Just let it ride man. No everyone's gonna get pumped up. And that's fine. All that matters is if you are enjoying yourself. And hopefully your enthusiasm will be rewarded.
I was pumped last year cause it was coming. This year doesn’t have the same vibes.
Personally, it’s not going to bother me if it doesn’t show up. I’m more hyped for the new Zelda game and Monolith Soft’s new title.
One thing that I don’t get though is the thinking that Square Enix has to show the game at E3 this year.
Is it because fans will get pissed off? Well, they’re a fickle bunch and Square Enix most likely knows that. They’ll flip a switch the minute you present them new news. This happened at E3 last year. They don’t really care how and where they get the news as long as the get the news.
Unless some pissed off fan manages to turn into a raging golden monkey and threatens to fire a Texas-sized meteor at Square Enix HQ. They not really concerned and will continue to operate business as usual.
Is it because of shareholders? Well, they already know the game isn’t coming out this fiscal year as Square Enix has a game unit sales forecast of 12 million. That number would be much higher if it were. During the 2010 fiscal year, FFXIII alone was 13 million in Japan. This year, they’re forecasting 3.4 million.
This really makes me think that it will not be a marketing focus anytime soon. There are also plenty of other opportunities to showcase the title as well.
Is it because they need to create some hype? Well… There is hype. It never disappeared and people keep talking about it. They’ve been talking about it for 8 years now. What I don’t think people realize is that over the years, FFXV has become quite the mysterious title and something people are curious about.
Is not sharing a lot of information on the game a hype killer or a hype builder?
If the game doesn’t show up, does that mean it’s in development hell? First of all, FFXV’s development issues are nothing like FFXIII’s. During the early days, FFXV suffered from structural problems. Direction was never an issue. Those structural issues should have been dealt with a long time ago. If they haven't been dealt with then oh boy!
Does this mean the project is delayed? No. Not really. For all we know, they have a projected release date and just don’t see the need to make such announcement yet. Not like it’s coming out this fiscal year or anything.
That said… It sounds like Square Enix’s showing will be western focused. One rumor says Deus Ex will be there. Those who are going to E3 have already scheduled their appointments and know what to expect. If there were any surprises, they probably would have already been aware of it. And those in the know aren't really saying anything this year like they were last year either.