I just don't think it looks that smooth. Sometimes it looks good most of the time it doesn't. This isn't the Foundation engine.
It has this odd look to it. Sometimes I look at other games and sigh. All the stuff they said the engine couldn't do too. Like, Leviathan was supposed to be way better than it was.
What's the Foundation engine?
It's important to remember that different games are operating under different constraints. It's not really fair to compare an open world game with real-time GI to a linear corridor game with baked GI.
It's also to remember that engines evolve. I think the setpieces in Episode Ignis were more impressive than the Leviathan setpiece from the original game, probably because they had more time to work on the engine.
EDIT: Oh, Foundation Engine is Crystal Dynamics' Tomb Raider engine. In that case, I think the most important factor is the vast difference in scope between the two games -- Tomb Raider never needs to worry about four party members, fifteen enemies, or loading in a summon who will require the camera to shift hundreds of feet in the air.