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Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Game of the forever

This is probably one of the worst games I have ever played. And it's glorious. Goat Simulator should be there at the end of the year amongst other terrible games in a pantheon of hellish shame for terrible games of 2014. And yet so far after some short bursts of play - which is probably the advisable way to play this game - it's probably my favourite terrible game thus far.

This is essentially a joke game. The developers flat out admit that this is deliberately a terrible game. Technical performance is almost nonexistent sometimes, and this can't be very surprising when the developers listed non-game crashing bugs as a feature of Goat Simulator, as well as a respawn feature. If at any point you are forced to use it, the game "rewards" you with a message saying that you're a voluntary Q&A tester. The developers flat out admit that the product they are selling is godawful, and at the same time the line is obfuscated more than ever. If we are meant to be entertained by the awful technical performance of this game, can we hate it for that very reason, that it is so bug-ridden and smells of no quality control?

Good questions. But I can't answer them at the moment. I'm just enchanted by the short-term bursts of fun, mindless insanity this game has to offer. I'm a goat, but this isn't a "simulator" as much as it is a game about a goat with a tongue that can stretch for a mile, defying every law of physics while proving to be almost as dangerous as a loose Gamera prowling around. It's a type of time-waster game that has nothing profound to offer except for some brainless entertainment whenever someone is bored. It's plain insane and I love it...at least until I bore with it at some point. The map area isn't exactly big and it doesn't exactly feel alive with plasticine people - some of whom sit in indoor areas doing nothing as you destroy their property around them.

So yeah, Goat Simulator. It's a shit game. But it's oh so entertainment at least until the inevitable ceiling point when it ceases to entertain you any longer. But the first 15 minutes have been some of the most glorious moments I have ever had in a video game.
Sounds like it's worth the $10, then...? I don't mind dumb novelty games at all!
Sounds like it's worth the $10, then...? I don't mind dumb novelty games at all!
9 days later and I reply. xD

No, I don't think it's worth the asking price. Wait for a sale, or if it's not too improbable, for more content.

A novelty game is what it is. Once the novelty burns away quickly, you're left with the realisation that it's got a considerable dearth in terms of value, unless you treat it as a de-stresser that you put on now and then.

It's also very unoptimised and the framerate collapses every now and then, especially when you decide to make it rain dead goats from the air. I know lack of polish is actually one of the game's features, but at the very least you would expect it to run well enough that it doesn't significantly impair your enjoyment.

It's hugely disappointing to see how small the game world actually is. I'd have thought that a game taking the mick out of physics would have a sizeable playground, but even with this tiny sandbox you get, there's little actually worthwhile after half an hour. You can break into someone's home to ruin their dinner, but you'll get no reaction from them, and thus no satisfaction from seeing their static dinner ruined - except for the hilarious lack of collision detection, and little bugs, so the occupants and their chairs end up sticking through the walls.

"No reaction" and "no satisfaction" are key words here. You can run people over and ruin their garden parties, but the inhabitants do nothing but scream and keel over in an instant that they may as well be garden gnomes or pottery you've rammed into. Other open-world games at least grant you the satisfaction that your actions have led to some consequences, even the slightest amount, while Goat Simulator just offers a lifeless little playground.

Yeah, you can tell my initial enthusiasm for this game has gone up in smoke, haha.
Sep 26, 2013
Recently played Star Fox on the SNES. Last time I played it was back in the 90's. It surprisingly still holds up today. Figured it would feel slow but it doesn't. Great game. Not real easy either. Music kicks ass.
Likes: Azuardo


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Final Fantasy XIV. Goodness, I just cannot get enough of it. If I could settle down in the life side of things, I would definitely pay for a lengthy subscription. Trying to get the most out of it whilst I have these free 30 days! I've never bothered with MMOs in the past, so the whole concept is rather new to me, but I can see why these games are so addictive.

Nintendo Pocket Football Club is another I'm on at the moment. Basically a much less content-packed Football Manager game for 3DS. It grows stale quick, unfortunately. Becomes more about watching than doing anything else.
Last edited:
Bravely Default is the main game I'm going through right now.

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate because it's my favorite fighter.

Pokemon Y because I play it competitively with local and online friends. (Steel-type ftw!)

Project Diva F (PS3) naturally as I'm a huge Miku fan.

Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus because anime boobs are fantastic boobs.
Likes: Azuardo


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Bravely Default is the main game I'm going through right now.

Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate because it's my favorite fighter.

Pokemon Y because I play it competitively with local and online friends. (Steel-type ftw!)

Project Diva F (PS3) naturally as I'm a huge Miku fan.

Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus because anime boobs are fantastic boobs.
Points for DOA5U. Love that damn game.


Network Boss-man
UFFSite Veteran
Site Staff
Jul 25, 2013
Solihull, UK
Sooo... the Minecraft addiction has reared its head again. It's bitten me bad this time. It's amazing how much this game is like an RPG.

Also... been back on Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition. Preparing myself and brushing up my skills again ready for Ultra SF4.
Sep 26, 2013
Just beat Epic Mickey. I like the concept of old forgotten Disney characters. Camera and pointer controls are not that great. Can get annoying at times. That's my only issue with the game. Can't complain really as Amazon was selling it dirt cheap.

I also wish it was darker. A lot darker. But this is probably as dark as Disney would go. It'd be pretty sweet to see animatronic Donald Duck go bat shit crazy and try to eat Mickey or something.

Prince Naphtali

Dec 23, 2013
I just started playing Dragon age origins and 2, and I'm trying to finish up all final fantasies and white Knight Chronicles I and II by the end of summer (it doesn't take me that long to beat them). I was thinking about go through Lunar and Chrono Cross again. As for handhelds I'm playing through Radiant Historia <3 , Suikoden Tierkreiss, Sands Of Destruction, TLOZ OOT 3ds and pokemon Y. Wish me luck


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
Xillia is awesome. I recently fell in love with the Tales series and had a blast playing that one.
Yeah they are great fun, especially the battle systems. Over the years they went from cliched characters to having characters that start out cliche and then usually alter in a big way halfway thru the story. The next 3 Tales games are all confirmed to be released in the US. So you can get them too. Hearts R on Vita, and Zestiria and Xillia 2 are on PS3. I've played Symphonia, Vesperia, Xillia, Abyss, World, Phantasia, and Legendia. But most of them aren't released outside of JPN.
May 26, 2014
Ah, so you've played a lot of them. I'm definitely gonna keeping an eye on Zestiria and Hearts R. I already know I won't play Xillia 2 though. As great as the first game was, the sequel is all about time travel and alternate timelines and rewriting history and whatnot, and that completely repels me. I guess in that respect it's similar to XIII-2 (which I also didn't play).

The ones I've played so far are: Abyss, Graces, and Xillia. Unpopular opinion: I absolutely abhorred Abyss. Would definitely recommend Graces though, as it's probably my favorite of the three I played.


Knight of Death
May 28, 2014
You're right about Xillia 2. It's seems like a bad idea to do time travel most time. Easy way to hit plot holes. I'm gonna try it, but I'm not expecting it to beat Xillia in fun or story.

I forgot to put Graces F on my list. I play it, it was divine! That game had the best Mystic Artes! I hope you get to play more of them. Hopefully they'll remake the really early ones of the less known ones on Vita or PS4. I'd love to try Eternia (Reid's game) or Destiny 2 (I'd say Destiny, but it was remade on PS2 already, not sure they'll do it again).
May 26, 2014
Yeah, finally some Graces love! I feel like it's one of the most underrated games in the series. Don't know how likely any remakes are, but It'd be pretty sweet if they could put some of the older titles on PSN. And I really want to play Vesperia, but Bamco basically confirmed that it's never coming out on PS3 in English, and I don't have a 360 so...

Anyway, currently playing Mana Khemia 2. It's... ok. I've been playing a lot of JRPGs lately. Which isn't a bad thing, but I kind of want to play something else. I've wanted to play The Last of Us since it first came out, so perhaps now's the time.


May 15, 2014
Westminster, Maryland
Yeah, finally some Graces love! I feel like it's one of the most underrated games in the series. Don't know how likely any remakes are, but It'd be pretty sweet if they could put some of the older titles on PSN. And I really want to play Vesperia, but Bamco basically confirmed that it's never coming out on PS3 in English, and I don't have a 360 so...

Anyway, currently playing Mana Khemia 2. It's... ok. I've been playing a lot of JRPGs lately. Which isn't a bad thing, but I kind of want to play something else. I've wanted to play The Last of Us since it first came out, so perhaps now's the time.
You should definitely play The Last of Us. Such an amazing game and i am most likely going to re get it for the PS4. Let me know what you think of it.


Keyblade Master
Sep 26, 2013
Just finished Wolfenstein: The New Order - great game! I don't play many FPS, but this was a lot of fun.

Also on Mario Kart 8 a lot, and will be starting Watch Dogs and Transistor soon.