Game of the forever
This is probably one of the worst games I have ever played. And it's glorious. Goat Simulator should be there at the end of the year amongst other terrible games in a pantheon of hellish shame for terrible games of 2014. And yet so far after some short bursts of play - which is probably the advisable way to play this game - it's probably my favourite terrible game thus far.
This is essentially a joke game. The developers flat out admit that this is deliberately a terrible game. Technical performance is almost nonexistent sometimes, and this can't be very surprising when the developers listed non-game crashing bugs as a feature of Goat Simulator, as well as a respawn feature. If at any point you are forced to use it, the game "rewards" you with a message saying that you're a voluntary Q&A tester. The developers flat out admit that the product they are selling is godawful, and at the same time the line is obfuscated more than ever. If we are meant to be entertained by the awful technical performance of this game, can we hate it for that very reason, that it is so bug-ridden and smells of no quality control?
Good questions. But I can't answer them at the moment. I'm just enchanted by the short-term bursts of fun, mindless insanity this game has to offer. I'm a goat, but this isn't a "simulator" as much as it is a game about a goat with a tongue that can stretch for a mile, defying every law of physics while proving to be almost as dangerous as a loose Gamera prowling around. It's a type of time-waster game that has nothing profound to offer except for some brainless entertainment whenever someone is bored. It's plain insane and I love least until I bore with it at some point. The map area isn't exactly big and it doesn't exactly feel alive with plasticine people - some of whom sit in indoor areas doing nothing as you destroy their property around them.
So yeah, Goat Simulator. It's a shit game. But it's oh so entertainment at least until the inevitable ceiling point when it ceases to entertain you any longer. But the first 15 minutes have been some of the most glorious moments I have ever had in a video game.

This is probably one of the worst games I have ever played. And it's glorious. Goat Simulator should be there at the end of the year amongst other terrible games in a pantheon of hellish shame for terrible games of 2014. And yet so far after some short bursts of play - which is probably the advisable way to play this game - it's probably my favourite terrible game thus far.
This is essentially a joke game. The developers flat out admit that this is deliberately a terrible game. Technical performance is almost nonexistent sometimes, and this can't be very surprising when the developers listed non-game crashing bugs as a feature of Goat Simulator, as well as a respawn feature. If at any point you are forced to use it, the game "rewards" you with a message saying that you're a voluntary Q&A tester. The developers flat out admit that the product they are selling is godawful, and at the same time the line is obfuscated more than ever. If we are meant to be entertained by the awful technical performance of this game, can we hate it for that very reason, that it is so bug-ridden and smells of no quality control?
Good questions. But I can't answer them at the moment. I'm just enchanted by the short-term bursts of fun, mindless insanity this game has to offer. I'm a goat, but this isn't a "simulator" as much as it is a game about a goat with a tongue that can stretch for a mile, defying every law of physics while proving to be almost as dangerous as a loose Gamera prowling around. It's a type of time-waster game that has nothing profound to offer except for some brainless entertainment whenever someone is bored. It's plain insane and I love least until I bore with it at some point. The map area isn't exactly big and it doesn't exactly feel alive with plasticine people - some of whom sit in indoor areas doing nothing as you destroy their property around them.
So yeah, Goat Simulator. It's a shit game. But it's oh so entertainment at least until the inevitable ceiling point when it ceases to entertain you any longer. But the first 15 minutes have been some of the most glorious moments I have ever had in a video game.