Type-0, Class Zero's sacrifice persuades Arecia to end her experiment and liberate Orience, but the land is still in a state of chaos for years and much of its population (including nearly the entire central cast) remain dead. The 3rd Birthday Aya dies anyway and Eve is left alone in a world where she's effectively an alien without family or friends. In Agito, the impetus is started for Type-0's events, but everything still ends with the world dying and the experiment starting all over again.

If you're meaning way-out-there alternate joke/fanservice endings then yes, I guess a certain one of his games did have that. But if that's all this DLC is, I'm still gonna be a bit disappointed. They were talking about it so profoundly. And unlike Yoko Taro, they can't do both at once.
I was talking about the "joke ending," yeah, as that seemed to serve a similar purpose.

And, honestly, I'd much rather have something trivial than risk everything canon worked so hard to build.


Warrior of Light
Oct 26, 2013
unused / altered sidequests
Cooperate in solving a case; "Detective" quests.

Collect materials to assist with restoration of the power plant in Lestallum; "Factory repair" quests.

Camelia has requested assistance with guards, booths; "Police quests"

Weskham's black market goods
Cooperate with the sales for Weskham; "Spy quests".

Umbra is somewhere in Lestallum
Look for him, and put stickers into the notebook
; "Umbra quests".

Clearing House quests
Exterminate pests, and rescue trapped people.

Hiking subquests.

Collection of ammonite fossils, part of the newspaper subquests.

Retrieval of missing items, part of the newspaper and notice board subquests.

Monthly Automotive magazine subquests.
:/ altissia had more sidequests from the looks of it, instead of only hunts and mini-games.

there would be more magazines in the world giving information (like pointing out localization of items and enemies, lost and found notices...), you would get some quests from them.

umbra in lestallum reminds me of this video:

Last edited:


PSICOM Soldier
Mar 20, 2018
Anyone try looking through the updated benchmark? Curious to see if there are any changes to it besides DLSS since it should be based on a newer branch than the current game build.


Warrior of Light
Jan 9, 2017