I was only asking a question about if anyone here had seen it yet or not, as to my knowledge I didn't see any threads about it here on this site. Also, since the PS5 is backwards compatible with PS4 games, I thought I'd bring this up as FFXV might be be able to be played on the PS5, and speculations if there'll be a PS5 version of the game or not due to the backwards compatibility.
Mark Cerny used as an example how fast Spiderman load the screens.
I can see a patch with the 4K textures Xbox One X has, locked 60 fps and reduced load times.
Mark Cerny used as an example how fast Spiderman load the screens.
I can see a patch with the 4K textures Xbox One X has, locked 60 fps and reduced load times.
XV would indeed get a boost in performance but I dont think the game itself will get a "new" patch to make use of the new console specs. So at most XV on PS5 would only get the PS4Pro enhancements patch but with more stability and consistency due the superior hardware.
The default SSD + Ray tracing info seriously opens up gates to incredible potential next gen, especially with the former in regards to asset streaming and such.
XV would indeed get a boost in performance but I dont think the game itself will get a "new" patch to make use of the new console specs. So at most XV on PS5 would only get the PS4Pro enhancements patch but with more stability and consistency due the superior hardware.
I don't know -- I'd expect a remaster (and maybe some additional content -- one can dream) for the PS5 given the re(-re)-releases of FFIX, FFX and FFXII.
Didn't know where to post this but seems like Tomohiro Hasegawa who was one of the Art Directors on XV and had been on the game since Versus has left Square Enix/Luminous Productions and now works at JP Games with Tabata under the title of "Game Creator".
Tabata did not cancel FFXV Season 2. He made plans to leave before it was cancelled and he was no longer directly leading the team that was working on the second wave of DLC.
I never looked into ff xiv but there were moments that they got me thinking that they put there ps3 versus noctis model but a bit less shiny ;v never knew this game looked so outdated lol
Honestly I think that when Aera was killed, the Gods simply said oops and created a new and improved version of her. One that has healing powers because as far as we know Aera didn't even have the power to heal Starscourge so why would her lineage suddenly have that ability?
Honestly I think that when Aera was killed, the Gods simply said oops and created a new and improved version of her. One that has healing powers because as far as we know Aera didn't even have the power to heal Starscourge so why would her lineage suddenly have that ability?
I think she was underdeveloped so we didn't get to see her actual powers. Her character was pretty confusing in the anime e.g. "The crystal has NO will of it's own"
She was pretty inconsistent across the anime and episode Ardyn instalment.